"Those who dare to destroy my great cause will be killed by me!" Following Hauge's order, the light of swords flashed above Baoan Old City.

One after another, the big heads were smashed down from the city like rolling logs and rocks.

Headless corpses fell on the city wall like half wooden piles.

Blood spurted out from the severed neck and trickled down the city wall, coating half of the city wall red.

It failed. The people in the city failed in their attempt to open the city gate last night, and hundreds of strong men were massacred.

"Your Highness, Your Highness, Your Highness King Shun, you have to avenge them!" The old owner of Shunxiang Castle was in tears and almost fainted. Zhang Shun regretted it even more.

He clearly knew that Hou Jin's soldiers were brutal and elite soldiers, so why did he believe this old man's nonsense?

Always try to take tricks, and the consequences of taking tricks are bloody lessons.

"Fire artillery and attack the city. No one will be left alive this time. I only want the old city!" Zhang Shun couldn't help but coldly ordered.

"General, take your orders!" Zhang Sanbai looked at Zhang Shun and opened his mouth as if he wanted to say something, but in the end he said nothing.

Zhang Sanbai and his 20,000 troops have arrived this morning. Together with Li Zicheng and Zhang Fatty's two battalions of cavalry, Zhang Shun is confident that he can wipe out all 8,000 Jin soldiers here.

Zhang Sanbai has five battalions under his command. In addition to his headquarters Biao battalion, there are four battalions including Guan Fumin, Li Wanqing, Dang Shousu and Zhang Rukui.

Among the five battalions, except for the 5,000 official and civilian troops who were still the old Ming army establishment, the other four battalions were each equipped with standard artillery flags consisting of five field guns and five golden cannons.

In addition, Zhang Shun managed to transport ten artillery pieces from the camp outside Xibali Fort, and the rebels had accumulated fifty "Red Yi cannons" outside Bao'an Old City.

Following Zhang Shun's order, the rebel army of 20,000 to 30,000 men immediately surrounded the old Baoan City, and then lined up all fifty cannons in the north of the city and started bombarding them fiercely.

"How is that possible?" Prince Nasu Hauge had never seen the power of the rebel artillery. When he saw so many "Red Yi artillery" outside the city, he was frightened to death.

His family knew his own affairs. He had just killed the rebel rebels in the old city. I am afraid that Zhang Shun had already hated him to the bone. Now it was too late to regret it.

"Prince Su, hurry up, go down to the city as soon as possible. The 'thief' has sharp artillery. He is not afraid of ten thousand, but afraid of the worst. If something happens to you, how can we survive!" There were slaves who were stunned when they saw Hauge. Standing on the city wall, he hurriedly said.

"Well, okay!" Just as Hauge was stunned, a cannonball suddenly flew over, smashing a parapet near him with a "bang", and the flying bricks hit his helmet. , making a crisp impact sound.

Haug was taken aback and hurried down the city wall. He took off his helmet and saw that there was a dent on it.

If what hit him just now was not a brick, but a cannonball, the consequences would be disastrous.

About half an hour after arriving, I suddenly heard a loud noise, and then the people and soldiers in the city were so frightened that they shouted: "The city has collapsed, the city has collapsed!"

Na Zhizhou was scared out of his wits and quickly told Hauge: "As the saying goes: if you keep the green hills, you won't have to worry about running out of firewood. Now the 'Shun thieves' are so fierce and unstoppable that you should ask Prince Su to make plans in advance."

"Plan?" Hauge couldn't help but fell silent after hearing this.

The so-called plan naturally refers to retreat.

Not to mention that the old city is now under siege and cannot escape.

Even if he breaks out, where can he retreat to?

Baoan Old City is backed by a mountain and faces a river. It is located on the south bank of the Sanggan River and at the intersection of the Yang River and the Sanggan River.

Except for Shenjingbao in the west, the other three sides are surrounded by rivers.

Even if Hou Jin had more cavalry, he could not fly across. In addition, the rebel army had two battalions of cavalry, Li Zicheng and Zhang Fatty, making it even more difficult to fly.

Thinking of this, Hauge couldn't help but deeply regretted his previous recklessness.

"For the current plan, it seems that the only way to have a chance of survival is to seek help from my father!" Hauge pondered for a moment and finally made a decision.

Not long after, a few people and horses were seen coming out of the east side of Baoan Old City, and then fled from the east.

Who would have thought that not far from the city, suddenly there was a whistle, and dozens of riders blocked Hou Jinshu's path.

After a fight, several heads were thrown under the old city.

"Hey, for the current plan, it seems that the only way out is risking one's life." Seeing this, Hauge smiled bitterly, shook his head, and ordered.

"Send the order and tell them that the 'obedient thieves' have always killed prisoners without mercy. If they can't fight to the death, they will all die!"

Not to mention what Prince Nasu planned, Zhang Sanbai wanted to fight when he saw that a section of the northern wall of the old city had been blown down.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Shun shook his head and said: "You don't know whether Hou Jin is real or not. All his subordinates are elite soldiers who have fought in hundreds of battles. I can't match them."

"Now I will destroy the city with artillery, then surround it with fine cavalry, and wait until the liver and gallbladder are broken and broken, then I will be able to complete the task!"

After speaking, Zhang Shun ordered the artillery to continue bombarding the walls of the old city, quite determined not to stop until they were razed to the ground.

"Boom, boom, boom..." The artillery outside the city was like endless, hammering the walls of the old Baoan City, causing bricks and tiles to fly and mud and sand to fall.

"Boom!" As another earth-shattering sound sounded, another large piece of the northwest corner of the old city collapsed.

"Okay, we can attack the city!" Zhang Shun nodded before giving the order.

The first team to go into battle was Li Wanqing. He had five thousand elite soldiers who dared to fight, which was considered a relatively strong force.

However, when he led his troops to attack the city from two collapsed places, he encountered a fierce sniper attack from Hou Jin soldiers.

Li Wanqing's troops fought for about an hour, but were still unable to occupy the city wall and had no choice but to be defeated.

The second battle was fought by Dang Shousu. His troops were not very good, and they were driven down by Hou Jin's soldiers after only a few rounds of fighting.

After that, the Jin soldiers saw the advantage and actually took advantage of the defeat of Dang Shouxu's troops to follow them and attack the city.

The meaningless army gunners had already seen clearly that under a burst of artillery fire, the Hou Jin soldiers suffered heavy casualties.

On the contrary, it became the biggest loss suffered by Haug's troops since the rebel army attacked the city.

In the third formation, Zhang Sanbai personally went into battle and fought until late at night. However, the rebels still could not make a breakthrough, so they had to retreat to the camp and wait for another fight tomorrow.

Zhang Shun never expected that even with such an advantage, the rebel army would still be unable to defeat Hou Jin's soldiers in hand-to-hand combat.

He pondered for a moment and was about to order the heavy armored infantrymen of Li Jiyu who were serving under Hong Chengchou to be transferred over.

Just when he took out a pen and paper and was about to write a military order, unexpectedly, the door opened with a "squeak".

Zhang Shun looked up and saw that the person coming was none other than Song Xiance.

Before he could ask the question, Song Xiance said anxiously: "Your Highness, Xu Ziyuan has just sent news that the Jin soldiers from Xibali Fort have begun to retreat in an orderly manner."

"Everyone doesn't know what is true or not, so please ask King Shun to return in time to take charge of the overall situation!"

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