Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1429 Competition

The southern boundary of Yanghe River in Baoan Prefecture is located on the lower reaches of Sanggan River. It is surrounded by mountains on three sides to the south, west and north. The terrain on the east side is flat, making it easy to enter and exit.

This is also an important reason why Houjin had to abandon Baoan New City after abandoning Baoan Old City.

After the rebels occupied Bao'an New City, they took a short rest. Zhang Shun left only a dozen cavalrymen as a warning, and then led the army across the Yang River to the old city.

"Your Highness!" Zhang Sanbai, Li Zicheng, Guan Fumin, and Fatty Zhang had been waiting for a long time after receiving the news that Zhang Shun had arrived.

"How's it going? What's going on over there in Donglu!" Zhang Shun couldn't help but ask.

"We really didn't notice it before!" Zhang Sanbai and Li Zicheng couldn't help but smile bitterly after hearing this. "It wasn't until we sent dozens of cavalry to prepare to take over Fanshan Fort that we discovered that Donglu were not only occupying it, but also A large number of troops were also stationed.”

"Because there are many Donglu cavalry and scouts are scattered everywhere, we can't get close."

"After losing more than ten good soldiers in a row, we discovered that the Donglu troops were too large to be stationed in Fanshan Fort, so we set up camp outside the fort."

"In the areas to the north and east of Fanshan Fort, trenches were dug and fortresses were built according to the mountain conditions. It seems that they don't want to leave for a while!"

"Don't want to leave?" Zhang Shun couldn't help but sneered when he heard this, "Since they don't want to leave, let them sleep here forever!"

"By the way, is there a guide who is familiar with the local terrain and topography? I want to understand the situation here as soon as possible!"

"Yes, yes!" Zhang Sanbai responded quickly after hearing this, "The Lord of Yu Fort is the previous Lord of Shunxiang Fort, and he is quite familiar with this place."

"At the end of yesterday, the general just ordered someone to make a simple diagram based on his dictation. In a moment, I will bring him and the diagram to see His Highness."

"Okay!" Zhang Shun nodded, and then walked into the city that had just been captured by the rebels.

There are only two gates in Baoan Old City, the north and the south. However, after being repeatedly bombarded by rebel artillery, the north side is now seriously damaged.

Zhang Shun looked at the city wall that had almost collapsed, and couldn't help but shook his head and said: "The city wall and the defense facilities on the city have also been restored quickly. This time Donglu is going to do something big!"

"Decisive battle?" Zhang Sanga was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and then his hands trembled with excitement.

"Yes, a decisive battle!" Zhang Shun nodded, but after looking around at his generals who were excited, surprised, excited, or worried, he smiled and said, "We mud-legged people are going to Beijing to take the exam! "

When the generals heard this, they didn't know Zhang Shun's intention, and they immediately started gearing up.

In this era, this is called "If a man can't eat with five pots of food, he will cook with five pots of food." In Zhang Shun's previous life, it was called "If you win the young model in the club, if you lose, you will work in the sea."

Although the rhetoric is different, the meaning is the same, that is, one battle will determine victory or defeat.

With Zhang Shun's words, everyone couldn't help but get excited. They stared at Zhang Shun expectantly, waiting for what he would say.

As a result, after this guy said this, he walked into Baoan Old City without looking back.

No, you have no intention of boosting morale, so why are you teasing us?

Everyone looked at me and I looked at you, and we were all dumbfounded.

"Let's go, let's go, let's talk after we go in!" When Song Xiance saw him, he couldn't help but remind him with a smile.

What a good person, Your Highness, he is becoming more and more skilled at playing with people's hearts.

Morale should be boosted, not let down.

However, the morale that has been boosted will slowly sink over time.

Although the war is imminent now, there are actually many variables in the middle.

Good steel should be used on the blade, there is no need to waste it at this time.

Therefore, Zhang Shun deliberately teased and then suppressed, making all the generals feel relieved.

Only this spirit can support the rebels to go further and longer.

"Your Highness!" Not long after, when Zhang Shun had settled down, Zhang Sanbai came over with Lord Yu and a pair of simple blueprints.

"There is no need to be polite, old man. I have something to ask for your help." Zhang Shun helped Lord Yu who was bowing to him and said in a gentle tone.

"The Tatars have occupied Fanshan Fort in the past few days."

"Where?" Lord Yu was obviously stunned.

"Fanshan Fort, this is a military secret. It's normal for you as a commoner not to know," Zhang Shun explained with a smile.

"Fanshan Castle?" The Lord of Yu Castle looked in disbelief when he heard this, and then he knelt down with a "pop" and bowed three times, "Your Highness is indeed a direct descendant of the Yellow Emperor and a direct descendant of Yao and Shun. "

Song Xiance couldn't help but twitched his lips when he heard this. Old Taoist priest, I seem to be robbed of my business.

"What the old man said is true. I am a descendant of the Yan and Huang Dynasties, and naturally I am the successor of the Yellow Emperor and Yao and Shun." Zhang Shun nodded after hearing this, but he didn't take it seriously and was about to step forward to help him.

Unable to help it, Lord Yu couldn't help but kneel down. Instead, he explained: "Your Highness, Your Highness, let me finish my words. It's not too late to make further calculations."

"Oh?" Zhang Shun glanced at Song Xiance and couldn't help laughing or crying for a moment, "Old man, please tell me."

Song Xiance is more like looking at your nose, and your nose is looking at your heart. The old Taoist priest wants to see what you are capable of.

"The old Taoist priest is from Shunxiangbao. Therefore, it is said that King Shun was the grandson of the eighth generation of the Yellow Emperor. Yao heard of his virtuous reputation and his wife was the daughter of Emperor E. She accepted Zen and ruled the world."

"When King Wu attacked Zhou, he searched all over for the virtuous people before him, and got King Shun's thirty-fourth generation grandson Guiman. He took his eldest daughter as his wife and prepared three wives to offer sacrifices to Yu and Shun."

"The capital was first established in Zhuye, and later moved to Wanqiu. The country's name was Chen, which is what Chenzhou is today!"

Ouch, you are quite capable!

Song Xiance raised his eyelids and couldn't help but glance at Lord Yu in surprise.

Zhang Shun had heard such stories so many times that he became a little numb and thought to himself: My surname is not Chen, let’s see how you deal with it.

"When Chu destroyed Chen, in the twenty-fifth generation, many of Emperor Shun's Miao descendants died." The Lord of Yu Fort couldn't help but continue talking.

"There are descendants of the Chen family who fled to Qi State and grew stronger, and eventually the "Tian family replaced Qi State".

"After the Tian family succeeded the Qi Dynasty, they were kind to the people, but in the end they were not in the right position. Fearing that people would be dissatisfied, they set up the Jixia Academy and vigorously promoted the virtues of their ancestors. Only then will the virtues of the Yellow Emperor be known to the world."

What? Zhang Shun never expected that this little old man would actually get himself in after going around and around.

In his previous life, I often said "descendants of Yan and Huang, descendants of Yan and Huang", but now are they really descendants of Yan and Huang?

It turns out that in Zhang Shun's previous life, although there were legends about the Yellow Emperor in various places, most of them were like trees without roots and water without sources. Basically, they were in a state where the public said the public was right and the mother-in-law said the mother-in-law was right.

However, the words of Master Yu made Zhang Shun really think of a possibility.

That is, Emperor Shun may really be a descendant of Huangdi, and he himself is a descendant of Emperor Shun.


According to this old man's explanation, the name of the Yellow Emperor was promoted by the descendants of Emperor Shun, and by coincidence, Shunxiang Fort in Baoan Prefecture was near the Yellow Emperor's union in Busan, and Zhang Shun himself happened to have the Fuxi Bone on his head. , Strange and Chonghua.

There were so many coincidences that Zhang Shun couldn't help but think more about it.

However, just as Zhang Shun and Song Xiance reacted, Lord Yu said another shocking sentence.

"If that's the case, let's just pay it off." Lord Yu continued with a shocked look on his face.

"What a coincidence. The Tatars are not going anywhere but to this Fanshan Fort."

"What happened to Fanshan Fort?" Song Xiance couldn't help but ask when he saw that this guy was getting more and more enthusiastic.

"This Fanshan Fort is nothing, except that it originally had another name, called 'Zhuolu'!" Lord Yu said with a smile.

"The Zhuolu of the Battle of Zhuolu, the Zhuolu of the Yellow Emperor who beheaded Chi You, the Zhuolu who unified the world, the Zhuolu whose descendants of Yan and Huang spread all over the world!"

"What?" Zhang Shun was almost dumbfounded.

I said that I seemed to have forgotten something, but I didn't expect to be waiting here.

Zhuolu, Zhuolu, is this really my own Zhuolu battle?

At this moment, Zhang Shun couldn't help but glance at Song Xiance. Unexpectedly, Song Xiance's expression was dull and he didn't react for a long time.

"Sir, Mr. Song, what's wrong with you?" Zhang Shun couldn't help but waved his hand in front of him.

"Your Highness, do you still remember the Yellow River Stone?" Song Xiance suddenly asked as if he had woken up from a dream.

"Yellow River Stone?" Zhang Shun was stunned when he heard this, and then he remembered that he couldn't stay in Shanxi and ran to the bank of the Yellow River, where he encountered Huang Shoucai and others.

"Yes, the wooden hanging ruler will stop when it is smooth." Song Xiance couldn't help but murmured to himself, "The pure and turbid will be transformed, and the soil will overcome it!"

"Pindao has never been able to understand the last two sentences. Unexpectedly, I only understand the meaning today."

"How do you say this?" Zhang Shun and Lord Yu asked with strange expressions.

"I don't know why Donglu went crazy this year, but he didn't use the national title of 'Hou Jin', but changed it to 'Qing' instead." Song Xiance said with a sarcastic expression.

"Then, I didn't wait for the good security city, and I had to go to Zhuolu. You know, Zhuolu, also known as Zhuolu and Zhuolu, isn't this the will of God?"

"Clearness turns into turbidity, and earth can overcome it?" Zhang Shun read again with a shocked look on his face. He couldn't help but look up at the sky and thought to himself: Is this the meaning of traveling through time?

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