"King Huaishun, King Zhishun!" Hong Tai looked at Geng Zhongming and Shang Kexi who were bowing to her, and couldn't help but said with great joy.

The successive arrival of the "Three Shun Kings" also meant the arrival of their Western-style army's "God-Blessed Soldiers" and "God-Blessed Soldiers" equipped with red cannons, Western cannons and muskets.

"Your Highness, we have more than 20,000 "God's Blessed Soldiers" and "God's Helping Soldiers", carrying 30 red-coated cannons, 300 Western cannons, 400 eagle muskets, 6,000 bird muskets, and more than 10,000 soldiers. There are more than 10,000 soldiers in the army, come and listen!" Kong Youde, Shang Kexi and Geng Zhongming couldn't help but responded in unison.

"Okay, okay, okay!" Hong Taizheng was blown up by Zhang Shun's "Hongyi Cannon" and lost two fortresses, Jimingyi and Xibali Fort. Now that he saw his own "heavy troops", he was almost I couldn't help but cry with joy.

"Sanshun. Ahem, three princes!" After being slapped by Zhang Shun, Hong Tai, the "Sanshun King" who was originally quite pleasant, felt bad when he mentioned it.

He had no choice but to change his words: "Nowadays, the 'Shun Thief' weapons are sharp and irresistible. I wonder how you can teach me?"

Kong Youde had previously seen the sharpness of the rebels' "Red Barbarian Cannon" when they bombarded the city, so he couldn't help but hesitate after hearing this.

However, Geng Zhongming and Shang Kexi had never seen the power of the rebel army. Hearing this, they couldn't help but laugh and said: "When it comes to firearms, the Western method should be regarded as the authentic one. Although the three of us are not talented, we are the authentic version of the Western method."

"Although the 'Shun Thief' has a great reputation, he only knows a little about it, learned the 'Three-Legged Cat Kung Fu', and then used his strength to perform miracles."

"In terms of its secrets, none can compare with the three of us brothers."

"Until tomorrow, I would like to ask Your Highness to send cavalry to protect me, and let's see how we can defeat it!"

When Kong Youde heard this, he secretly said that it was not good, but now that the arrow was on the string, he had to fire it, so he had no choice but to echo: "What King Huaishun and King Zhishun said is true!"

"Okay, okay, if we can get the strength of these three people, why should the world be worried!" Mrs. Hong then put her hands on her hands and smiled and said, "If destiny is mine, I will let these three people enjoy eternal glory and rest with the country for generations to come! "

When Kong Youde, Shang Kexi, and Geng Zhongming heard this, they were even more grateful and beyond words.

"Your Highness, urgent report from West Bali Fort!" At this moment, Bachelor Fan Wencheng hurried in, glanced at "Three Shun King", and then reported in a low voice, "Xi Bali Fort was almost 'Shun Shun'" The thieves were razed to the ground, Turg fought hard for a long time in the trenches but could not win, and now he has retreated."

"What? One day, just one day of resistance, and Xibali Fort is gone?" Mrs. Hong said in disbelief.

"The red-coated cannon of the 'Shunshun Thieves' was really sharp. Most of the city wall was destroyed. Then they captured the city wall and fired from a high position. All our troops were killed. It was really..." Fan Wencheng lowered his head, as if he had committed a crime. The wrong way.

"Your Highness, please allow us to go out to fight against the 'submissive thieves' in order to repay Your Majesty's kindness in knowing the situation!" Shang Kexi and Geng Zhongming couldn't help but take the initiative to ask for help.

"The 'Shun Thief' is very ferocious, so it's better for you three to be cautious!" Unexpectedly, Mrs. Hong shook her head when she heard this and said, "Besides, it's getting late today. If the three of you are really serious, we can wait until tomorrow to argue."

In fact, according to Hong Tai's thinking, fighting against the "Shun thieves" now is just sacrificing the lives of soldiers in vain.

However, the rebels advanced too fast, and he had not yet had time to complete the battlefield layout with Fanshan Fort as the core, so he had to settle for the next best thing.

Not to mention what Tai Hong and the "Sanshun King" and others planned, Zhang Shun led the rebels to conquer Xibali Fort with great difficulty. The originally strong fortress was almost in ruins.

Outside the castle, there are only ditches and fortresses with high and low heights and pits.

Zhang Shun stood on the West Bali Fort watchtower and pondered for a moment, then shook his head and said to Xu Ziyuan: "Although the 'General Qingtian' and the 'Field Artillery' are powerful, they still have shortcomings."

"Your Highness, this...isn't this enough?" Xu Ziyuan said so frightened that his jaw almost dropped to the ground.

Look at this collapsed fortress, look at the sparse camp outside, what else do you want, do you still want to flatten the nearby mountains?

"Xianyu, what I mean is" Zhang Shun was about to explain, but suddenly someone shouted something under the watchtower.

"What's wrong?" Zhang Shun was stunned when he saw this, and swallowed back the words that were on his lips.

Not long after, Gao Qiqian climbed up panting and reported: "News came from Baoan Old City. The army commanded by General Zhang Sanbai has attacked the old city. Hauge and his men fled westward."

"However. However, because Li Zicheng and Fatty Zhang encountered Jianlu reinforcements and did not dare to fight for a long time, Hauge and his reinforcements retreated to the east!"

"Reinforcements? I don't know how many there are?" Zhang Shun frowned, worried that Hou Jin's soldiers would come out to kill them at the critical moment.

"There are about six thousand people." Gao Qiqian responded quickly after hearing the words.

"Six thousand reinforcements, plus five thousand under Hauge's command, there are almost more than ten thousand troops!" Zhang Shun pondered for a moment and couldn't help but ordered, "With Li Shukong, we can send out scouts to detect the movements of this group of troops! "

"Yes, General Mo will do it now!" Gao Qiqian nodded when he heard the words, quickly agreed, and climbed down again.

"Your Highness?" Seeing Gao Qiqian leaving, Xu Ziyuan couldn't help but asked tentatively.

"Let's go down too. Let's repair tonight. If nothing happens tomorrow morning, let's go to Baoan City again!" Zhang Shun smiled and took the lead to climb down to the watchtower.

"Dong dong dong" was silent all night. The rebel sentries and scouts who had been nervous most of the night were relieved when they heard the sound of the wake-up drum.

The originally silent rebel camp suddenly became lively.

Although no one dared to make any noise, it was very noisy when there was a lot of noise from going to bed, washing up, feeding horses, eating, and wearing armor.

Zhang Shun, who was quite tired, was also woken up from his sleep and had to open his eyes.

Zhang Fengyi had already finished dressing. Seeing that Zhang Shun was awake, she quickly dressed and washed him.

Zhang Shun was too lazy to move. He just stood up and let her do what she did, and asked, "How is it outside? Did the Jianlu come to harass you at night?"

"No, everything is fine!" Zhang Fengyi shook her head and reported to him, "Even Li Shukong's scouts sent out for thirty to fifty miles have not seen any movement of Hauge and others."

"White flag, blue flag!" Zhang Shun couldn't help but muttered, shook his head and said, "It seems that Mrs. Hong still refuses to settle down!"

"Your Highness, you are joking. Even if you kill a chicken, the chicken will still struggle for a while before dying. Now that there are hundreds of thousands of soldiers, how can you sit still and wait for death?" Zhang Fengyi laughed when he heard this.

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