Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1436 Absolute Spring

As the saying goes: Difficulties are like springs, if you overcome them, you will be stronger!

In a time of great strife, the priority is to advance bravely in the rapids. How can we retreat lightly?

It didn't matter that Li Zicheng retreated for a moment. Immediately, Mrs. Hong took the next step and immediately ordered the Jin army to press forward again.

The "Western artillery" and "median artillery" hidden in the Hou Jin army's formation were also dragged up and continued to shoot at the rebel army's formation.

"Boom, boom, boom!" As bursts of artillery sounded, the rebel soldiers fell down again.

Although Houjin's gunner didn't understand what "crossfire" was, he simply spread out his artillery in front of the formation and fired solid projectiles the size of pebbles densely.

But the rebel soldiers were made of flesh and blood after all. How could they withstand the attack? I don’t know how many people were shot and fell down.

At this moment, Zhang Shun stood on the watchtower, and the soldiers who fell one after another couldn't help feeling uncomfortable.

Although it is said that Ci does not control soldiers, when he sees a good man die on the battlefield, how can he not feel compassion?

But now Li Zicheng lost his mind, which led to such a tragedy.

Zhang Shun thought for a moment, shook his head, and thought to himself: "Li Zicheng is certainly good at using troops, but he is still far from a first-rate general."

"The difference is not anywhere else, it's just a matter of breath!"

For example, in this battle, the reason why Zhang Shun sent Li Zicheng to lead the troops to fight, but he stood on the high watchtower to command, was naturally not to reap the fruits of victory if he won, and to find someone to take the blame if he lost.

Rather, he wants to set his sights further and set the pattern in a broader place.

As for the details, as long as Li Zicheng does it wholeheartedly, I will take care of it if he loses, and I will naturally take care of it if he wins.

However, at this critical moment, he actually retreated.

On the battlefield, one thought was heaven and the other thought was hell.

Because of his retreat, he was immediately overwhelmed by Hong Tai. Not only did he sacrifice the lives of many rebel soldiers in vain, but the entire situation became passive.

"Kill, kill, kill!" Hong Tai couldn't help but get excited when she saw this. She shouted loudly, turned around and smiled excitedly at Fan Wencheng.

"Everyone knows how good it is to be a "submissive thief", but I never thought that I would make such a low-level mistake today. God help me, God help me to destroy the ancestral temple and destroy its source!"

"The sage said: 'Government based on virtue is like Beichen, who lives in his place and all the stars share it.'" Fan Wencheng couldn't help laughing when he heard this, "Now that your majesty respects virtue, you should be the master of the world!"

Na Hongtai laughed loudly after hearing this, and then ordered: "Let the cavalry on the left wing divert the thieves' cavalry on the right wing as quickly as possible, and lead the Bagala camp to wait for an opportunity to attack the right wing!"

"Your Highness, this is too dangerous!" Fan Wencheng was stunned when he heard this and said in shock.

It turns out that Hong Tai only has a battalion of Bagala led by Bagya Lajia Lazhangjing Yildun as the central army. If this battalion was sent out by Hong Tai, then Hong Tai would only have a hundred or so people left. Guarded.

If a rebel cavalry suddenly arrives, the "Emperor of the Qing Dynasty" will make heaven and earth unable to respond, and the earth and earth will become inoperable!

"It doesn't matter, then I will move the right-wing cavalry to the left-wing, and Ilden's Bajala camp will continue to stay with me!" Na Hongtai hesitated after hearing this, and couldn't help but order.

"Opportunities cannot be missed, and they will never come back. The battlefield is changing rapidly. It is rare for a 'shun thief' to reveal such a flaw. How could I let go of this perfect opportunity?"

Hong Tai, the leader of the Kingdom of Jin, is indeed worthy of being a hero for a lifetime.

When Li Zicheng showed any flaws, he caught them and tore them into a big hole.

Seeing that the situation of the rebel army was becoming more and more critical, Zhenshuo King Zhang Weishi, Duke Yang Guozhu, plus Gao Qiqian, Ah Shan, Zhang Fengyi and others took the initiative to ask for help: "Your Highness, the situation of the rebel army is critical. I (the last general) would like to lead his troops to rescue. Please give me your permission, Your Highness!”

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter. I still know Li Zicheng well. Until the critical moment, he won't be able to show his ability!" Unexpectedly, Zhang Shun shook his head and smiled.

"What's more, if you don't want to let go of your children, you can't trap the wolf. If you don't act more realistically, how can you catch Mrs. Hong?"

It turns out that compared to other generals, Li Zicheng was less ambitious, but more resilient.

Since he raised his army in Yuzhong, he has been repeatedly frustrated and resurrected. He is quite similar to Liu Xuande in the late Han Dynasty, so he has the most tenacious temperament.

If someone else falls into a disadvantage, I'm afraid there is still a risk of collapse.

But when Li Zicheng was at a disadvantage, he would not give up easily.

Sure enough, when Li Zicheng saw that the rebel artillery still had not been deployed, he immediately became furious.

He shouted sternly: "Although the rebel army has a vast territory, we have no way to retreat. Standing behind us is His Highness King Shun. Anyone who dares to retreat again will be killed without mercy!"

After saying that, he personally led his troops to support the weak points of the rebel army, and gradually stabilized the situation.

However, while Li Zicheng was stabilizing the situation, the main force of Houjin had also approached Banquan.

Immediately, Kong Youde and his men were waiting. He sent hundreds of soldiers pushing heavy shield carts and arrived in front of Banquan. Then they took out shovels, rattan baskets and other objects, and dug up the soil one shovel after another. The basket of soil was carried on his back and poured into the spring.

Some people even took bricks, tiles and soil from the collapsed Huangdi Temple and piled them piece by piece into Banquan. They actually wanted to fill up the entire Banquan.

"Shuzi, dare to listen!" When Li Zicheng saw this, he couldn't help but turned pale with fright, shouted loudly, and quickly ordered his soldiers to attack fiercely.

However, due to his previous mistakes in decision-making, the rebel army was in a passive state, so how could they attack it?

He could only watch helplessly as the "Sanshun King" and other traitors joined forces with the Manchu and Mongolian aliens to fill the Banquan Pond with shovels of dirt and bricks.

"Your Highness, Your Highness, please quickly send someone to save the Huangdi Temple and the Banquan Pool!" Song Xiance and Master Yu were shocked when they saw this, and they couldn't help but knelt down and begged.

"The Yellow Emperor is the ancestor of His Highness and has the roots of China. How can we allow the Tartars to be so rampant and destroy our dragon veins?"

Unexpectedly, Zhang Shun looked at Li Shi'an, Luo Xiangqian, Luo Shangwen and others who were rushing towards the artillery position. He couldn't help but shook his head and said: "Destroyed temples can be rebuilt, springs can be blocked, but people can't be resurrected after death." , A destroyed country cannot survive!"

"The Yellow Emperor is the ancestor of this king, and Banquan is the root of China. As long as this king is alive and all the descendants of Yan and Huang never forget their roots, then the ancestors cannot be destroyed and the roots cannot be cut off."

"People must insult themselves, and then others can insult them; people must destroy their ancestors and cut off their roots, and only then can people destroy and cut them off, that's all!"

"According to my king's order, the officials and the people will lead Dang Shousu and Zhang Rukui's 8,000 men to march eastward. Only Dang Shousu and 3,000 people will be left to guard Fansan Fort, Fansi Fort and Qiqi Village!"

"Let Li Zicheng hold on for another half hour. After half an hour, the situation will turn around!"

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