"Sun Tzu's Art of War: Virtual Reality Chapter": Therefore, if you know the place of battle and the day of battle, you can fight thousands of miles away!

From a strategic point of view, Xuanzang is the battlefield chosen by Zhang Shunjing, so he can take the strategic initiative.

Baoan Prefecture was a battlefield chosen by Hong Tai under a passive situation, so he was controlled by others and was in a strategically passive situation.

However, with the arrival of the obedient King Kong Youde, Hong Tai, the "Emperor of the Qing Dynasty", saw another possibility.

The big "battlefields" can be chosen by you, but the small "battlefields" may not be chosen by me.

Originally, he had always thought that without security and Yanqing, the "shun thieves" would march straight in, and the Beizhi would come down in one go, and Hou Jin could only be locked outside the pass.

Then he watched the other party prepare little by little, and used the powerful manpower and material resources in the pass to kill himself.

However, when new ideas were opened, everything suddenly became clear.

Thinking of this, Mrs. Hong entrusted all the military affairs of Xibalibao to Gushan Ezhen Turge, while he himself quietly sent back to Baoan Prefecture.

At that time, the forty Hongyi cannons carried by "Wuzhen Chaoha" and "Sanshun King" had not arrived, but Hong Tai could not help but start to redeploy them.

"The troops stationed in Chang'an Ridge, Yanqing Prefecture, Juyongguan and other places will come as soon as possible and join me in the Baoan Old City area." Mrs. Hong couldn't help but let Fan Wencheng draft the "imperial edict".

"'Wuzhenchaoha' and 'Sanshun King', along with their 'heavy soldiers' and Hongyi artillery, also rushed to the Baoan Old City area as soon as possible."

"Prince Cheng, Yue Tuo, and brothers Bei Zi Shuo Tuo, if they can go to Miyun, they will do so. If they can't, they will retreat to Changping."

"If Changping cannot be defended, we must enter Baoan territory from the Yanhekou and Tianjin Pass areas without any mistakes."

Along the mouth of the river, the Tianjin Pass flows into the Taihang Mountains along the Sanggan River, located in the southeast of Baoan Prefecture.

Since Hong Tai has gathered troops here, he is naturally preparing to abandon all the cities from Bao'an, Huailai, Yanqing to Juyongguan, and prepare to deploy his troops in Bao'an Old City and the area south of Bao'an Old City.

"Your Majesty, if this is the case, I'm afraid...I'm afraid that all of Xuanfu Town will fall into the hands of the 'Shun Thieves', and our way back will be cut off!" Fan Wencheng wrote this, hesitated for a long time, and couldn't help but bite the bullet and say something.

"How can you be so stupid, sir?" Mrs. Hong couldn't help but smile after hearing this.

"At the beginning, I had the same view as your husband. I thought that the north could not rely on the desert, and the west could not resist the "obedient thieves". Everything would be over!"

"Unexpectedly, after I saw King Gongshun today, I suddenly realized it."

"The area from Xuanfu to Juyongguan has high and dangerous mountains and thousands of walls. We can only fight in vain by forming strongholds. This is not what our 'Qing Dynasty' is good at."

"To strike with a short blow and attack a long one is tantamount to self-destruction. Isn't this the way to use military force?"

"Today, I will build a new city next to the old city. I will avoid the Ming Dynasty's backstabbing force to the east, and threaten the 'successful thieves' eastward advance to the north. This can be said to be a 'three-legged tripod'!"

"The 'thieves' will not be able to advance eastward unless they attack me; if they persist for a long time, there will be the worry of the 'Ming Kingdom' regaining Xuanda. This is the so-called method of 'treating people without harming them'. Isn't it a good thing?"

It turns out that Baoan Prefecture is located in the center of Xuanzhen, Yuzhou and the "three inner passes" Juyongguan, Zijinguan and Daomaguan, and is a must-pass for major transportation routes.

Among them, Baoan New City is the only way for Xuanda and Da Towns to go eastward and enter the capital.

Baoan Old City is the only way to merge into the main road into the capital from the direction of Yuzhou, and it is also an important traffic artery guarding the Sanggan River Valley.

Therefore, in the military struggle between the East and the West, the northern part of Bao'an is the key area for the confrontation between the two sides. This is also the main reason why Zhang Shun led the main force to push all the way east.

It has to be said that the predetermined battlefield chosen by Zhang Shun was very suitable for the characteristics of the rebel army, which had many soldiers, relatively low individual soldier quality, but extremely fierce artillery.

Even if Mrs. Hong, the "Emperor of the Qing Dynasty", came in person, he was beaten so powerfully that it was difficult to resist.

Not to mention that the Hongyi cannons of "Wuzhen Chaoha" and "Sanshun King" had not arrived yet. Even if they arrived, with forty cannons against nearly 200 cannons of the rebels, there was no chance of winning.

However, at this critical moment, Mrs. Hong discovered extremely keenly the importance of the terrain in the southern part of Baoan Prefecture.

It turns out that Baoan Prefecture is wide from east to west and narrow from north to south. From north to south, it is divided into four parts: mountain passages, mountain valleys, central hills and southern mountainous areas.

Among them, Zhang Shun and Hong Tai originally fought for the northern mountain passage from Xuanfu to Juyongguan.

The Shunxiang Fort and Baoan Old City area that the rebels are currently attacking is located in the mountains, rivers and valleys.

The vast central area from here to the south is the low mountain and hilly area.

The terrain in the low hills and hilly areas is undulating, which is not only conducive for infantry to use the terrain to establish defenses, but also conducive to cavalry driving here.

In a word, for the Hou Jin Dynasty, this place has "the advantages of driving on the plains, but does not have the disadvantages of the flat plains."

It seems that the place is specially designed for the elite infantry and cavalry, but the artillery is inferior to others.

After Fan Wencheng heard Mrs. Hong's words, he couldn't help but be ecstatic.

He couldn't help but laugh and said: "If this is the case, it is fitting that this 'submissive thief' should die here!"

"This place is located between Juyong Pass and Zijing Pass. To the west, we can reject the "Submissive Bandits", to the north, we can "threaten" their way, to the south, we can connect Jierhalang, Duduo and other soldiers, and to the east, we can plunder the Ming Dynasty and the north."

"This is truly a gift from God to Your Majesty for accomplishing this great cause!"

"Haha!" Mrs. Hong couldn't help but feel proud when she heard this. She couldn't help but laugh heartily and said, "With your good words, when the world is determined, a hundred years later, you and I will be able to enjoy the Ancestral Temple, and your name will go down in history!"

Of course, regardless of what these two people say, it is actually not easy to move the battlefield from Bao'an New City to Bao'an Old City.

A rebel army was watching outside the West Bali Fort, and they might attack and kill them at some point.

Secondly, although Shi Tingzhu and Kong Youde arrived at the same time, they only served as the pioneers and arrived early to recover.

The "heavy troops" of "Wuzhenchaoha" and "Sanshun King" with nearly 20,000 troops will still take a day or two to arrive.

In this way, the West Bali Fort area still needs to be defended, and then the main force of gold needs to start to move south.

Not to mention what Hong Tai and Fan Wencheng planned, but after Zhang Shun got the news, he didn't bother to rest and rode quickly and quickly to the camp outside Xibali Fort overnight.

"What's going on?" Zhang Shun just arrived at the camp and asked the group of people who greeted him.

"Your Highness, this is what happened!" Li Shian quickly reported the report after hearing this.

"Since His Highness went to the Old City during the day, we launched a violent bombardment of Xibali Fort in accordance with the order."

"Three places have collapsed now. As usual, Hou Jin will definitely take the initiative and take the opportunity to repair the city wall."

"I never thought that we would not send troops after noon today. I felt strange in my heart, so I used a telescope to observe the enemy's movements."

"This observation doesn't matter. There are actually flags waving in the fort, and it is swaying towards the east."

"I thought that Hou Jin had many cavalry, so he was not afraid of me destroying the city. Even if Xibali Fort is destroyed, he can leave calmly."

"Now that Xibali Fort has not yet been conquered, and then the Jin soldiers left in a hurry, they must have other agendas. Please be aware of this, Your Highness!"

"Do you all think so?" Zhang Shun frowned when he heard this, and couldn't help turning his head to ask Gao Qiqian, Xu Ziyuan and the others.

"Us? I think it's just that Houjin didn't have enough food, so he sent people to 'threat the grass valley'!"

"No, why do we use so many people in the 'Through the Grass Valley'? I must have other plans..."

Suddenly, the whole group of people were all talking and making guesses.

This is the only trouble in this era. It is very difficult to obtain information, and the transmission speed is still very slow. We often find a very small sign, and the rest depends on our imagination.

What exactly did Mrs. Hong plan? Zhang Shun couldn't help but feel a headache for a while.

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