"Let's go, let's go to Fanshan Castle and have a showdown with the 'Shun Thief' there!"

Just as "King Sanshun" led 20,000 "God Blessed Soldiers", "God Blessed Soldiers" and more than 10,000 Eight Banners knights were fighting fiercely with the rebels outside the west gate of Baoan Prefecture, "Emperor of the Qing Dynasty" Hong Taizheng stood on the south gate wall, Watching groups of Manchu and Mongolian elites crossing the Yang River and heading south.

The war outside Ximen was just halfway through, and Hong Tai had already seen the outcome of this war.

The "God's Blessing Soldiers" and "God's Helping Soldiers" of the "Three Shun King" are certainly elite, but even if the Houjin soldiers are allowed to fight against them, it will be very difficult.

However, when they faced the "shun thieves", they were ruthlessly "crushed".


It turns out that these "God-blessed soldiers" and "God-helped soldiers" all depend on firearms. Once the firearms are not as good as humans, artillery and cannons cannot shoot at each other, and firecrackers and firecrackers cannot shoot at each other. Naturally, Guizhou donkey's skills will be exhausted.

If you are ruthlessly crushed by others where you are best at it, you really have no chance of winning.

Since even the "God's Blessing Soldiers" and "God's Helping Soldiers" that Hong Tai had high hopes for could not deal with the "Shun Thieves", then moving south to have a final decisive battle with the "Shun Thieves" was the only way Hong Tai could think of.

War is the continuation of politics, and campaign is the continuation of strategy.

To pin the safety of a country and the rise and fall of a generation on one or two wars is the most failed approach for a country's monarch.

In the past, he often used these words to laugh at the man in the Forbidden City of the Ming Dynasty in private. He never thought that one day he, the majestic "Emperor of the Qing Dynasty", would become like him. What a shame and humiliation!

Thinking of this, Mrs. Hong couldn't help but take a deep look to the east, and comforted herself: "I am still a little different from you. After all, although the 'Shun Thief' has strong firepower, its gunpowder consumption is astronomical."

"The two sides have just fought several times. Their guns and artillery consumed more than 100,000 kilograms of gunpowder?"

"If I persist for a little longer, I'm afraid that although the 'Shun Thief' has many artillery pieces and powerful blunderbuss, they will have no medicine or pills to use, so what can they do to me?"

Fight with caution, fight with caution, Hong Tai reminded herself several times in her mind, and then she breathed a sigh of relief, turned around and asked: "How is the battle between the 'Three Shun King' and the 'Shun Thief'?"

"Your Majesty, it seems that you are at a disadvantage. I will send someone to inquire immediately!" Fan Wencheng heard this and responded quickly.

"Go!" Hong Tai nodded and looked up at the gray sky, not knowing what he was thinking.

Following Tai Hong's order, not long after, several slaves hurried to the west tower of Baoan City. Looking down, they saw a sea of ​​people outside the city, divided into two groups, east and west, constantly moving around and fighting.

Those who were wandering around were the cavalry of the rebel army and Houjin, while those who were fighting were the infantry in front of the formations of both sides.

Even more powerful cannonballs flew up from time to time, and then fell into the crowd, instantly killing and injuring everyone.

Although these slaves were used to fighting, they had never seen such a big scene. For a moment, their two legs were fighting, and their teeth were chattering.

"Have the main force of Hou Jin still not shown up?" At this moment, Zhang Shun looked away at the few minions in the city, frowned and put down the "Penoscope" in his hand.

"No, there is no news yet!" Xu Quan responded quickly after hearing the words, "Now that there are many golden cavalry in the rear, the range of our cavalry has been suppressed a lot, and it is difficult to detect the movement in the distance for a while."

"Two battalions of cavalry are still too few!" Zhang Shun shook his head and couldn't help but sigh.

"Pass the order, let Yang Chengzu's cavalry go out to fight, and first liberate our left wing artillery!"

Since only Li Shukong's first battalion of rangers struggled to support them, the artillery battalions on both wings of the rebel army were pinned down and unable to carry out large-scale bombardment of Houjin's infantry. This led to a deadlock between the two sides.

Of course, Zhang Shun is not afraid of this kind of deadlock.

This time he brought out 50,000 troops, which was more than enough to deal with the 20,000 "God Blessed Soldiers" and "God Helped Soldiers" of the "Sanshun King" and the more than 10,000 Houjin Eight Banners.

However, Zhang Shun was mainly worried about the main force of Houjin stationed in Baoan City. He was afraid that he would suddenly attack when both sides were exhausted from the battle, and he would have no fresh troops to use.

Therefore, he had been holding 20,000 infantry in his hands as a surprise force and remained motionless, leaving the remaining 30,000 infantry, cavalry and artillery men to fight fiercely with the enemy.

Not to mention Zhang Shun's calculations, Yang Chengzu had been listening to the fighting outside for a long time. It was already past noon and he couldn't get any orders, so he had already become impatient.

At this moment, the messenger suddenly saw the command flag of the Chinese army's tent moving, and he couldn't help but said with great joy: "General, general, King Shun has an order, ordering us to repel the golden cavalry on the left wing so that the artillery can continue to bombard the enemy's position."

"Okay!" Yang Chengzu couldn't help but be overjoyed when he heard this. He quickly got on his horse and said, "Let's go. We will not return until we break the golden prisoner!"

Yang Chengzu's cavalry was hiding in the rebel formation. Following the military order, they filed out from behind the rebel formation and then circled to the left flank of the rebel army.

Everyone lost the cover of the rebel army's formation and felt their eyes light up. Only then did they see a group of Houjin cavalry circling around the rebel artillery position like a revolving lantern.

Yang Chengzu couldn't help but be overjoyed, and quickly waved the spear in his hand and said: "Kill, take advantage of his unpreparedness, cover up and kill his army!"

It turned out that the person who was besieging the rebel left artillery position was none other than Nabarja Lajia Lazhangjing Yildun and his Baja La battalion.

After many tests and charges, Ilden finally surrounded the rebel army's 3,000 white soldiers and dozens of cannons.

However, due to the bravery of the white pole soldiers and the huge power of the "Red Barbarian Cannon", it was difficult for Ilden to succeed for a while, so he had to adopt a sparse formation to surround and harass with arrows.

The two sides had been entangled for nearly two hours, and Houjin's mounts were already tired, not to mention the rebel soldiers and gunners who were still holding on.

Ilden was planning to wait until the rebels showed signs of fatigue, then swarm forward, scatter the rebel formations, and seize all the artillery pieces. Unexpectedly, he only heard the rapid sound of horse hooves, and then there was a huge uproar behind him.

He turned around and saw a neat formation of cavalry charging towards them with long spears in hand. Suddenly, a chill rushed into his heart.

Where did this "shun thief" cavalry come from?

Poor Niu Gulu Ilden, how could he know that the reason why the rebels were delayed in moving was just that Zhang Shun kept his hands to wait for Hou Jin's main force, and it was not that he had no spare strength at all.

Yang Chengzu's new force charged forward, catching Houjin Baya's camp by surprise.

Na Yildeng was a strong general, and Nabagala camp was also an elite among Hou Jin's elites. However, if the troops were not arranged in rows and the soldiers were not in formation, how could they withstand the victor Yang Chengzu's cavalry, which was known for its impact.

With just one charge, Houjin Baya's camp was immediately divided into two sections.

Seeing the arrival of reinforcements, the besieged white-armed soldiers of the rebel army immediately boosted their morale. They used their white-armed spears to hook the elite Bagala soldiers who were about to retreat, dragged them off their horses, and stabbed them with their spears.

The artillerymen had already loaded their shells, aimed at crowded places, and started firing fiercely.

The elite troops of Houjin, who were originally aggressive, were suddenly defeated and in danger of being completely annihilated.

"Go, go, get out quickly!" When Ilden saw this, his liver and gallbladder were split apart. He dared not fight anymore. He whipped his whip several times and fled towards Baoan City.

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