"Drive, drive, drive!" Bagya Lajia Lazhangjing Yildun waved his horsewhip and led his men at a leisurely riding speed. Like a beast ready to pounce, Bagya Lajia Lazhangjing Yildeng inspected the rebel army not far away. Artillery positions.

The dense array of spears like hedgehogs and the black muzzles of the "Red Cannon" made him never dare to make up his mind to charge.

He was originally the son of E Yidu, one of the five founding ministers of the Later Jin Dynasty. He was originally decorated with a white flag and Niulu Ezhen.

It was only later that he and Xianghuangqi Gushan'e Zhen Adahan clashed, and both parties were dismissed. Only then did his brother Turge take advantage.

I just didn't expect that Turge's newly acquired position of Gushan Ezhen would be taken away by Ying Erdai before he could warm it up.

This is not only the first Gushan Ezhen who is not from his family Niu Gulu since the establishment of the Xiangbai Banner, but it also represents a dangerous signal, a dangerous signal that a family will fall out of favor.

This forced him to be extremely cautious to avoid being demoted again.

However, while the Eight Banners elites on the left and right wings were hesitant, the "God Blessed Soldiers" and "God Blessed Soldiers" had already arrived a hundred steps away from the rebel army formation.

"Xu all the fire gun battalions attack!" Zhang Shun stood on the observation deck and saw clearly, so he couldn't help but give the order directly.

You have artillery, I have artillery too!

You have a firecracker, and I also have a firecracker!

Whose artillery and fire blunderbuss are the most powerful? Let’s see the truth behind it!

Following Zhang Shun's order, Xu Quan had already seen the order flag.

"Raise the blunderbuss, advance!" Xu Quan couldn't help but give the order, and the five thousand blunderbussmen under his command held the new blunderbuss in their hands and marched in neat steps toward the "God Blessed Soldiers" and "God's Helping Soldiers" who were charging towards the rebels. .

"Ouch, this 'thief' actually wants to shoot at us!" Kong Youde, Shang Kexi and Geng Zhongming couldn't help laughing when they saw this, and then ordered, "Soldiers are shooting, soldiers are on standby!"

Who from a wild background dares to shoot against my "authentic Western method"?

"Bang, bang, bang!" Seeing that the rebels had reached nearly a hundred steps, the eagle gunners of the "God's Blessing Soldiers" and "God's Blessing Soldiers" took the lead in shooting.

The eagle gun, also known as the turtle dove gun, is the famous Spanish heavy matchlock gun in later generations. It weighs fifteen kilograms and is four feet and five inches long. It can shoot one, two, five, or six gold pieces of lead, and it is very powerful.

The gun was introduced to China since the late Ming Dynasty and gradually spread from Guangdong, Fujian, Jiangsu and Zhejiang to Shandong, Henan, Liaodong and other places.

After Zhang Shun designed the new fire gun, it was not that no one offered it.

However, after some experiments, Zhang Shun believed that the fire gun was overpowered and heavy, and could not meet the large-scale equipment needs of the rebels, so he did not list it as standard equipment.

"Ahhh!" With several screams, seven or eight people in the rebel army were knocked to the ground on the spot, which immediately frightened the other gunmen.

"Keep moving forward, no looking, no shooting!" Xu Quan gave the order coldly.

One hundred steps is not the ideal shooting distance for the rebels' new gunners. To fire the gun randomly at this time will not only waste gunpowder and ammunition, but also give the opponent an opportunity to take advantage of it.

When the "Three-Shun King" saw a burst of eagle cannon fire and the rebel team was not in any disorder, a shadow suddenly fell over his heart.

"Since he is a well-trained fire gunman, it seems that there is no luck this time!" Kong Youde shook his head and couldn't help but ordered, "Advance ten steps and fire!"

The two sides were walking towards each other, and they were twenty steps away in an instant.

"Bang, bang, bang!" As soon as they reached the shooting distance, the gunmen on both sides couldn't help but move the triggers in their hands.

The dragon's head held the burning match rope and hit the combustion chamber all at once. The fire gunman's shoulders couldn't help but shook, and then the dense sound of fire guns resounded throughout the battlefield.

"Ah, ah, ah!" In this round alone, I don't know how many people on both sides were shot and fell to the ground, and how many people survived.

"Ah, I've been shot!" A soldier in the rebel army felt a shock in his chest and was about to collapse while holding his chest.

"Get out of here, pretend to be dead, or else you'll be trampled to death!" Unexpectedly, the soldier behind him stepped forward and kicked him, and then quickly looked forward.

"Ah?" The soldier was stunned when he heard this, and then realized that there was no blood flowing out of his chest.

It turns out that the "God's Blessing Soldiers" and "God's Helping Soldiers" used the "Western method" of mixing light and heavy fire guns. The heavy fire guns were eagle guns, while the light fire guns were three-coin bird gun and Lumi gun.

The eagle gun is of course extremely powerful and can easily penetrate even iron armor, but the bird gun and Lumi gun are useless, and are powerless against well-made refined armor.

Xu Quan's fire gun camp is a new type of firearms camp carefully designed by Zhang Shun. The fire gun players all wear vermilion "helmets" and cotton armor-style "breastplates" with a gun knife in their waists. , holding in his hand a new type of firecracker that can fire one or two lead bullets.

Therefore, the rebels did not suffer many casualties in this round. On the contrary, more than a hundred of the "God Blessed Soldiers" and "God Helped Soldiers" on the opposite side were killed at once.

"King Gong Shun, King Zhishun, this is not right!" After Geng Zhongming checked the casualties of the soldiers, he couldn't help but quickly took off a pair of green cloth and iron armor and said happily to Kong Youde and Shang Ke.

"Look at this iron armor, it was penetrated by the 'Shun Thief' in eighty steps!"

"What?" Kong Youde and Shang Kexi were shocked when they heard this. He quickly looked closer and saw a round hole on the blood-stained blue cloth armor, which had obviously been shot through by a fire gun. .

"Medium-sized eagle gun?" The three of them couldn't help but look at each other and said in disbelief.

It turns out that the turtle dove guns also differ in size. A large eagle gun can generally shoot one, two, five, or six cents worth of lead bullets, while a medium-sized eagle gun can only shoot about one, two, or two thousand bucks of lead bullets.

The rebels' new gun can shoot one or two lead bullets, which is almost the same as the medium-sized eagle gun, so the three people didn't recognize it for a while.

"This is impossible!" Na Shang Kexi quickly shook his head and said, "Five Thousand Eagle Guns and Fire Guns, how is this possible?"

It turns out that this eagle gun is very powerful, but because the gun body is too heavy, it needs to be supported by a stand when shooting.

It's fine if it's a city defense, but if it's a field battle, the gunman has to carry a special stand to fight. Not only will the shooting steps be more cumbersome, but it will also increase the logistical burden.

In fact, the new fire gun designed by Zhang Shun is a product that pursues as much power as possible without the need for a bracket.

Although it is easy to carry and use, it actually puts a lot of pressure on the logistics of the rebels.

"Bang bang bang!" The discussion of "Three Shun Kings" continues, but the battlefield will not stop because of their discussion.

The rebel artillery battalion, which adopted a three-row shooting formation, was like a sophisticated combat machine, constantly pouring ammunition into the "God Blessed Soldiers" and "God Blessed Soldiers".

Then Jin Yifang's fire gunners, because they used a phalanx of mixed fire guns and cold weapons, faced the hail of bullets from the rebels. For a time, they were completely unable to use the strengths of both, and instead exposed the shortcomings of both.

One was exactly half of the spearmen and hand-to-hand soldiers, who could only watch the two sides shoot at each other.

One is the fire gunners who adopt a square formation. Every moment, some fire gunmen will be idle, resulting in a serious waste of firepower.

"What should we do?" Kong Youde, Shang Kexi and Geng Zhongming looked at each other and said in disbelief.

The Fire Gun Battalion could not shoot at the "Shun Thieves" against the Fire Gun Battalion. This was something the three of them never expected.

In this case, attacking from a distance is not possible, only close combat is possible.

"Charge, rush up and disperse them!" Kong Youde, Shang Kexi and Geng Zhongming couldn't help but give the order for the final charge.

It sounds even more ironic that the dignified fire gunner now has to decide the outcome through hand-to-hand combat and "submissive thieves".

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