Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1437 Going into battle

A person's destiny must not only rely on his own struggle, but also consider the process of history.

Li Zicheng naturally didn't know that he had been pushed to the forefront of the storm in his previous life, so he failed to grasp it for a while, and ended up being defeated and killed.

As a lifelong hero, although he has shortcomings of one kind or another, it does not mean that he does not have his own pride.

When Zhang Shun became King of Qin, he promised him a title.

Although he was overjoyed, he may not have felt ashamed in his heart.

Therefore, after he decided to give up his ambition to compete for the world, he still wanted to make achievements in order to match his name and reality.

However, since he became the head coach of the Rebel North Route Army, although he has made great achievements, his achievements have been mediocre.

After finally being appointed as the commander-in-chief by Zhang Shun, he led five battalions to protect the Huangdi Temple and Banquan Water. Now that he failed miserably, Li Zicheng was already ashamed.

How can a man eat the food he complains about?

Li Zicheng couldn't help but look back at the rebel camp and Zhang Shun, who was standing on the watchtower watching the battle. He couldn't help but said: "His Royal Highness promised me that if you are the emperor, I will be the king." ', If I am useless and cannot make any achievements, how can I not make the world laugh?"

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but clenched his teeth and said loudly: "The Tartars destroyed my Huangdi Temple in front of my face and blocked our spring water. This is an irreconcilable hatred."

"If I can't avenge this grudge now, how can I go to see His Highness and the people of the world?"

"Without him today, if I can't win, I'll just die!"

All the soldiers under Li Zicheng were stunned when they heard this, and immediately responded loudly: "We can't win now, all we can do is die!"

As the rebels shouted loudly, their morale improved slightly, and they gradually pushed back the aggressive Houjin soldiers.

However, Li Zicheng also knew the gap between the soldiers on both sides. With just a moment of bloody courage, it was naturally difficult to resist the attack of Hou Jin soldiers.

The rebels can only win this battle by using artillery to break the formation.

Where are the artillery, the artillery, the rebel artillery?

Thinking of this, Li Zicheng quickly looked towards the left wing of the rebel army.

It didn't matter what he looked at, he was immediately startled.


It turns out that the Banquan Spring was not very deep. After being buried by Houjin, the water flow has been greatly reduced. The water flow of the Banquan Spring lying between the two sides has been reduced visibly to the naked eye.

At the same time, the rebel artillery positions on the north bank of Banquan River were intensively building positions.

A small number of artillery pieces have been deployed and are being adjusted and test-fired, while more artillery pieces are still being transported to the position one after another.

Now Hou Jin is sitting idly by, and before long, this place will become the most powerful sword that pierces Hou Jin's military formation.

But will Houjin sit back and ignore it?

Of course it was impossible. Then Mrs. Hong was not blind. How could she not be anxious when she saw the rebels setting up artillery positions on the north bank of Banquan River with great fanfare?

It's just that the cavalry originally on Houjin's right wing had long been transferred to the left wing by Hong Tai. Now only Geng Zhongming's battalion is on the right wing. Hong Tai hurriedly sent the Bagala battalion to attack wherever they could attack.

"Your Majesty, you must not do it, you must not do it!" Fan Wencheng was anxious when he saw this, and quickly admonished him, "Does your Majesty still remember the Battle of Jinzhou?"

Fan Wencheng's so-called "Battle of Jinzhou" refers to the battle of Jinzhou in the past, when Zu Dabi attacked the camp and "several times hit the horse's belly".

Regardless of Hou Jin's advantage on the battlefield, since the rebels had tens of thousands of troops, the number of soldiers currently fighting was far from the total number of rebels.

If Hong Taizhen had an emergency, then there would be no need to fight the Houjin battle, and he would just surrender.

"Let's do this!" Mrs. Hong hesitated for a moment, then gritted her teeth and said, "Ilden will lead two thousand Bajala elites to harass the 'Shun Bandits', and Geng Zhongming will lead his men to storm the 'Shun Bandits' artillery positions. The red-coated artillery under the command of 'Three Shun King' fired all at the 'Shun Thief' artillery position, Prince Su Su Hauge led ten thousand cavalry to come to support, there must be no mistake!"

The war has progressed to this point, and the scale may not be controllable by Hong Tai alone.

Being prepared for danger in times of peace, he had to order Hauge to be mobilized for support.

Following Hong Tai's order, the Hou Jin soldiers turned their attack direction and began to storm the rebel artillery position north of Banquanshui.

Na Luo Xiangqian and Luo Shangwen met and quickly deployed troops along the bank of Banquan to resist the Hou Jin soldiers.

However, both battalions were good at long-range shooting, but were weak at long-range shooting, so they were passively beaten for a while.

When Li Zicheng saw this, he couldn't help but said: "Now the victory or defeat of our army depends entirely on artillery. If the prisoners take advantage of it, it will be a big deal!"

He looked at the right wing that was being attacked by Hou Jin, and finally gritted his teeth and ordered: "Send the order to Jiang Yu, and you must hold your position. I will go to the left wing for help first, and then we can win a complete victory!"

After saying this, he actually led his cavalry to charge towards the Houjin soldiers who were attacking the north bank of Banquanshui.

The person who is currently fighting fiercely with the two battalions of the rebels Luo Xiangqian and Luo Shangwen is none other than Geng Zhongming, one of the "Three Shun Kings".

As one of the "Three Shun Kings", Geng Zhongming was actually the weakest, far inferior to Kong Youde and Shang Kexi, with only one battalion of 4,000 troops.

The last time "King Sanshun" fought a fierce battle with the rebels outside Baoan City, each suffered injuries. Therefore, Kong Youde and Shang Kexi both left a battalion to rest and recuperate in Fanshan Fort. Only Geng Zhongming had a small number of soldiers and no power to speak. He had no choice but to lead all his men to join the battle.

Originally, the four thousand soldiers and horses under Geng Zhongming also followed the "Western method" as the authentic method, and arranged a square formation with spears in the middle and musketrymen at the four corners.

However, after suffering a loss in the last shooting duel with the rebels, Kong Youde and Shang Kexi both learned the improved formation of arranging the gunmen in front and placing the spearmen in the rear.

Geng Zhongming naturally followed suit and lined up more than a thousand gunmen and artillerymen of different sizes in front of the formation to repeatedly bombard the rebels on the other side of the river.

It's just that this guy knows this but doesn't know why. He knows the advantages of arranging firecrackers in front of the formation, but he doesn't know the disadvantages of arranging firecrackers in front of the formation.

It didn't matter that he was careless. He only heard the sound of a horse neighing, and then the sound of intensive horse hoofbeats.

Geng Zhongming looked in the direction of the rebels in surprise and saw a group of cavalry crossing from the other side of the Banquan River, and then rushed towards his gunners and artillerymen.

"Kill, kill, kill!" Although the gunmen and artillerymen under Geng Zhongming were elite, they were unprepared and were charged by a battalion of Li Zicheng's cavalry. How could they withstand them?

Shoot, it's too late to shoot.

"Quick, put on the blunderbuss to resist!" Geng Zhongming couldn't help but turned pale in shock and shouted loudly.

But at this time, the gunman was almost scared to death. How could he have time to replace it?

Even if someone is replaced, how can a military formation be formed to resist?

It turns out that the fire gunmen under the command of "King Sanshun" learned from the Ming army and were equipped with gun knives. When the enemy approaches, they can attach the gun sword to the fire gun and use it as a short spear.

"Kill!" Li Zicheng took the lead and swung his tall sword downwards. The sharp blade cut into the neck of a gunman with a "swish" sound, and then a huge head flew up.

He waved again, and a head flew up.

Killing was so simple and so enjoyable. Li Zicheng could hardly contain the joy in his heart and shouted loudly: "Kill, kill, let's see who can stop me!"

"Lance Formation, Spear Formation, hurry up and get on top of me!" Geng Zhongming's heart was bleeding when he saw the rebel cavalry rushing over, like a tiger rushing into a flock of sheep, preying on the trembling elite fire gunners.

He only had these four thousand capital, which were all those who had been with him through life and death, sold their ancestral country, and sought refuge with the rich.

Now these people were chopped down by Li Zicheng, which hurt his heart.

This was the capital for him to be named "King Huaishun". If he had no capital, he would be a tiger with its teeth pulled out and could only be swallowed up by others.

"Kill!" Li Zicheng led the cavalry under his command and galloped back and forth among Houjin's gunmen and artillerymen, killing them wantonly. The two battalions of Luo Xiangqian and Luo Shangwen on the other side of the river had already seen clearly.

The two people couldn't help but look at each other, retreating and advancing.

Those who retreated were from Luo Shangwen's camp. As a white-pole soldier of Zhang Fengyi's line and a direct line of Zhang Shun, he naturally wanted to protect the rebel artillery array.

Luo Xiangqian was originally a subordinate of Zhu Xieyuan of the Zuozhu Kingdom of the Ming Dynasty. He first rebelled against She Chongming and surrendered to the Ming Dynasty, and later decided to surrender to the Ming Dynasty.

Although there are different reasons for this, after all, it is not as trusted as Luo Shangwenying.

Naluo Xiangqian knew that he was in a suspicious place, so he took the initiative to launch an attack, leaving Luo Shangwen alone to continue to protect the rebel artillery positions.

The water of Banquan Spring was originally narrow and shallow, making it easy to cross. Now Banquan Spring has been mostly filled up by Houjin, leaving only shallow water and silt, making it even easier to cross the river.

Immediately, Luo Xiangqian and the others stepped on the mud and rushed to the other side of the river.

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