Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1433 Going to war

July is full of fire and the sun is scorching.

As the saying goes: when it is prosperous, it will decline, but when it is not, it will be prosperous.

Under the leadership of Zhang Shun and Hong Tai, the rebel army and the Hou Jin Dynasty went through repeated battles, and finally, like a fully drawn bow, they finally shot the sharpest arrow.

On this morning, at dawn, the thundering drums began to ring through the rebel camp.

With a heartbreaking sound of friction between ropes and wooden beams, the heavy suspension bridge slowly fell, and finally hit the other side of Zhuoshui heavily.

The soldiers of the banner filed out under the guidance of the small pennant held by the flag commander, and then quickly formed a small formation of a hundred people outside the city.

Houjin's scout, who was investigating not far away, had already discovered the movements of the rebels, and quickly rode away, heading for the Fanshan Fort camp.

"What, the 'Shun Thief' took the initiative to fight?" Upon hearing this, Mrs. Hong couldn't help but slam the table and stood up.

"Yes, they are forming up along the south bank of Zhuo River, ready to attack our army at any time!" the scout responded quickly.

"South Bank?" After hearing this, Mrs. Hong couldn't help but look at Fan Wencheng, and her teeth felt sore.


It turns out that the rebels marched towards Fanshan Fort along the south bank of Zhuo River, which meant that Hou Jin's cavalry attacked the opponent's flank for a long time.

Previously, the Lord of Yu Fort mentioned to Zhang Shun that there is Black Dragon Pond one mile east of the ancient city of Zhuolu. The water in the pond does not freeze in winter and the water quality is sweet. There is the Huangdi Temple built on it, which is the ancient Banquan Spring.

The water is full and overflows, turning and flowing eastward, which is called Hanquan water.

The spring water flows all the way to the northeast, and finally flows through Fanshan Fort and merges into Zhuoshui River.

This time, the rebels chose the place where Zhuo River and Banquan River meet.

It is equivalent to being covered by rivers on both sides. This terrain is very conducive to the rebels whose main combat force is artillery and infantry.

"This thief always chooses a method that makes me very uncomfortable!" Hong Tai cursed fiercely, and then had no choice but to say.

"Let Xianglan Banner Niulu'e Zhenpiangu lead a battalion to wander south of Banquan, waiting for an opportunity to take action."

"Kong Youde led the Tianyou soldiers out of the city to fight, and red cannons were lined up on the city to support them."

After all, war is not a game. There is no point in using the mouse to move all the troops up from the beginning.

The terrain in Zhuo River and Banquan River was narrow, making it difficult for the army to deploy, so Hong Tai did not intend to use all his strength at once.

"Dong dong dong!" Not long after, the rebel infantry arrived at the west side of Fanshan Fort. Two neat square formations were lined up one behind the other outside the city, just like two square boxes.

"That's it?" Seeing this, Hong Tai couldn't help but smile disdainfully.

There are only 6,000 people in the two battalions.

Only six thousand men were sent to attack the city. Who are you looking down on?

Following the order from "King of Obedience" Kong Youde, the gate of Fanshan Fort was opened wide. Not long after, his 7,000 "God Blessed Soldiers" were lined up on the left and right, and they were slowly approaching the rebels under the urging of drumbeats.

"Let go!" Seeing the rebels marching two miles away from Fanshan Fort, the gunner on the city gave the order, and seven or eight ten-pound iron bullets flew over.

But because the distance between the two sides was too far, most of the iron bullets flew away. Only one was lucky enough to hit an unlucky guy and beat him to pieces.

"Change the formation!" As soon as the rebels under the city saw that they were within the range of the enemy's artillery, they couldn't help but give the order. The square formation that was originally a square suddenly stretched out and turned into an army reaching Zhuoshui in the north and Hanban in the south. Horizontal formation of spring water.

Not far behind the formation, there were twenty "Hongyi Cannons" neatly placed. The black muzzles were like the eyes of an eagle, staring at the defenders on the city.

Here we go again! Mrs. Hong couldn't help but cursed secretly, and shrank back into the turret.


"Boom boom boom"

This time it was the rebels' turn to shoot, and twenty iron bullets slammed into the formation of the "God Blessed Soldiers". Twenty or thirty people were pierced on the spot, and their deaths were extremely miserable. For a while, there was endless mourning in the field.

"Zhi Niang thief, fight back, fight back!" Mrs. Hong saw it clearly in the city and couldn't help but ordered loudly.

"Boom, boom, boom!" The Hongyi cannon on Fanshan Fort rang out again, this time killing another three or five rebel soldiers.

However, since the rebels were arranged in three horizontal rows, one iron bullet could only penetrate three of them, so it had no lethality at all.

On the other hand, the "God Blessed Soldiers" formed the "Far West Plum Blossom Formation". Although it was better than the traditional solid square formation, it still could not withstand the fire of the rebel artillery.

It turns out that some of the tactics and firepower of the rebels have reached the level of Zhang Shun's previous life in Western Europe from the late 18th century to the early 19th century. Naturally, they cannot withstand the tactics and firepower of Hou Jin's 17th century.

"Let it go, let it go, let it go!" The rebel gunpowder shells seemed to be free of charge. As the Hongyi cannons on Houjin City fired back, they couldn't help but fire them back.

Most of the Hongyi cannons of this era were more than a foot long. The cannons were heavy and difficult to load. They might not be able to fire a single shot in a minute or two.

The rebel "field artillery" and "golden artillery" were only four or five feet long and relatively lightweight.

A skilled shooter can shoot two or three rounds per minute, and an unskilled shooter can maintain at least one shot per minute. Therefore, the firepower intensity far exceeds that of Houjin's "heavy soldiers".

"No way, go to the Western guns and the mid-range guns!" Kong Youde frowned upon seeing this and couldn't help but order.

The so-called "Western artillery" and "median artillery" are mostly imported Western field artillery, which are roughly equivalent to the three- and four-pound artillery of the same era.

If these cannons were used against the Ming army, which had similar or even more backward equipment of the same era, it would naturally be unfavorable.

However, if it were compared to the rebels who were equipped with twelve-pound and twenty-four-pound field guns and golden cannons equivalent to those of the same era, it would almost be suicide.

The range of the rebel artillery is basically more than a thousand steps, and more accurate shooting is about three hundred steps.

However, the actual range of the "Western artillery" and "median artillery" on the opposite side was only three to five hundred steps, so how could they withstand the bombardment of the rebel artillery.

The two sides had just exchanged two rounds of fire when several iron bullets ruthlessly hit the crowd of Houjin gunners, crushing three to five people at once and causing the nearby gunners to disperse in fright.

When Kong Youde saw that the situation was not good, he couldn't help but lead his servants forward and killed several people in a row before stopping his retreat.

However, the artilleryman was not a hand-to-hand combatant. He lacked enough courage and courage to begin with. He was so frightened that his legs were trembling. How could he still shoot accurately?

Suddenly, a group of people just stuffed the gunpowder and cannonballs in, then clicked and listened.

Since then, he has become increasingly unmatched by the rebels.

"Come forward, the gunslinger!" Upon seeing this, Kong Youde knew that being beaten passively was not a long-term solution, so he had to order.

However, after suffering a loss, he learned to behave.

The last time the "God Blessed Soldiers" failed to compete with the rebels, he had already discovered that the "soldiers" he organized were of no use at all, so this time he deliberately separated the two types of soldiers in order to overwhelm the rebels' gunmen.

"Boom, boom, boom!" Hou Jin's fire gunmen had the great ideal of suppressing the rebel fire gunmen. They had just approached the three formations of the rebel army and suddenly heard a loud noise. Suddenly, large areas of elite fire gunmen seemed to have been cut. Like wheat, they fell one after another.

It turned out that when Hou Jin's gunman approached, the rebel artilleryman had already replaced the solid bullets with shotgun shells. After the Hou Jin's gunman approached, he gave him a big one to play with.

"'Shun Thief,' I swear to be incompatible with you!" Kong Youde's eyes suddenly turned red, and he wanted to rush up and eat the rebel artilleryman alive.

It turned out that the gunners of the rebel army were worried about the charge of the Houjin Cavalry. After the two armies approached, they tried to keep the shotshells in the barrels as a precaution, so they did not enjoy themselves.

Today, the blessing of the terrain outside Fanshan Fort was used to give the traitor Kong Youde's "God's Blessing Soldiers" a big deal. I don't know how many elite traitors were killed in a short time.

"My lord, my lord, you can't go into battle. If you die in battle, what will our Kong family do?" At this moment when Kong Youde was acting crazy, the servants around him had already hugged him tightly to prevent him from being impulsive. Life was injured.

"Let Peng Gu's cavalry move, otherwise, I'm afraid the 'God Blessed Soldiers' will die!" Hong Tai, who was standing on the city, saw Kong Youde's ugly appearance, was silent for a long time, and finally ordered coldly.

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