"Kill, kill!" The rebels who finally crossed the muddy Banquan River, under the order of the commander-in-chief Luo Xiangqian, the long gunmen lined up in a neat square formation to kill Geng Zhongming's "Spanish Grand Square".

Those who attack in front of these spear formations are the sword and shield men, and those behind the formation are the archers and musketeers.

Unlike the white-armed soldiers under Zhang Fengyi and Luo Shangwen, Luo Xiangqian led the elite Sichuan army.

Its organization basically followed the method of the early Ming Dynasty. Each team was equipped with "twenty cards, forty spears, thirty bows, and ten blunderbuss." Hand-to-hand combat units accounted for 60% of the total.

But looking at the organization, you can tell that such an army often prefers tactical assault and close-quarters combat as its main combat methods.

And such an army is a strong army in ancient and modern times, both at home and abroad.

Naluo Xiang cadres are no exception. Not only have they been tempered by the She'an Rebellion, but they also received very good equipment and supplies when they served as Zhu Xie Yuanbiao's camp in Zuozhu Kingdom, so they have good combat effectiveness.

"Kill, kill!" Just as the spear formation was closing in step by step, the sword and shield wielders in front of the formation could no longer bear it any longer. They took the lead and rushed into the enemy's chaotic fire and gun formation, slashing wildly. kill.

Most of these sword and shield players go into battle lightly, wearing green cloth and cotton armor, holding shields and sharp blades, jumping left and right, unstoppable.

Geng Zhongming's gunman had already inserted the gun into his sword, and used the gun as a spear to stab the rebel swordsman.

The swordsman and shield player of the Yi Naiyi army only used the shield to block the blunderbuss, and then slashed the opposite fire blunderbuss player to the ground with a backhand slash, only to make the golden fire blunderbuss player abandon the blunderbuss and run away.

As soon as Li Zicheng saw the rebel infantry arriving, he made way for the passage in front of the two armies to allow the rebel infantry to pass, while galloping left and right, continuing the pursuit.

Just when Houjin's gunmen were scattered, Geng Zhongming led the spear formation and arrived belatedly.

As soon as they saw the neat phalanx on the opposite side, the rebel swordsmen and shieldmen dared not fight anymore. They quickly retreated to their own spear formations. The spear formations of both sides flattened their spears and pressed towards the opponent step by step.

"Bah bang bang..." Suddenly there was a fierce sound of gun barrels clashing in front of the two armies.

Everyone has only one life, and no one dares to rush towards the densely packed spear points.

Therefore, when the two sides first started fighting, they were hitting each other's spear with their own spears, refusing to move forward to die.

Of course, this level of "stroke" is allowed.

One of the reasons for this is that no matter how high one's martial arts skills are, if he rushes forward forcefully, he will inevitably get punched in seven or eight holes.

The other is that the generals have many ways to let them come forward and "send death".

"Don't, don't crowd, don't crowd!" Sure enough, after a while, the originally sparse spear formation became crowded after being filled by the spearmen behind.

Then, under the general's order, the spearmen in the rear row began to push the spearmen in the front row forward.

"No, no, no..." The spearmen in the first row of both sides shouted in despair as they saw the tip of the other's spear getting closer and closer to them.

"Puff, puff!" The experienced spearman couldn't help but stab the opposite spearman to death.

Of course, more people try to pick up the opponent's spear to avoid stabbing themselves.

"Push the spear, push the spear!" Squeezing and squeezing, the spearmen in the front row couldn't help but be squeezed together. Because the attack distance was too close, the one-foot-four-foot-long spears on both sides couldn't help but be set up, and the spear tips were raised. Pointing diagonally toward dawn.

You stared at me, I stared at you. The spearmen in the first row of both sides breathed a sigh of relief and couldn't help but work hard to perform their duties.

"Quick, quick, level it, level it!" Just when the first few rows were at their wits' end, the spearmen in the back row had already found a way, and couldn't help shouting loudly, asking the spearmen in the front row to give their spears Make a little space.

"Smash, smash!" Seeing the spear in his hand falling from the gap in front, someone had already leveled it and shouted loudly.

"One, two, three! One, two, three!" The gunman behind him had already held the gun in his hand, and used the gun handle to hammer hard on the long spear in front of him.

"Ah!" The spearman under Geng Zhongming felt a pain in his chest. He couldn't help but look down and saw a spear piercing his chest.

"How... how is it possible?" He couldn't help but look at the spear sticking out from the crowd and said in disbelief.

However, something even more incredible happened. Just after Houjin's first row of spearmen was stabbed to death, the spear continued to stab backwards and hit the second row of spearmen.

It turned out that when both sides were crowded and people were touching each other, Luo Xiangqian's spearmen in the back row actually hammered the spears in through the gap between the people, nailing the opposite spearmen to death like driving nails.

"Swordsman, swordsman!" Just as the rebels hammered their spears hard, Geng Zhongming was not to be outdone. He had already ordered the swordsmen behind the formation to lie on the ground and slowly crawl to the front row from below.

Of course, many spearmen gave up their spears and took out the daggers and short knives from their waists to attack the opponent's lower body.

When the rebels saw their opponents using knives, they also took out their wrist-sharp knives and stabbed them fiercely.

While the spearmen on both sides were fighting bloody battles, Li Zicheng and his cavalry also encountered their enemies.

"Bayala camp?" Li Zicheng saw that the two sides were at a deadlock and was about to choose an angle to cut in, when he saw a large number of cavalry galloping towards them.

"Come forward!" Li Zicheng looked at Cadre Luo Xiang who was fighting fiercely with Chief Geng Zhongming's spearmen, and couldn't help but issue an order.

Just when Li Zicheng decided to charge to the opponent, Ilden, who led the Bagala camp, also issued the same order.

The rebel artillery has been deployed for more than ten times and is firing intermittently at the rear Jin army formation. If the rear Jin army fails to make a breakthrough, the consequences cannot be imagined.

"Kill!" Two battalions of cavalry, one was victorious because of their numbers, and the other was victorious because of their elites. The two sides collided without any fancy. Suddenly, hundreds of knights fell off their horses, wondering whether they were alive or dead.

"Come again!" Ildon looked at the few familiar faces around him and couldn't help but ordered.

"Charge!" The two sides turned their horses and rushed past again, leaving more than a hundred corpses behind.

"No, we can't do it like this!" Erden couldn't help but said anxiously when he saw the sound of the rebel artillery getting louder and denser.

"After we have dispersed this battalion of cavalry, we still have to face the infantry on the opposite side. Now, how can we accomplish it?"

"If I concentrate my bows and arrows and shoot the general, then this battle will be won!"

Ilden did not know that the general in front of him was Li Zicheng, but this did not prevent him from continuing to use sniper tactics.

How did Li Zicheng know that he had become the target of others' hunting? Now that he saw the rebel artillery becoming more dense, he couldn't help but feel more and more happy.

If I can defeat Mrs. Hong in this battle, let’s see who dares to laugh at me for “offering my wife for honor” in the future!

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but excitedly waved the sword in his hand, pointed at the galloping Houjin Cavalry, and shouted loudly: "Charge, charge!"

The horse's speed gradually increased, and it limped towards the rear golden cavalry.

Li Zicheng felt his heart beat faster and an inexplicable excitement filled his body.

Killing, killing, only killing can release the anxiety in his heart!

"Swish, swish, swish!" Just when the two sides were about ten steps closer, Li Zicheng suddenly felt something in his heart, and hurriedly leaned on his horse, and then felt several heavy blows on his body.

"Take charge of the plate!" The two sides passed each other, and Tian Jianxiu was heard exclaiming.

Li Zicheng turned his head subconsciously and saw the shadow of an object, and then a pain spread throughout his body.

"Ah!" I saw him covering his left eye with one hand, with an arrow stuck between his fingers, and the arrow feathers were still trembling.

"Take charge of the plate!" Seeing this, the left and right people were shocked and shouted loudly.

"I...I'm not dead yet, why are you shouting!" Unexpectedly, Li Zicheng cursed angrily, then grabbed the arrow shaft and pulled it out.

Everyone's liver and gallbladder were split when they saw this, and they couldn't bear to look directly.

Unexpectedly, Li Zicheng shouted loudly: "The essence and blood of your parents must not be discarded!" He shouted loudly, "If I don't kill you now, I swear that I will not be a human being!"

After saying that, he covered his eyes with one hand and took the knife directly at Ilden.

Ilden had never seen such a group of people in Jia La Zhang Jing, Baya Camp. He was so frightened that he turned around and ran away.

It didn't matter that he ran away. His subordinates at the Manja La Camp were already scared out of their wits and immediately dispersed, shouting loudly: "Blind Xiahou, Blind Xiahou is here!"

Who could have imagined that when Zhang Shun's words came true, Li Zi, who was named "Xiahou" by the imperial edict, would really end up like Xiahou Dun of the Three Kingdoms. He pulled out an arrow and ate one of his eyes, which was damaged.

It’s time and destiny!

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