"Your Majesty, Shi Tingzhu and Kong Youde are here!"

"Oh? Invite me quickly!" Mrs. Hong, who was originally gloomy, couldn't help but be shocked when she heard this and quickly ordered.

The rebels' artillery fire continued outside the city. The originally indestructible Xibali Fort was now like a candle in the wind, and it might be broken at some point.

Na Hongtai had already planned to return to the security guard to make further arguments. Unexpectedly, at this critical moment, since "Wu Zhen Chao Ha" left wing Gu Shan E Zhen Shi Ting Zhu and one of the "Three Shun Kings", the obedient King Kong You De, had arrived in advance, Hong Yi Cannon I'm afraid it's not far away.

"You all heard the cannon fire outside the city. What do you two think?" After the two sides exchanged some polite greetings, Mrs. Hong asked impatiently.

"This" Shi Tingzhu and Kong Youde couldn't help but look at each other after hearing such intensive cannon fire, "Your Majesty, please allow us to climb up to the city to have a look, and then we will know whether the 'Shun Thief' is real or not."

"Well, I don't have a problem, but I'm just afraid that the 'shun thieves' won't allow it!" Mrs. Hong couldn't help but sigh in embarrassment.

"How do you say this?" The two people couldn't help but asked strangely.

"Just because the 'Shun Thief' Hongyi cannons are countless, probably as many as a hundred, it is estimated that the Xibali Fort will be destroyed by night!" Hong Tai said at his wits' end.

"Ah?" Shi Tingzhu and Kong Youde were shocked.

As generals of the Houjin artillery force, how could the two of them not know the difficulty and huge power of casting the Hongyi cannon?

The entire Hou Jin Dynasty devoted all its efforts to accumulate more than forty gates. How could this "shun thief" come up with as many as a hundred gates in one go?

"I have a 'Thousand Mile Mirror' in my hand. I am willing to take the risk and climb to the observation deck to keep the truth." Kong Youde pondered for a moment and could not help but gritted his teeth.

Of course he knew that the rebels' "Hongyi Cannon" might not be able to hit the small observation tower in Xibali Fort.

However, don’t be afraid of ten thousand in everything, just be afraid of the unexpected.

The "Shun Thieves" already have more than a hundred Hongyi cannons. Now if something happens, it doesn't seem to be an unacceptable thing.

"Okay, be careful!" Hong Tai frowned. Although he was a little reluctant, he finally nodded.

If you don't know the reality of the "shun thief", you can't come up with a solution.

In this case, take some risks, just take some risks, anyway, it is not one of your own who will die.

Little did Kong Youde know that he was willing to treat others as dogs, so the dog owners naturally no longer regarded them as their own.

When he finally climbed up to the observation deck and looked down, his scalp suddenly felt numb.


It turns out that there are not only 70 rebel field guns and 70 golden guns outside the city, but also 40 general Qingtian guns and 30 flying guns.

Although Kong Youde couldn't see clearly at the moment, he roughly calculated that there were hundreds or dozens of doors. How could he survive this?

He hurriedly crawled down and shouted: "Your Majesty, Your Majesty, this battle cannot be fought!"

"How do you say this?" Hong Taiyin asked with a sullen face.

"There are over a hundred and dozens of red barbarian cannons outside the city, all of which are 'spindle-shaped' in Western shape." Kong Youde couldn't help crying, "It's three times as many as our army. How can we fight this battle?"

"Are you saying that I have to withdraw our troops?" Hong Tai's face was so gloomy that he almost cried out.

After he came to the throne, he conquered the east and west, and finally established a vast territory stretching from Qinghai in the west, North Korea in the east, Jiubian in the south, and the desert in the north.

This time, he mobilized 150,000 soldiers from the country and went deep into the Ming Realm, preparing to compete in the world.

As a result, you are telling me now that not only will I lose my troops, but I will also return without success, right?

If this is the case, someone must be responsible for such a failed military operation.

Who can be responsible for this, and who can take responsibility?

When Kong Youde heard this, he woke up and immediately understood that he could not retreat at this time. He had just committed a big taboo.

Thinking of this, he rolled his eyes and suddenly had a plan in mind. He couldn't help but smile and said: "If we don't retreat, I actually have another plan."

"Oh, I don't know what the plan is?" Hong Tai asked expressionlessly.

"I wonder if your Majesty has ever played chess? In this chess game, 'the horse moves the sun, the elephant moves the field, the rook moves straight and the cannon goes over the mountain.'" Kong Youde couldn't help but laugh.

"Although this Hongyi cannon is different from the cannon on the chessboard, it is actually quite similar to the rook."

"Oh, how do you say this?" When Hong Tai heard this, his eyes lit up and he asked quickly.

"When the cannonballs are fired, they are straight but not curved. For example, if there is a city wall blocking the front, the cannonballs cannot shoot behind it. This is the reason." Kong Youde couldn't help but laugh.

"So what!" Shi Tingzhu couldn't help but feel a little uncomfortable when he saw Kong Youde kept showing off.

"The Hongyi cannon is extremely powerful. Even if there is a city wall blocking it, sooner or later it will be destroyed by the 'thieves'?"

"Brother Shi, what you said is wrong!" Kong Youde laughed loudly after hearing this, "It is true that the city wall is easily broken by thieves, but can the mountain be broken by 'thieves'?"

"What do you mean by King Shun's words?" Mrs. Hong couldn't help but be overjoyed when she heard this. She quickly stood up and took Kong Youde's hand and said, "If we can really defeat the 'Shun Thief' Hongyi cannon, I will not hesitate to reward you heavily."

"Your Majesty, when I first arrived in Baoan, I heard about our army's night attack on the 'Thieves', so I concluded that I am better than the 'Thieves' in hand-to-hand combat, and that I am weaker than the 'Thieves' in Hongyi cannons. Is it true?" Kong Youde's spirit Shocked, he couldn't help but ask.

"That's true!" Mrs. Hong nodded and said, "The 'thieves' are not very skilled in armor and cavalry. If they have real swords or guns, they are not as good as me. The only thing I fear is cannon!"

"In this way, it must be broken!" Kong Youde couldn't help but said with great joy when he heard this.

"In my humble opinion, if you want to fight the 'submissive thieves', you must make use of your strengths and avoid your weaknesses."

"How to maximize strengths and avoid weaknesses is to find a place that is conducive for infantry to fight and cavalry to drive, but a place that is not conducive to Hongyi cannon shooting, so that we can win in one battle."

"Oh, I wonder where there is a place like this?" Hong Taizao asked impatiently.

"There are many hills here. There are many hills. Our soldiers are lining up behind them to avoid the 'thieves' red cannons." Kong Youde couldn't help but laugh.

"Secondly, there must be plains. Plains are conducive to cavalry driving. Our army can advance, attack, retreat and defend. This is a complete strategy."

"It's just that I have just arrived here. I don't know where there is such terrain. Your Majesty, please send someone to investigate as soon as possible."

"No need, I know a place that exactly matches what King Gongshun said." As soon as Kong Youde finished speaking, someone suddenly said.

When everyone heard this, they turned around and saw that it was none other than the real Turge of Gushan'er.

"Turg, where is this place?" Everyone asked quickly.

"It's far in the horizon but right in front of you. This place is neither far nor close. It's near Bao'an Old City. It's suitable for my use!" Na Turge couldn't help but laugh.

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