Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1422 Three Treasures


"Boom, boom, boom"

Following Zhang Shun's order, the rebel artillery roared with earth-shattering movement.

In addition to the original seventy artillery pieces fired this time, an additional forty thousand-jin Hongyi cannon "Qingtian General Cannon" was added.

This "General Qingtian" cannonball weighs fifty kilograms and is far more powerful than the "field cannon" and "golden cannon" that can fire ten kilograms of shells.

Just one iron bullet hit, and the wall of Xibali Fort trembled, leaving a terrifying big hole.

With forty iron bullets hitting it, the solid wall of Xibali Fort became riddled with holes.

"Okay, come again!" Zhang Shun couldn't help but said excitedly when he saw it.

Cannons and giant ships are a man’s romance.

Although there are no giant ships in this era, "General Qingtian" can be regarded as a giant cannon.

Each shot brought huge roar, powerful recoil, violent impact and powerful destruction.

"Wow, the city collapsed!"

"Wow, the city collapsed again!"

"Haha, is this city wall made of tofu?"

Not long after, with the cheers of the rebel soldiers, the walls of Xibali Fort collapsed one after another.

And every time the city wall collapsed, the heart of the defender Gushan Erzhenturg sank a little.

In the end, Turg's heart was about to fall out of his crotch, and he still couldn't stop the rebels' impact on his bottom line.

"Master, it can't be done. Xibali Fort is gone, gone!" At this moment, his slave ran over again, crying as if he were mourning for his heir.

"This battle can't be fought. The whole city has been bombed. How can our flesh and blood bodies block the cannons of 'King Shun'!"

Just the word "King Shun" immediately made Turge's heart sink as if he had fallen into an ice cave.

The words "Shun Zei" and "King Shun" are both derogatory and praiseful, but they represent the different attitudes of his soldiers towards the enemy.

No matter how backward the society is, Houjin has a sense of arrogance, both master and slave, after having experienced countless battles and victorious battles.

This pride comes from the fact that although I don’t have beautiful cloth or clothes, rich and exquisite food, or a splendid culture, I can fight.

As long as we can fight, these will all be ours sooner or later!

However, when they saw such a powerful "Hongyi Cannon", they thought, "This is unmatched by humans."

As soon as this idea comes out, it is inevitable that the dwarf will feel like a dwarf in his heart, and he will mentally surrender to the enemy.

Turg may not understand the reason, but this does not prevent him from intuitively feeling the changes in the morale of his subordinates.

"No, we must launch a counterattack!"

Turge frowned and thought to himself, "If not, the morale of the generals will be low, and I'm afraid they won't be able to be used in the future."

After all, every soldier is a living person. If he is passively beaten all the time, he will inevitably feel frustrated that the enemy is invincible, which will affect the morale of the soldiers.

If it cannot be solved in time, the soldiers may have empty armor and no fighting spirit, and then these more than 10,000 elites will be useless.

Thinking of this, Turge couldn't help but order: "The soldiers in the city are wearing armor and holding swords, and are ready to fight!"

Just as Turg was preparing to counterattack, the rebels looked at the Xibali Fort that had collapsed into a mound and prepared to launch a fierce attack.

This is Zhang Shun's method. You have thousands of plans, but I only have one old idea.

I will just rely on the large number of soldiers and artillery, the upright flag, and the majestic soldiers to crush them directly.

"Kill!" Jiang Xiang and Li Guoliang's men and horses shouted in unison, their voices soaring into the sky, and then they swarmed up and headed toward the West Bali Fort to kill the general.

Most of the walls of Xibali Fort collapsed, and there were no defenders. In just a short time, the rebels occupied the walls.

However, the rebels did not expect that occupying the wall of Xibali Fort was not the end of the war, but the beginning.

This time, Gushan'e Zhenturge also fought hard, wearing double-layered iron armor, and took the lead to fight back.

Jiang Xiang and Li Guoliang couldn't resist it, and soon they spit out the city wall they had just occupied.

Seeing that the battle situation above the city was not going well, the artillerymen under the city quickly provided fire support and beat back the Houjin soldiers who had overshot.

After going through this for several times, Zhang Shun, who was waiting for the good news outside the city, couldn't help but become furious.

He quickly ordered: "Pull up the cannon for me, I want to see which Jianlu can withstand it!"

This... how can this be pulled?

It turns out that the weight of the "field artillery" and "Fei Biao gun" commonly used by the rebels is about a thousand kilograms, and if the gun frame and wheels are added, the total weight is about two thousand kilograms.

How can such a heavy artillery be dragged onto the city wall?

However, fortunately, based on the principle of using whatever they have, the rebels are also equipped with non-standard artillery such as the Tiger Crouching Cannon, the General, the Second General, and the Captive Destroyer Cannon.

Among them, the large-caliber Tiger Crouching Cannon and the forged artillery such as the General and the Second General have the advantages of large caliber and light weight.

Someone had already selected more than a dozen of them, weighing about a hundred kilograms, and asked the soldiers to carry them up. Then they aimed at the screaming Houjin soldiers and shot them fiercely, immediately suppressing their arrogance.

When Li Guoliang and Jiang Xiang saw this, they quickly ordered their soldiers to set up cannons on the city wall and shoot into the city. They led their infantry down the city wall and attacked Turg's tribe.

Not to mention the loud noise of the early killing in Xibali Fort, Baoan City eight miles away had already received the news and quickly reported it to Yu Hongtai.

"Sure enough, Xibali Fort cannot be defended. It seems that Baoan City is also in danger!" Hong Tai couldn't help but sigh after hearing this, and became more determined to set up the battlefield in the hilly area south of Baoan Prefecture.

At this moment, Fan Wencheng hurried in and reported: "Urgent report from Baoan Old City. Prince Su was besieged by an army of 'shun thieves'. Many walls of the old city collapsed and it was difficult to defend himself. Your Highness." Send troops to rescue in time!"

"The army of 'shun thieves'? If there is an army outside Baoan Old City, what is it outside Xibali Fort?" Mrs. Hong couldn't help but laugh angrily.

"Your Highness, we cannot rule out the possibility that the 'Shun Thief' has two or even three armies!" Fan Wencheng pondered for a moment and couldn't help but remind him.

"This... Mr. Fan, you are right!" Hong Tai thought about it carefully and nodded helplessly.

"Shun thief" has three treasures: cannons, superstition and crowds!

It turns out that Zhang Shun's most important tactic, apart from his big artillery ideas and feudal superstitions, was the human sea tactic.

General Han Xin, the more the better.

In the age of cold weapons, what kind of bicycle does a party that can master the human sea tactic need?

Before the rebel army marched eastward, Zhang Shun organized and trained an army of 300,000 people, and now he has recruited tens of thousands of troops from three towns in Xuanda, Shanxi.

It can be said that the number of individual soldiers and horses has caught up with the number of soldiers in the Hou Jin Dynasty. How can we fight this battle?

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