Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1423 Arrangement

"Drive, drive, drive!" "Prince Su of the Qing Dynasty" Hauge was like a bereaved dog, desperately fighting his mount and escaping to the east.

Behind him were the defeated elite cavalrymen of the Xianglan Banner, and those closely pursuing them were the cavalry battalions of Li Zicheng and Fatty Zhang.

It turned out that after Zhang Shun left, Zhang Sanbai commanded an army of 30,000 to storm Baoan Old City. Nahauge could not resist and had to break out of the city.

As a result, as soon as they left the city, they were targeted by two battalions of cavalry, Li Zicheng and Fatty Zhang.

Originally, Hauge planned to make a false shot to the west, pretending to attack the direction of Shenjing Fort, and then wait for an opportunity to return east.

Unexpectedly, the rebels were already prepared, so Haug had no choice but to turn around and run eastward.

The old city of Baoan was sandwiched between the Sanggan River and the Yanghe River, a tributary of the Sanggan River. Haug fled from west to east and would be blocked by the river sooner or later, so he was extremely anxious.

"We can't cross, we can't cross here, what should we do, what should we do?" Hauge looked at the fast-flowing Sanggan River on the right, and couldn't help but feel anxious for a moment.

I'm afraid that in a few miles we will have to resist the intersection of two rivers.

At that time, the sky will not respond and the earth will not work!

What to do, what to do?

And just when Hauge had no way to go, he suddenly heard the neighing of war horses, and saw a group of cavalry wading through the water, blocking Hauge and others.

That Hauge couldn't help being shocked. He looked up to the sky and sighed: "Unexpectedly, I, Hauge, died like this!"

Then he drew his sword and prepared to fight to the death.

Unexpectedly, the leader, wearing white armor, stood in front and said: "Prince Su, hurry up and let me stop the enemy for you!"

Hauge took a closer look and saw that the person who came was actually the third-class Mele Zhang Jingying Ordai.

"Why are you here?" Haug couldn't help but asked in shock when he saw this.

It turned out that Ying Erdai was not only a strong general, but also a minister who was rare in Hou Jin Kingdom and was proficient in financial management and diplomacy.

Now he is working part-time as the administrator of the Ministry of Household Affairs, shouldering the important task of raising money and food for the Prime Minister.

His presence was indispensable in Hou Jin's previous negotiations, negotiations and trade with North Korea.

When Hong Tai went to the west to join the Han Dynasty, food and wages were scarce, so he "transported food from Shenyang to welcome him", which shows that his status is very important.

"Turg is not doing well in the battle and has been defeated repeatedly. His Majesty has dismissed him from his post and replaced him with the post of Gushan Ezhen!" Na Ying'erdai said with a smile after hearing this.

"By the way, Your Highness has an order. Prince Su will lead his men to Fanshan Castle to set up defenses in order to welcome the army to move in. There must be no mistake!"

"What? Fanshan Castle?" Hauge seemed to be surprised when he heard this, "Why would you want to go to this place where birds don't poop?"

Fanshan Fort is located ninety miles southwest of Baoan City. Compared with the more prosperous Baoan New City, Yanqing and Baoan Old City, isn't it just a place where birds can't poop?

"This old minister doesn't know, please ask Prince Su to act according to the order!" Na Ying'erdai smiled when he heard this, couldn't help but rush towards the direction of the rebels and said.

"Kill, kill!" Then Li Zicheng and Fatty Zhang saw that the cooked duck was about to fly, how could they stop?

Now that the matter is over, let's stop talking and let the two sides start fighting.

One side has many soldiers, and the other side has elite soldiers. The two sides fought for several rounds. Seeing that they were evenly matched, they couldn't help but murmur in their hearts.

As the saying goes: A hemp pole beats a wolf and is afraid of both ends.

Li Zicheng and Fatty Zhang knew very well that Hou Jin had Duoqi, and they were afraid that after a long delay, Hou Jin's main force would come to help.

The new Niu Lu'er Zhenying Erdai had many calculations in his mind. He was afraid that the rebel infantry would arrive and block him and others on the river bank, making them unable to escape.

So, not long after, both sides took advantage of the opportunity to distance themselves and slowly retreated.

Seeing the two battalions of the rebels Li Zicheng and Fatty Zhang retreating, Prince Nasu Hauge couldn't help but ask: "This... what on earth is going on?"

"Your Majesty originally planned to put the battlefield on the front line of Bao'an Old City, but because Prince Su lost the city, he had to do the next best thing and retreat to Fanshan Castle to set up defenses." Ying Erdai couldn't help but shook her head regretfully.

It turned out that Mrs. Hong didn't know that Baoan Old City had been lost, so she specially sent Ying Erdai with a white flag to help.

Of course, as Ying Erdai is in charge of the Ministry of Household Affairs and the Prime Minister is in charge of money, food and logistics, he has more important things to do besides helping out, and that is - raising food!

After the founding of the Later Jin Dynasty, due to the fact that it was located in a barren and cold land, and the two previous rulers did not know how to manage, the country was short of food and could not make ends meet.

Therefore, Hou Jin has been maintaining the operation of the country through plunder, smuggling and "mutual trade" with North Korea.

This time, the Hou Jin Kingdom had an army of 150,000, and the daily consumption of food and grass was astronomical.

Although Hong Taizai had solved the problem of food and fodder for the 85,000 troops of Azig, Jilhalang, Duduo, Haoge and the two brothers Yue Tuo and Shuo Tuo by dividing his troops and plundering.

However, the supply of food and grass for his own 40,000 horses and the 20,000 horses of "Wuzhenchaoha" and "Sanshun King" who came later was a big problem.

Therefore, the reason why Ying Erdai came this time was not only to support Haug, but more importantly, to take the opportunity to go east and north to "raise" food and grass for the upcoming Hou Jin army, so as to facilitate the final battle with the "Shun bandits" decisive battle.

"Okay, I understand!" Nahaug nodded after hearing Ying Erdai's rough description.

"Although Fanshan Fort was not very important before, just in case, I also sent a Niulu to occupy it."

"Since this place is so important now, I will lead Zhenglan Banner to set up defenses!"

"I am also going with Prince Su!" Na Ying'erdai laughed bitterly when he heard this and shook his head.

You don't understand the feelings at all. Since "Your Majesty" is planning to put the battlefield at Fanshan Fort, then naturally the food and grass I "raised" will be stored in Fanshan Fort first.

It turns out that the Later Jin Dynasty started out as a plunderer, and the leader of the Baylor banner in his country was fond of fighting but disliked worldly things.

This Hauge was no exception. When Ying Erdai explained the "Way of Financial Management", Hauge had already been distracted and didn't even hear a single word.

Upon seeing this, Na Ying'erdai couldn't help but shook her head secretly, and said in her heart: "Prince Su is indeed not the talent of the country's leader, Prince Furui is far away!"

It turns out that although Na Ying Erdai is now the Niulu Ezhen with a white flag, he was actually from the Zhengbai Banner to which Dorgon belonged.

Na Ying'erdai was naturally close to his own banner master, but now that he saw that Hauge was not as good as Dorgon, he became more determined to support Dorgon.

It's just that he never imagined that Dorgon, the great hero of the generation, had already passed away due to a strange combination of circumstances, so how could he still need his support?

Not to mention what the two people were thinking, let's talk about the situation after Ying Erdai prepared to go with Hauge.

He first sent an envoy to inform Hongtai of the changes in Bao'an Old City, and then arranged for soldiers to alert the rebels to Bao'an Old City. Then he led the troops and Hauge to Fanshan Fort in the south.

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