Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1435 Destroying the Temple

"Boom, boom, boom!" Accompanied by the deafening sound of cannons, Li Zicheng, Yang Chengzu, Jiang Xiang, Li Guoliang, Zhang Rujing and others filed out and lined up in front of the rebel camp.

Since Banquan was only one mile away from the rebel camp, Li Shi'an's artillery was temporarily arrayed on the camp to bombard the Hou Jin soldiers.

The Houjin soldiers who had just occupied the vicinity of the Huangdi Temple had not had time to take action. Upon seeing this, they quickly abandoned the shovels, poles, wooden baskets and other tools in their hands, turned around and ran away.

Are you kidding? Cannonballs have no eyes. If they are hit, they will die, and the death will be extremely miserable. Who can withstand this?

"Your Majesty, the 'Shun Thief's' artillery is so sharp that it is difficult for the soldiers to get close..." Fan Wencheng understood clearly and quickly reported to Hong Taihui.

"Let's do this. Use the Hongyi cannon to plow it first and destroy the Huangdi Temple!" Hong Tai said, stroking his small beard.

Banquan is too close to the rebel camp. As long as Hou Jin dares to send people there, the rebels' "Hongyi Cannon" will dare to bombard it.

"Your Highness, is this not appropriate?" Fan Wencheng hesitated for a moment and couldn't help but remind him, "After all, this is the land of ancient sages and sages, and it cannot be destroyed easily."

"Why not? Beat him, hit him hard, and after the beating, can't he just say that he was a 'submissive thief' who broke it?" Mrs. Hong couldn't help but sneered.

"This is a good idea!" Then Fan Wencheng did what the traitor did, so how much moral integrity does he have?

The reason why he was so hesitant was just because he was afraid of ruining his reputation.

If a "faithful thief" takes the blame, what will happen even if the ancestral temple is destroyed?

"Fire the guns, fire the guns!" Since the "Sanshun King" headed by Kong Youde, a descendant of Kong Shengren, had received orders from Mrs. Hong, how could they care so much?

I only heard the three people giving orders, and saw a dozen iron bullets flying fiercely, and then hitting the Huangdi Temple hard.

In the Huangdi Temple, five ancient sages are enshrined. The main enshrinement is the Yellow Emperor, the first of the Five Emperors and the ancestor of humanities. The accompanying enshrinements are Zhuan Xu, Di Ku, Tang Yao and Yu Shun.

The five people were divided into clay statues, each with a tablet. The middle place was enshrined with a red lacquer tablet with the words "Long live the Yellow Emperor Xuanyuan" written on it.

The cannonball was impartial and hit the five sages to pieces. The tablets were broken and shattered on the ground.

"Bastard!" Zhang Shun saw clearly from the observation deck and couldn't help but cursed angrily, "How dare you dare to destroy my ancestors and sages? How can I bear it?"

"Instruct Li Zicheng to command the troops and make every effort to prevent the Jianrui from destroying the Huangdi Temple and Banquan Water!"

Although the Huangdi Temple is famous, it actually exists at least dozens of times in China.

Although Hanquan spring water is rare, there are at least a few places across the country, so it is not a rare thing.

However, given Zhang Shun's special status and type of back money, this matter is even more provocative!

"The Yellow Emperor is not the ancestor of me, but the ancestor of all people in the world. Houjin is a foreign species outside the Great Wall and is not of my race. It was only because of the mercy of the Ming Emperor that he was able to steal the land of Jianzhou." Zhang Shun couldn't help shouting angrily.

"Unexpectedly, he is ungrateful and ambitious. Seeing that China is weak, he actually wants to use barbarians to transform Xia, destroy the temples of my ancestors, and destroy the clothes of China!"

"Is it tolerable, which one is intolerable? All Chinese men should attack him together. Tooth for tooth, blood for blood, avenge this great shame and sacrifice to the spirit of our ancestors in heaven!"

Zhang Shun gave this order, and everyone inside and outside the camp was immediately furious, and they all took the initiative to ask for a fight.

When Li Zicheng received Zhang Shun's military order, he was even more excited. He ordered Li Guoliang to line up on the left, Jiang Quan to line up on the right, Zhang Rujing to line up in the middle, and Yang Chengzu to protect the right wing. Pressed over.

"Okay, well done!" Seeing this, Mrs. Hong couldn't help but sneered, and ordered, "King Sanshun will continue to bombard the Huangdi Temple. After the Huangdi Temple collapses, send soldiers to bury the Banquan and destroy its foundation. .”

"As for the 'shun thieves' soldiers and horses, I, Manchuria, will deal with them!"

It turned out that this time Hong Tai went to war and led the "Sanshun King" and more than 20,000 Manchu and Mongolian troops.

Among them, Kong Youde, Shang Kexi and Geng Zhongming, the "Three Shun Kings", not only carried more than ten Hongyi cannons, but also each led a battalion of their own troops to fight.

Then the Jinba Banner also sent out three battalions to fight. In addition to the Bagala battalion to protect Hong Taizhong's army, two battalions of cavalry were also assigned to protect the left and right wings of the formation.

Houjin came from north to south and formed an array facing Banquan, so the formation was northeast and southwest.

The rebel army came out from the rebel camp to the south, so they formed a formation facing south and back to the north. Sakazumi was sandwiched between the two armies.

Zhang Shun looked at the watchtower for a long time, and couldn't help but said with murderous intent: "Take Li Shi'an and carry sixty 'field artillery' and 'golden artillery', and go to the east of Banquan to form a formation and horizontally bombard the rear Jin army's formation."

"The two battalions of infantrymen, Luo Xiangqian and Luo Shangwen, have deployed their defenses along the Banquan Spring. They will protect the rebel artillery positions to the death. If there is any mistake, come and see us!"

Following Zhang Shun's order, the firepower of the artillery fire in the camp suddenly weakened a lot, and only a dozen "Qingtian General Cannons" were still firing intermittently in the direction of Houjin.

It turns out that shooting from the mound of the camp towards the Jin Army's formation was foolproof, but because the distance was too far, most of the shells could not hit the enemy, and it was impossible to form effective support at all.

Therefore, when Zhang Shun saw that the rebel army's formation had contained the main force of Houjin, he couldn't help but be ready to make a move.

It is known that the Jin army's formation runs northeast and southwest. As long as the rebel artillery position is firmly located in the narrow area north of Banquan River and south of Zhuo River, then as long as it fires from northeast to southwest, then every artillery shell will It can easily pass through dozens or even hundreds of people, causing great damage to the enemy.

The reason why the rebels were able to gain such an advantage was naturally due to the virtues accumulated by their ancestors, which happened to form a natural barrier at the line of Banquan and Banquan water that was not conducive to the cavalry. This was exactly what Hong Tai vowed to destroy the Huangdi Temple and Banquan water. The most direct reason.

It turns out that this spring is an artesian spring. The spring pool is round in shape, more than ten feet in diameter and more than ten feet deep. The water in the pool is crystal clear. It does not freeze in winter or dew in summer. The spring water is sweet and flows into a river. It is Hanquan water.

Whether the spring water is big or small, there is no obstacle at all. It is just because it ruined Hou Jin's good deeds, so he was hated by Na Tai Hong to the bone, and he was so angry that he soon became happy.

Not to mention Zhang Shun's calculations, and after both sides formed their formations, Li Zicheng couldn't help but urge his soldiers to attack forward.

The rebel army was facing the third battalion of the "Sanshun King". Seeing the rebel army approaching, they had already taken out the "Western artillery", "median gun", some generals, second generals, and Franchise, and faced the rebel army's formation. A blast of cum.

Since Li Shi'an's artillery battalion was moving from the camp to the east of Banquan, where was the fire support for him?

Suddenly, many rebels were shot and killed.

Li Zicheng frowned and quickly ordered his soldiers to retreat and wait for any movement from the rebel artillery.

Just when Li Zicheng was hesitating, he suddenly heard a loud "bang".

When he turned around to look, he saw that the Huangdi Temple, which had stood for who knows how many years, collapsed and turned into ruins.

It turns out that the buildings in this area are already old, and now they are being bombarded. How can they withstand it?

In the last salvo of Hou Jin Dynasty, one of the shells damaged the beams and pillars, causing the Huangdi Temple to collapse.

"Ouch!" Li Zicheng couldn't help but exclaimed, and couldn't help but regretfully said, "I never thought that I, Li Zicheng, would become a sinner through the ages!"

Seeing that some readers have objections to the recent chapters, the author will explain a little bit. In fact, readers with better memories may have discovered that the recent chapters are very similar to the plot of the protagonist's first entry into Shanxi. This is a "combination of fiction and reality" method deliberately adopted by the author. The "real" on the surface must be reasonable, and the "virtual" behind it has its own metaphor. That's why some words sound strange, which is intentional by the author.

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