Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1428 Challenge

"Did the Donglu army flee south?" Zhang Shun asked with a strange look on his face as he stood in the devastated Baoan Prefecture New City.

"Yes, I saw with my own eyes that the Nalu chief personally led his troops and artillery to cross the Yang River and go south!" A former low-level officer of the Ming Army with a newly shaved "money rat tail" head nodded and bowed. .

"You're going south. Could it be that you want to visit the old city?" Zhang Shun pondered for a moment, then waved him away and asked a little uncertainly.

When Zhang Shun's generals heard this, they looked at me and I looked at you, and were speechless for a moment.

When it comes to killing the enemy in a battle formation, they are considered to be good hands. However, if they are asked to analyze the enemy's situation and make judgments, it would be a bit difficult for these people.

"No, I shouldn't have gone to the old city." As everyone looked at each other, Gao Qiqian hesitated for a moment, and finally responded with certainty.

"If the Donglu want to go to the old city, they must be preparing to take our army's retreat, so there can't be only this few guards in Baoan City."

It turned out that after Yang Chengzu repulsed Kim Ilden's Bagara camp, the rebel gunners on the left wing finally had their hands free and fired at the "God Blessed Soldiers" and "God Blessed Soldiers".

The "Tian Blessing Soldiers" and "Tian Blessing Soldiers" are teams mainly based on firearms. They have an advantage in hand-to-hand combat against Xu Quan's Fire Gun Battalion, but once they face the rebels' cold weapon troops, they will not be able to take advantage.

Coupled with the rebel artillery firing from the flank, one shell can penetrate more than a dozen soldiers. How can they resist it?

The collapse first started from the right wing of the "God Blessing Soldiers" and "God Blessing Soldiers", and then spread to the center army and left wing.

In the end, the entire army collapsed back into the city. The rebels mobilized the "Qingtian General Cannon", "Field Cannon" and "Golden Cannon" and continued to bombard Baoan City.

The rebels bombed for another half day, and many parts of the Baoan city wall collapsed. Seeing that the city could not be defended, Hong Tai and "King Sanshun" took advantage of the cover of night to abandon the city and flee.

The rebels couldn't catch up, and they were afraid that Hou Jin would kill him with a carbine, so they had to let him go.

Early the next morning, the rebels took control of Baoan City, and then the previous conversation took place.

"No matter, I have to ask Li Shukong to send more scouts later." Zhang Shun shook his head and finally decided to wait.

Although the rebel scouts also found out that Hou Jin's main force was heading south, Zhang Shun was not sure what Mrs. Hong's plan was due to the lack of information.

"Your Highness, urgent report from Baoan Old City!" Just when Zhang Shun was puzzled, Xu Ziyuan suddenly came over in a hurry and handed over a letter.

"Fanshan Fort?" Zhang Shun opened it and asked in confusion, "What is the plan behind the transfer of the main force of Donglu to Fanshan Fort?"

"No, this is Mrs. Hong preparing to fight to the death with us!"

What kind of person is Zhang Shun today? After thinking about it for a while, he immediately discovered Hong Tai's intention.

"What should I do? Do you want to fight?" Gao Qiqian was stunned when he heard the words, but then he also reacted and couldn't help but ask.

If you want a decisive battle, there is no reason why I must fight to a decisive battle.

If we use the terminology of siege flag, you "rob", and I have to "response to the robbery", otherwise we will not be able to fight the decisive battle.

The Song-Liao Chanyuan Alliance was a typical example. The two sides were a pair of excellent opponents.

An enemy was blocking the enemy at the foot of Chanzhou City, waiting hard for General Wang Chao, who had more than 100,000 troops, to attack and cut off the enemy's retreat, but there was no movement.

One is to drive straight in and penetrate deep into the enemy's territory. As a result, there is a strong city in front, hidden worries behind, and general Xiao Taolin was shot to death with a bed crossbow.

One is afraid of wolves in the front, and the other is afraid of tigers in the back.

The two sides opened up their postures aggressively, but the war that would determine the ownership of the world did not start, and ended hastily. It was really shocking.

This is exactly whether we attack or not, and whether we should attack or not depends on the enemy.

"Yes, why not?" Zhang Shun couldn't help but said confidently, "I have carefully prepared for several years, just for today."

"If we let him escape this time, do we still have to carry a hundred thousand armor and go deep into the barren land to find the enemy in the bitter cold Liaodong?"

As Li Shukong's scouts continued to expand the scope of their exploration, the rebels finally discovered that all the Donglu at the east gate and north of Xuanzhen seemed to have withdrawn.

From the security guard to Huailai, from Huai to Yanqing, from Yanqing to Juyongguan, all of them are unoccupied.

All the food, silver, gunpowder, cloth, artillery, muskets, armor, swords, and even sulfur and saltpeter in the city had been completely wiped out by Hou Jin.

If it were not for the inconvenience of the people in the city to carry them, the city would not be able to move. I am afraid that the two remaining items would be snatched away by Hou Jin.

"What a great Mrs. Hong, this move is really beautiful!" Zhang Shun couldn't help but sigh with emotion after finally confirming where Houjin's main force was.

One is to fortify the walls and clear the country, leaving no useful materials for the rebels. As a result, these cities will only become a burden to the rebels, not a benefit.

One is that after giving way to the main road, if the rebels do not occupy it, the Ming army, which was preparing to make a profit in the east, may take the opportunity to "recover the city."

In this way, the rebel army not only had to fight the Hou Jin Dynasty, but also had to guard against the Ming army's sneak attack, which could be said to kill two birds with one stone.

"Then what should we do?" Xu Ziyuan and Gao Qiqian couldn't help but frowned.

"He doesn't want it, we want it!" Zhang Shun shook his head and made up his mind.

"Where is Jiang Quan? In a moment, you will relay the message to your brother Jiang Xuan. He has already assumed the post of commander-in-chief. I ordered thirty or fifty people to immediately go to Juyongguan to recruit the old troops and fill the vacancy on their own."

"If this is accomplished, and Juyongguan can be preserved, I will grant him a marquis; if the Ming army attacks and he is unable to resist, I will not incriminate him."

"Ah? Thank you for your grace, Your Highness!" Jiang Yu was stunned when he heard this, and suddenly couldn't help but said with great joy.

It turned out that Hong Tai had calculated everything, but he did not expect that the Juyong Pass general was actually the brother of the rebel general Jiang Xuan, and he did not expect that Jiang Xuan actually fled to Xuanzhen and joined the rebel army after losing Juyong Pass.

Normally, this general would not be worth much, but at this critical moment, Jiang Xuan was of great use.

The most important pass between Xuanfu City and the capital of Ming Dynasty is Juyong Pass.

Now that Hou Jin has moved to the south of Baoan Prefecture, the Ming army does not know the reality of both sides.

Zhang Shun was ready to take the opportunity to gamble that Hou Jin would not abandon Changping and Miyun.

If Hou Jin still occupied Changping, Miyun and other places, even if the rebel army occupied Juyong Pass, the Ming army might not dare to ignore the enemies in Changping and Miyun and take the initiative to attack Xuanfu.

As long as Juyong Pass is not lost, even if Yanqing, Huailai, and Baoan New City are lost, as long as Jiming Station is not lost, the appearance of the Ming army will not have much impact on the decisive battle between the two sides.

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