"Part of Houjin's main force went to Longwangtang Village?" Zhang Shun was stunned when he heard this, but his thoughts were no coincidence.

When Song Xiance and Lord Yu heard this, they couldn't help but said in surprise: "Hey, our army is victorious!"

Obviously, these people already knew that Chiyou Village was in Longwangtang Village.

Now I am occupying Zhuolu City, and he is occupying Chiyou Village. Isn't it God's will?

Of course, this is a coincidence, but it is not a coincidence either.

Although the southern boundary of Bao'an Prefecture is hilly, it is considered flat compared to the mountainous areas in the south.

Therefore, for the two sides confronting the East and the West, if the original terrain remains unchanged, then there is a high probability that the military deployment will tend to converge.

Now that the rebel army is stationed in the ancient city of Zhuolu, it is natural and not surprising that Hou Jin stationed himself in Chiyou Village.

Of course, since the Ming Dynasty built Fanshan Fort here, the situation on both sides was naturally different from that in ancient times.

If everything follows the arrangement of the ancient Battle of Zhuolu, it would be to sacrifice the fundamentals and pursue the inferior.

Na Hongtai's original plan was to use Fanshan Fort as the center, and then set up forts as two wings along the Zhuo River to suppress the almost undefendable rebels on the other side of the river.

As a result, he never expected that Zhang Shun avoided the real situation and attacked the weak, but instead established his camp on the mound east of Zhuolu Gucheng.

Since then, Hou Jin's defense facilities north of Fanshan Fort have been of almost no use except for wasted effort.

The rebels unexpectedly set up their camp on a mound east of the ancient city of Zhuolu, which put great pressure on Houjin's left-wing defense line.

Under this layer of pressure, Hong Tai also had to adjust Houjin's defense focus.

The result of the adjustment was naturally to set up a separate battalion in Longwangtang Village just south of Fanshan Fort to prevent the rebels from cutting off their retreat.

"Your Highness, the focus of Jianlu's defense has moved south, what should we do?" Xu Ziyuan asked a timely question after hearing this.

"We? Let's send people to Sanbao, Sibao and Qiqi Village to launch a defense line along the Zhuoshui River!" Zhang Shun was already confident and couldn't help laughing.

"Take Zhang Rukui to Qiqi Village, the officials and the people will go and garrison the fourth fort, and Dang Shousu will garrison the third fort. The three of them will be led by the officials and the people, and they will be assisted by Dang Shousu and Zhang Rukui. Don't compete for power and interfere with things!"

"The remaining two battalions of Zhang Sanbai and Li Wanqing, with 9,000 men, continue to garrison Baoan Old City to protect the rebels' retreat."

"In addition, the king of the town, Ye Tinggui, and Taiyuan's left-behind Sun Chunchuan should prepare at least 100,000 kilograms of gunpowder as soon as possible and send it to the front line to prevent it from being used up during the battle between the two sides."

"This subordinate will draft a military order right now!" Xu Ziyuan hesitated and agreed quickly.

It turns out that the Ming army not only set up a Fanshan Fort here, but also set up a series of small forts as auxiliary, forming a complete defense system.

However, because the imaginary enemy when the Ming army set up Fanshan Fort was completely different from the imaginary enemy of the Hou Jin Dynasty today, most of these fortresses have lost their effectiveness.

Among them, Fansanbao and Fansibao were set up in the upper reaches of the Zhuoshui River, and Qiqi Village is located at the foot of Zhuolu Mountain at the source of the Zhuoshui River. These three places contain the area from Zhuolu Mountain to Zhuolu Ancient City from south to north. Zhang Shun happened to pick it up and use it again.

At this moment, the Houjin side also occupied Chiyou Village and temporarily formed a dual-core defense structure of Fanshan Fort and Chiyou Village.

As soon as the rebels started moving, Mrs. Hong quickly got the news.

"It seems that this 'shun thief' is planning to set up a defense line along the river!" Hong Tai understood clearly and couldn't help but frowned and sighed.

After he was disgusted by the name Chiyou Village last time, he ordered the camp near Longwang Hall to be named Longwang Village and hurried back to Fanshan Fort.

Originally, according to his thoughts, Dragon King Village was important, but the most important thing was Fanshan Fort with complete defense facilities and mountains on its back.

However, this time Zhang Shun used practical actions to tell him that Fanshan Fort was not that important.


It turned out that after the rebel army set up camp east of the ancient city of Zhuolu, due to terrain reasons, the Later Jin Army had only two options if they wanted to advance.

One is to cross the Zhuoshui River and then attack the rebels from the north bank of the Zhuoshui River.

The other was to go directly to the south bank of the Zhuoshui River, and then cross the Zhuoshui River to attack the rebels stationed on the high hills.

For Hou Jin, the former one is naturally cheaper, and the latter one can only wait.

However, when the rebels extended their front along the upper reaches of Zhuo River to the foot of Zhuolu Mountain, things changed.

If Hou Jin still launches an attack according to the previous arrangement, then the three battalions of Guan Fumin, Dang Shousu and Zhang Rukui on the right wing of the rebel army can cross the Zhuoshui River and blitz the "Longwang Village" on Hou Jin's back road.

And if the battlefield of both sides is located south of Zhuo River, then things will be simpler for the officials and the people.

They can completely abandon Fansanbao, Fansibao and Qiqi Village, join the battlefield directly from the southwest, and flank Houjin's left flank.

"This 'thief' is really difficult to deal with!" Mrs. Hong cursed loudly, and finally gave the order honestly.

"Prince Haoge of Chusu led ten thousand people to garrison Longwang Village, and Boluo of Chusu led three thousand troops to set up camps along the Chi spring. Beware of 'shun thieves' cutting off the passage between the two places. There must be no mistake!"

"Hey, my servant (minion) takes the order!" Nahauge and Gushan Beizi Bolo quickly stepped forward to receive the military order.

The Art of War says: Harm others without killing them!

Zhang Shun understood the truth, and Hong Tai, the "Emperor of the Qing Dynasty" who had experienced many battles, had no reason not to understand the truth.

Since you want me to adjust my defensive focus, I will reluctantly adjust it, but I will never adjust the entire defensive focus as you expected.

There is one form of ancient Chinese war that is obviously different from wars in other regions, and that is the camp.

Whenever a war is about to break out, set up camp first and then ask for battle.

The reason for this is that this is the best choice caused by the engineering operation skills of both warring parties and the scale of the war.

The Art of War says: Don’t worry about victory, think about defeat first.

Tens of thousands of horses and horses, traveling thousands of miles, encounter the enemy and fight. The winner cannot be determined unless it takes a long time.

If one side is encamped and the other side is not.

Once there is no winner or loser for three or two days, one side without a camp will not only have to eat and sleep in the open air, but also face constant harassment from the other side, and the logistics and baggage cannot be stored, so naturally the only way out is failure.

Therefore, a battle between the two sides is about to begin, and the first step is to set up camp.

This camp is also divided into different standards. If it is an ordinary march, it is natural to set up fences and make some arrangements. This is a temporary camp.

If the camp is to be stationed for a long time, it will be necessary to cut down trees and build up soil, just like building a city. This is a long-term camp.

Nowadays, the defense system of both sides, which combines camps and fortresses into one, with both offense and defense, can no longer be called a camp, but a war fortress composed of defense points.

The excavation and stacking of each fort is like a chess player placing pieces on a chessboard.

It seems like everything is calm, but in fact, the situation has already been tense.

After seven or eight days of this, both sides set up their camps. Zhang Shun and Hong Tai fought evenly, with no distinction between the top and the bottom.

The arrangements for both sides are finally almost over, and the battle should begin next. By the way, the author Yijun has drawn the map near Fanshan Castle and will soon spread it to book friends to help everyone understand the plot.

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