Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1425 Battle with the

"Dong dong dong!" The sky was dim, and with the sound of war drums, the gates of Baoan City suddenly opened wide, and groups of infantry filed out and lined up under Baoan City.

"Oh? This group of Donglu soldiers has some skills!" Zhang Shun picked up the "Telescope" and looked at it for a long time, and couldn't help but smile to his left and right.

"These are the 'God Blessed Soldiers' and the 'God Blessed Soldiers'!" Upon seeing this, Ah Shan couldn't help but step forward to explain.

"How do you say this?" Zhang Shun couldn't help but asked curiously after hearing this.

The rebels and Houjin had fought many battles. Zhang Shun had seen most of his opponents' white flags, red flags, and blue flags.

It's just that this is the first time he has heard about what the "God Blessed Soldiers" and "God Blessed Soldiers" are.

"These 'God's Blessing Soldiers' are the surrendered troops of the former Ming Dynasty generals Shang Kexi and Geng Zhongming, and the 'God's Blessing Soldiers' are the surrender troops of the former Ming Dynasty general Kong Youde." Ashan couldn't help but responded.

"It is said that these two soldiers are good at muskets and artillery. It is estimated that Mrs. Hong suffered a big loss from His Highness and specially transferred them to deal with our army."

"Oh?" Zhang Shun couldn't help laughing when he heard this, and asked a bit jokingly, "I wonder how strong the two battalions are?"

Unexpectedly, before Na Ashan could respond, Gao Qiqian answered with a solemn expression: "Your Highness, please don't underestimate these two battalions. They are extremely elite soldiers."

"Oh?" Zhang Shun couldn't help but wonder when he heard this, "I wonder why Mr. Gao said this?"

Aren't there just two groups of rebels? The real "Taijun" has been defeated by me, so why do you care about a few puppet troops?

"These 'God Blessed Soldiers' and 'God Blessed Soldiers' were originally trained by Sun Yuanhua, the governor of Denglai, to train new soldiers using Western methods." Gao Qiqian couldn't help but explain.

"The method is to have a battalion of four thousand men and horses, half of which are combat soldiers and half of which are team soldiers."

"The soldiers wore armor and carried spears, and the soldiers formed a formation to shoot. There were about 1,200 bird gunners in each battalion, and 100 eagle gunners. They were equipped with 16 Western cannons, with the median Eighty cannons are extremely powerful and difficult to control."

"In the past, Guan Ning, the governor of the miscellaneous family, fought with elites. Every time he used artillery, fire blunderbuss, and then used spears to fight, it was the most difficult to deal with..."

"I see, isn't it just the 'Spanish Grand Formation!'" Zhang Shun chuckled when he heard this and said indifferently.

"Spanish Grand Formation? What is this?" Gao Qiqian couldn't help but be shocked.

Zhang Shun did not explain, but turned to Li Shi'an and ordered: "When the two armies engage in battle, you will give me a hard blast with solid bullets!"

It turned out that the formations put up by the "God Blessed Soldiers" and "God Helped Soldiers" were quite similar to the famous "Spanish Grand Square" in later generations, so Zhang Shun recognized it at a glance.

Of course, if we discuss this thing carefully, it cannot actually be called the "Spanish Grand Square".

For example, the firepower of the sixteen Western cannons and eighty mid-range guns it is equipped with is a typical Ming army vehicle camp firepower arrangement.

It was equipped with half of the combat soldiers and nearly half of the gunners, and then formed a square formation with the combat soldiers as the core, which clearly absorbed the "Far Western tactics".

If Zhang Shun had not raised an army before, he might have regarded this tactic as a treasure. Now that he has experienced hundreds of battles and mastered it, he can see the flaws of this tactic after just a moment of observation.

Sure enough, as the drums sounded, the "God Blessed Soldiers" and "God Blessed Soldiers" marched in neat steps, approaching the rebels like moving fortresses.

The various artillery arrayed on both sides of the rebel formation have already been prepared.

"Fire, fire!" Following Li Shi'an's order, the earth-shattering sound of artillery sounded, and the dense and numbing shells were like raindrops, hitting them from left to right.

Solid iron bullets of ten kilograms, twenty kilograms or even fifty kilograms penetrated one soldier after another, plowing out bloody roads one after another.

The Spanish phalanx, which was originally designed to imitate the structure of a bastion, was as fragile as a piece of white paper in the face of the powerful firepower that could destroy the city and destroy the fort.

"Oh, no!" When Shang Kexi and Geng Zhongming saw this, their minds went blank and they were stunned for a moment.

"How is it possible, how is it possible, how is this possible!"

Thirty-five field cannons, thirty-five golden cannons, and forty Qingtian general cannons, a total of one hundred and ten large and small iron bullets, were fired from both sides, and almost every one of them could penetrate three to Five people or even ten or twenty people.

In this round of shelling alone, the "God's Blessing Soldiers" and "God's Helping Soldiers" lost between three and five hundred people.

Where is the war?

This is simply a one-sided massacre!

"Red cannon, where is our red cannon? Fight back, fight back quickly!" Only Kong Youde had some mental preparation in advance and was still somewhat awake at this time.

Of course, his sobriety was very limited, and he was seen shouting and drinking like a madman.

Following an order, the red barbarian cannons, Western cannons and captive-killing cannons hidden behind the "God's Blessing Soldiers" and "God's Blessing Soldiers" were pushed out one after another.

Then, accompanied by loud noises, countless artillery shells were fired at the rebel positions.

For a time, severed limbs and debris were flying in the rebel formation, and screams could not be heard.

However, in addition to the thirty Hongyi cannons and seventy or eighty larger-caliber Western cannons that caused certain losses to the rebels, the other more than two hundred mid-range cannons only made a sound.

It turns out that the shells fired by these mid-range guns are only the size of pebbles, and their effective range is only two to three hundred steps. How can they reach the rebel army formation nearly two miles away?

"No way, I have to fight for my life!" Upon seeing this, Kong Youde knew that "God's Blessing Soldiers" and "God's Helping Soldiers" were no match for "Submissive Thieves", and he immediately became ruthless.

"His Majesty is watching from the city now. If we can't show our value, how can we have such splendor and wealth?"

Shang Kexi and Geng Zhongming suddenly woke up from a dream, and couldn't help but ordered: "Come on, rush for me, rush up to me and shoot for me!"

This "Three-Shun King" is indeed a first-class ruthless man. Seeing that he can't fight with the cannon, he wants to rush to within a hundred steps to give full play to his advantage of using a cannon.

As soon as the "God Blessed Soldiers" and "God Blessed Soldiers" moved, the Eight Banners cavalry guarding the left and right sides also began to press towards the rebel position.

Since the two cavalry battalions of Li Zicheng and Fatty Zhang had already been sent to Baoan Old City by Zhang Shun, there are only two cavalry battalions of Li Shukong and Yang Chengzu under his command.

Zhang Shun was reluctant to send out both battalions of cavalry, so he had to let Li Shukong lead the cavalry to wander outside, dividing the 7,000 white pole soldiers under Zhang Fengyi into three parts.

In addition to the more than one thousand soldiers who stayed with Zhang Shun to serve as guards, the remaining six thousand white soldiers were divided into two parts to guard the artillery positions on both sides.

After that, when the Jinba Banner cavalry saw the rebel artillery exposed in sight, they could not hold back any longer. They had already rushed over in overwhelming numbers together with the "God Blessing Soldiers" and "God Blessing Soldiers" of the "Sanshun King".

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