Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1430 Zhuolu Ancient City

"Your Highness, this is the ruins of the ancient city of Zhulu, also known as Xuanyuan Hill and Xuanyuan Terrace. It is the capital of Your Highness's ancestor, the Yellow Emperor!" Master Yu Fort led Zhang Shun to a place and pointed to a place that had been abandoned for an unknown number of years. ancient city ruins road.

"The river in front of the old city is the famous Zhuoshui, and one mile east of the city is the famous Banquan."

"Because the Yellow Emperor once bathed here, it was also called Zhuolong Pond."

"Five miles east of the city is Fanshan Fort, and three miles south of Fanshan Fort is Longwangtang Village, which is Chiyou Village. Chiyou was stationed here during the Battle of Zhuolu."

"The Chiyou Spring also comes from here. It first meets Banquan in Fanshan Castle, and then converges into one place and flows into Zhuoshui River."

As soon as he talked about ancient things, Lord Yu's eyebrows suddenly lit up and he talked non-stop, quite like Zhao Yutou's spirit back then.

Looking at the ancient old man in front of him telling four thousand years of stories, looking at the land where his ancestors had lived, cultivated, fought, and even died of illness and death for generations, Zhang Shun couldn't help but be filled with emotion.

This ordinary wilderness carries the hard work and sweat of our ancestors for generations, as well as the five thousand years of civilization and glory of a nation.

Thinking of this, he thought of those robbers in the previous life who put on the cloak of civilization and kept claiming that they were civilized.

civilization? Are you worthy of it?

At this thought, Zhang Shun couldn't help but sing loudly: "The Yellow Emperor went to war, Zhuolu attacked Chiyou. The sage is not warlike, but because he is a tiger and a wolf."

"Today we are in danger, and the Tartars have captured our city. The Ming rulers are cowardly, and the captives are rampant. The people are dying in the wild, and there is no cockcrow for thousands of miles."

"Once the world changes, China will be devastated. Shun is a commoner and works hard in the mountains. He is willing to follow the will of his ancestors and cleanse the nine states!"

"Okay, what a saying, 'Shun was also a commoner, and worked hard in the mountains'!" Although the Lord Yu was just an old man who was proficient in writing, he could still hear the pun intended by Zhang Shun's words.

"But I think the sentence 'I would like to follow the ancestors' will and cleanse the nine states' is better!" Song Xiance shook his head and said.

"Where is the 'submissive thief'? My Majesty has an edict. If you understand the destiny, you will surrender quickly without losing your position as a prince. Once war breaks out, don't blame me for being ruthless with my sword. It will be too late to regret it by then!" While everyone was talking and laughing, I suddenly saw dozens of horses galloping towards me, reining in their horses and shouting in front of Xuanyuan Hill.

"This is really 'a thief shouts to catch a thief'!" Zhang Shun couldn't help laughing after hearing this, and pointed at the army behind him and said, "I have hundreds of bear generals under my command, hundreds of thousands of heroes, and billions of people."

"Now that I have beaten you to the point of running away with my head in my arms, how can I show my face to say that I surrender?"

"I heard that you, clowns like you, are the ugly ones outside the Great Wall. Only because of the kindness of this world can you live in the land where the state is founded."

"Now that he succeeds, he turns against his master. He is unfaithful and unjust. Isn't he an ungrateful thief?"

"I have also heard that those who are high-level thieves are robbing their masters, and those who are low-level thieves are robbing their people. Now you are robbing your masters, your people are robbing your people, and you want to steal the world. This so-called 'thief is also a thief', and you are the greatest thief in the world. yeah!"

"Isn't it absurd for the world's greatest thief to call others thieves?"

"How brave, pull him out and chop him, pull him out and chop him!" After saying that the envoy was scolded by Zhang Shun, he returned to Fanshan Castle in despair, and reported Zhang Shun's scolding to Hong Tai in full. Angry, Mrs. Hong suddenly suffered from epistaxis and bleeding, and couldn't help but said angrily.

"It's unjust, Your Highness, I'm unjust. These are all insults from a 'submissive thief' and are not the slave's original intention." When the "dog slave" heard this, he was frightened to death and couldn't help but beg for mercy loudly.

"Oh? Isn't that what you meant? Forget it, I won't chop it off, I won't chop it off!" Hong Tai was so angry that he couldn't help but shouted sharply, "Change the chop!"

"Ah, no." The "damn slave" was finally dragged out, and not long after, a miserable scream sounded outside the door.

"Hmph, he deserves to be cut into pieces by a thousand cuts!" Hong Taiyu concluded angrily.

"What His Highness said is true, and this killing is the right thing to do!" Seeing that Mrs. Hong's anger had almost subsided, Fan Wencheng cautiously agreed.

"It's just that the 'shun thief' has always been crafty, and now that he sees our troops in good order and the fortress in awe, he must not dare to attack fiercely."

"What I am concerned about now is just a plan to provoke the general. Please be careful with it, Your Majesty!"

"Mr. Fan, you are worrying too much. I have been thinking about this matter for a long time. How could a child with a yellow mouth take advantage of it!" When Mrs. Hong heard this, she didn't know that this was Fan Wencheng's tactful advice not to get too angry, so as not to affect his judgment. .

Although he said that as a lifelong hero, he quickly adjusted his mentality, but he still gets really angry when he thinks about it!

In fact, as a lifelong hero, Hong Tai is as thick-skinned as Zhang Shun and has already become immune to all kinds of ginseng cocks.

But Zhang Shun's scolding was as sharp as a sword, and it touched Mrs. Hong's pain point.

It is unfaithful to use a minister to rebel against the emperor; to repay kindness with hatred is unjust. As a foreigner, he committed many killings. These few incidents negated the foundation of the Hou Jin Dynasty.

As the saying goes: Born in injustice, you will die in humiliation. This is the root cause of Hong Tai's anger.

Let’s not talk about Mrs. Hong’s calculations, let’s talk about Zhang Shun leading the army to the ancient city of Zhulu.

Although this place is of great symbolic significance, Zhang Shun did not want to destroy this site to avoid leaving irreparable regrets to future generations.

He quickly sent soldiers to explore the terrain and terrain of the area as well as Hou Jin's deployment.

Although the scouts from both sides frequently exchanged blows, it didn't take long for the rebels to get a clear picture of the surrounding situation.

It turns out that the Zhuo River comes from the south. After reaching the ancient city of Zhuolu, it turns east and travels about four or five miles to reach Fanshan Fort. However, it turns and flows northeast, and finally flows into the Sanggan River. .

Then the Jin side took Fanshan Fort as the core and the opposite bank of Zhuo River as two wings, and established a line reaching Fansi Fort in the west and a depression five miles north of Fanshan Fort in the north.

As for the layout behind it, since the rebels have not yet been able to cross the river to explore, it is not yet known whether it is true or not.

"Your Highness, in the old man's opinion, it is better to station troops here. This is God's will!" The master of Yubao saw that Zhang Shun was hesitant and couldn't help but said hastily.

"Okay, it's up to you!" Zhang Shun was stunned for a moment, then nodded.

"Ah?" Everyone was surprised when they heard this, and then they looked like they suddenly understood.

When Zhang Shun saw it, he knew that everyone had their suspicions, but he deliberately did not tell the truth. He just ordered: "The old city of Zhuolu is the old capital of the Yellow Emperor. It cannot be damaged due to the disrespect of future generations. We will be stationed here." Let’s worry about the mounds to the east.”

Following Zhang Shun's order, the rebel army began to get busy and began to set up camp with the mound east of the ancient city of Zhuolu as the center.

In fact, Zhang Shun did not want to have any symbolic meaning this time, but he never expected that the topography of the Zhuolu area had not changed much despite the vicissitudes of thousands of years.

When Hou Jin was stationed near Chi You's former garrison, his choices could only be limited to the place where Huang Di was stationed in the past.

All seemingly incredible coincidences actually have internal logic in them.

There is only one chapter today, so please forgive me. Originally, the author wanted to complete the best plot in the past few days, but unexpectedly, the author could not find one of the most important geographical landmarks - Zhuolu Mountain, where the Battle of Zhuolu was located, and Fanshan Town. Fanshan, this makes it impossible to deduce the plot that the author originally prepared. It gives me a headache...

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