Let's say that Zhang Shunwu himself became "Ximen Qing", ah no, he was "Wu Erlang" who fought tigers. The joy during this period is not enough to be compared to outsiders.

But one thing was not good. Mr. Xing had her first menstruation, and she lost a lot of blood. Although Zhang Shun was quite thick-skinned, he was really embarrassed to run out to find some hot water to help Mr. Xing wash himself.

However, there is nothing else to wipe in the living room. Zhang Shun looked around and couldn't find anything else that could be used, so he simply took off his upper body underwear and wiped it with her.

After Zhang Shun finished wiping, his inner clothes were too dirty to be used. He rolled it up and put the dirty side inside, ready to take it with him when he left. As a result, Mrs.

Zhang Shun smiled and put it in the corner. When Mrs. Xing saw him laughing, she said angrily: "What are you laughing at? Are you laughing at me for being a shameless person!"

Do you look like a fool when you look at this picture? It must have been Wen Yan who comforted him: "Don't you know who I am, Zhang Shun?"

Mr. Xing frowned and murmured to himself: "How can I know if people's hearts are separated from each other?"

"Do you think I am born low and would rather find a wild man than be a virtuous wife?"

"That Huang Lai'er, whose real name is Li Hongji. A few years ago, there was a great famine in Shaanxi, and the people were in dire straits. I was originally a descendant of Yansui in the border area. I rode and shot on both sides, just as good as a man. At that time, martial arts became popular in the border area, and I was arrogant and arrogant. I thought to myself If you want to marry, marry a great hero before you can retire."

"At that time, Li Hongji led the hungry people to Mizhi, killed the local corrupt officials, and distributed the food in the county. Although Li Hongji looked weird, he had a masculine look. I thought at the time that this was the hero I was looking for. , and married him."

"I never thought that after they got married, they didn't consummate their marriage for a long time. Then Li Hongji didn't touch me at all. At first, I thought that heroes should be like this, not to be lecherous."

"After getting along with him for a long time, I realized that it wasn't that Li Hongji was a great hero who wasn't close to women, but that he simply wasn't a man and couldn't have sex."

"However, I am not a woman who can't live without a man. If you marry a chicken, follow the chicken, if you marry a dog, follow the dog. If you marry an incompetent man, you will be a widow."

"It's just that I didn't expect that, as I followed him on his expeditions, I gradually learned about his true nature. He seemed to be kind, but in fact he was cruel. He claimed to be able to fight. Wherever he went, he burned, killed and plundered others. . They are called rebels, but they are actually just gangsters. If you don't offend him, he is still normal; if you offend him, you will be tortured to death before you give up."

"His ex-wife committed adultery, and when she found out, she killed the adulterer and the adulterer together. When Mr. He would reply, 'Well done'. But with my current moral character, I don't have the shame to judge others, so I have to remain silent."

Ms. His wives and children, how many of them have they killed and abandoned?”

"At least I still have some use now, so I won't be abandoned by others. However, if one day the war goes bad and they run for their lives, will they still be able to take care of all these things?"

"We conquered Xiuwu County before. The city was burned, killed, raped and looted, which was unsightly. More than two thousand women fled to the river and were chased naked by them. They were so frightened that they jumped into the Qin River. The water was cold and they were The woman and baby who drowned are unknown."

"He is so cruel and cruel. I know that you are well versed in classics. Do you know that people with such a murderous nature since ancient times can still achieve such things?"

Zhang Shun thought for a while, and it seems that there are not many heroes who are not fond of killing since ancient times, but this kind of statement is too politically incorrect. He shook his head and agreed with Mr. Xing.


"I can tolerate all these, but there are always things I can't bear. There is a general under Li Hongji named Liu Zongmin who is the most lustful. I don't know where he heard that Li Hongji and I are basically a superficial couple. These days, Tested me several times.”

"This person is cruel and ruthless, and countless women have been raped, humiliated, tortured and killed by him. I know that I am a weak woman. Once the tiger's skin is exposed, how can I protect myself? How can I deal with myself?"

"Do you think that Li Hongji is narrow-minded and would not let Liu Zongmin touch me even if he dared to kill for his ex-wife Han Jin'er? In fact, that's not the case. He killed the adulterer and adulterer just because these two men cuckolded him. He just lost face."

"I've been with him for a long time, but how come I don't know what he is like? He's not blind or deaf, so how come he has never heard Liu Zongmin's crazy words? If he really regards me as his wife, he will scold Liu Zongmin. , and now he still turns a blind eye to it, which shows that he may not have the idea of ​​wearing another hat!"

Zhang Shun smiled bitterly when he heard this and said: "In that case, if I don't do anything, why don't you just follow me and let's go to Zezhou City together."

Mrs. Xing was quite uneasy at first, but when she heard Zhang Shun's words, she couldn't help but happily leaned over and said, "I really did not misjudge you, you are indeed a person who values ​​affection and righteousness!"

"That day, I saw that you were close to Li Sanniang, so I asked someone to ask about your story, and I found out that Li Sanniang was just a peasant woman. Just because she had traveled thousands of miles to find you, you never left her. That's why I thought It would be better to give myself to you, be a cow, a horse, a wife, and a concubine than you are in this precarious life!"

Hearing this, Zhang Shun smiled bitterly and said: "Sanniang is already kind to me. Although she is not of high birth, why do you belittle her like this? She is kind-hearted. It is best for you two to get along well in the future!"

Mr. Xing snorted when he heard this and stopped dwelling on the matter. He just continued: "I know you are in trouble. You have already offended the second master, Zijin Liang, and now you have offended Li Hongji because of me. In this case, I'm afraid, Even though Shanxi is big, it can’t accommodate you, the ‘Optimizing Pillar’.”

Zhang Shun knew that what she said was right, but he had just had an argument with someone, how could he turn his back on them and deny them? He felt that he could not do such a despicable thing, so he could only grit his teeth and said, "Relax, I, Zhang Shun, am not the kind of ruthless and unjust person. Although this matter is a bit difficult to handle, it may not be a problem for me!" But I have destiny within me, how can ordinary people hurt me?"

What a scam. Yesterday I was so excited that I spent a lot of time trying to figure out the story today. Then I thought that I was just a gunner, so why bother!

Here is a little additional historical information. According to historical records, Li Zicheng was indeed not a womanizer. His first two wives had cheated on each other and he had no children. I feel that there must be a functional problem. Therefore, let’s play a little bit on the basis of historical facts. The second point is that according to historical records, Liu Zongmin was indeed lustful and did not obey Li Zicheng's orders very much. According to the fact that Liu Zongmin joined Li Zicheng in the seventh year of Chongzhen, Xing and Gao Jie were together at that time. It can be reasonably speculated that this person may have played some role in it.

Since I accidentally wrote Liu Zongmin in advance, I made the mistake and simply pulled the plot ahead of time. Finally, let me shamelessly say that there is only one update today. This is a typical case of screwing yourself up. It took me three hours of hard work to get the plot back together. . .

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