Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1418 Resurrection

"One or two!"


"One or two!"


With the sound of trumpets, the rebel soldiers, gunners and some strong men were dragging the heavy "field artillery" and "golden cannon" up the mountain.

Zhang Shun frowned and thought to himself: This cannon is quite powerful, but it is too heavy and difficult to transport once it needs to go over mountains and ridges.

Once this battle is over, it seems that it is necessary to develop an easy-to-carry mountain gun to complete the rebel artillery system.

It turns out that since the rebels repelled the Jin Army last night, the heavy "Qingtian General Cannon" and "Feibiao Gun" have also been transported to the front line.

This morning, more than a hundred cannons were fired in unison, which only caused the Xibali Fort to collapse, scaring Hongtai and the others so much that they huddled in the city and trembled.

At this moment, Li Zicheng, Fatty Zhang and other envoys who went to pursue Hauge claimed that Baoan Old City was heavily defended and could not be attacked for a long time. It was urgent to use artillery to attack the city. Zhang ordered people to bring more than ten field cannons. , Golden Cannon went to support.

I just didn't expect that the mountain road in Ta'er Mountain is steep and difficult for heavy artillery to pass.

Zhang Shun changed several generals in succession, but could not solve this problem.

He had no choice but to take advantage of the fact that Hong Tai and others did not dare to show their faces, and secretly came to Ta'er Mountain on the south bank of Yanghe River to personally observe and direct the artillery to cross the mountains.

While Zhang Shun was pondering, a soldier suddenly reported: "Your Highness, General Zhang is leading several people to ask for an audience."

"General Zhang? Which General Zhang?" There are many generals named Zhang under Zhang Shun, such as Zhang Rukui, Zhang Rujing and others.

"General Zhang Sanbai!" the soldier responded quickly.

"Oh? Why is he here?" Zhang Shun was stunned when he heard this and couldn't help but wonder.

Zhang Sanbai is in Lingqiu, more than three hundred miles away from here.

The road in the mountains is winding, and most of his subordinates are infantry. Traveling fifty times a day is already the limit. How could he arrive so quickly?

It turned out that Zhang Shun didn't know that in order to get to Bao'an Old City as soon as possible, Zhang Sanbai led his soldiers to mobilize as many soldiers as possible from the rebels stationed in Yuzhou City. This saved him more than a hundred miles of journey, so he arrived two days early.

"Why are you here?" After a while, Zhang Shun saw Zhang Sanbai rushing towards him surrounded by soldiers, and he couldn't help asking.

"Your Highness!" Zhang Sanbai smiled bitterly and quickly said, "This person is the owner of the 'Shun Xiang Fort'. He just doesn't believe that our army is the army of King Shun, so he refuses to let us go."

"The general separated from him for a long time and couldn't understand. I had no choice but to bring him to see His Highness."

"Oh?" Zhang Shun was stunned when he heard the words. He turned around and saw the white-haired castle master looking at him in surprise. He couldn't help but ask, "Old man, what are you doing?"

"King Shun, you are really King Shun. He really didn't lie to me. Your Highness, you are really King Shun resurrected!" Unexpectedly, the castle master suddenly became excited and knelt down with a "pop" and said, "We have been waiting for thousands of people." Year, finally I’m waiting for you again!”

"Hey, old man, what are you doing?" Zhang Shun felt a little numb.

If you don't engage in some feudal superstition, it won't make you feel comfortable, right?

"It's done, it's done. Since they are the soldiers of King Shun, you can pass by our Shunxiang Fort as you please, and you can drive the soldiers of our Shunxiang Fort as you please!" The old man didn't answer, but said in a long-winded way, while taking out his hand. He handed Zhang Sanbaidao an object.

"This is my token. Just send someone to let the garrison in the fort take a look."

"What on earth is going on?" No, don't talk to yourselves, Zhang Shun said with a confused look on his face.

"Your Highness, this is what happened!" The old man laughed when he heard the words, "Our Shunxiang Castle is located in the Xieyang Valley, at the key point between the north and the south. It was originally a castle under the jurisdiction of the security guard."

"Although the imperial court's rules and regulations are corrupt, the people's customs are strong and there are many brave young people."

"If we meet someone else, we must defend our country and fight to the death."

"Now that they are King Shun's soldiers, they are naturally different."

"According to old legend, His Royal Highness King Shun is the eighth generation grandson of the Yellow Emperor. He was born in my hometown of Shun. He is benevolent, filial and virtuous, and has ruled the world."

"Although the little old man is nothing more than a foolish man and a foolish woman, he can't help but yearn for her. Now that I have seen King Shun, I will die without regrets!"

"No, old man, how can you confirm that this king is the reincarnation of King Shun?" Zhang Shun couldn't laugh or cry. Others don't know who I was in my previous life. Don't I know it myself?

"Hey, you're talking about this!" The old man couldn't help but slap his thigh and said, "Therefore, it is said that Shun had an unusually tall body of eight feet, a hairless face, and a bone on the top of his head. He looked very handsome."

"Now that I see that your Excellency is indeed like this, do you have any doubts?"

No, after talking for a long time, you are still a "face" when it comes to relationships?

As long as I'm "handsome" enough, am I the one who should be in charge of this world?

In fact, it would only take half a day to fight a small Shunxiang Fort.

However, Zhang Shun never liked unnecessary killings, and Zhang's three hundred and one others did not know Zhang Shun's intentions, so they did not dare to act rashly, but they wasted some time.

Not to mention how Zhang's three hundred and one others behaved, but when Song Xiance heard the old man's remarks, his eyes lit up and he remonstrated: "Your Highness has such a strange appearance. Isn't it a gift from heaven?"

"Since there is such auspiciousness, why don't Your Highness go and pay homage in person."

"Then select skilled craftsmen to paint the shapes, build a holy statue, and enshrine it in the Temple of King Shun so that future generations can admire it?"

"Ah? Yes, yes, what this old Taoist said makes sense!" The old man said as if he was waking up from a dream, "We are lucky enough to be born in the hometown of King Shun, but we cannot witness the grace of the ancient King Shun. It’s really a pity.”

"Now that I have seen the reincarnation of His Highness, how can I miss it again?"

"Please also invite Your Highness to come to Mount Li, and we will build another golden body and worship it with incense morning and evening, forever and ever!"

"Ahem." I'm not dead yet, and you want to build a shrine for me. Don't you think that this king is Wei Zhongxian?

"The war is urgent now. This matter can be discussed later, later!" Zhang Shun politely declined Song Xiance and the old man's high expectations.

"Ah, look at my memory, yes, yes, we are fighting now!" The little old man patted his head, looking like he suddenly understood.

"Hey, by the way, are we going to attack the old city?"

"Yes, the Tartars are ferocious and have now occupied the old city and threaten our army's flanks. If they are not eliminated now, the army will not be able to expel the Tartars and restore China!" Zhang Shun nodded.

"Now I have my soldiers carry this Hongyi cannon and prepare to use it to attack the city."

"Hey, what do I think?" The old man couldn't help but slap his thigh after hearing this, "If young people dare not say it elsewhere, if they say it here, just with the word 'King Shun', someone will open the city for us." Open the gate and welcome His Highness into the city."

"If His Highness does not give up, I am willing to go to the gate of Baoan Old City and shout a few times,"

"As long as His Highness is willing to send a large army to besiege us, we will be able to enter the city before dawn tomorrow."

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