Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 145 A perfect strategy

When Mrs. Xing heard that Zhang Shun mentioned the destiny, she couldn't help laughing and said: "The destiny is illusory, how can a mortal know it all? Just like people's unpredictable minds, who can understand it clearly? I don't ask you to do anything good to me, as long as you can give me a little place to stand. I am satisfied.”

Zhang Shun hurriedly swore to show that he was indeed sincere. Seeing this, Mr. If you offend 'Purple Gold Liang' and 'Chuang Jiang', you will have no choice but to seek refuge with the officers and soldiers. I know that you have great ambitions and are unwilling to succumb to others. I have a plan to ensure that you gain both manpower and wealth without offending Li Hongji. I wonder if you would be willing to listen?"

When Zhang Shun heard this, was there such a good thing? He quickly asked about his plan.

The Xing family laughed and said: "Liu Zongmin is lustful and rebellious. If I seduce him with false love, I will make sure that he is obedient. I will find an opportunity. When Li Hongji is not around, I will deliberately invite him to have a date in the wild. See."

"When the time comes, you will lead people to guard the field, wait for him to come out, and kill him directly. Then, take his head and complain to Li Hongji, saying that he hooked up with me and eloped together, preparing to join the officers and soldiers, but you found out Then he was killed and the matter was over."

"When the time comes, before I go out, I deliberately carry more gold and silver, and then secretly publicize it. I guarantee that Li Hongji has no doubts. As for me, just say that I am desperate and commit suicide by jumping off a cliff. If you are worried that Li Hongji will become suspicious, But I can find a woman who can put on my costume and jewelry and push her off a cliff. Anyway, after being thrown into a pulp, she will die without any evidence, and Li Hongji will not be able to tell the truth from the lies."

After hearing this, Zhang Shun couldn't help but look at her and thought: No wonder the saying goes, 'The green bamboo snake's mouth, the wasp's tail needle, neither is poisonous, but the most poisonous to a woman's heart.' This Xing family is not a fuel-efficient lamp either. . That's all, she has to punish her for the evil she has done!

Thinking of this, Zhang Shun hesitated and said: "This plan is wonderful, but it requires you, a woman, to take action, which inevitably involves some risks. Then if Liu Zongmin gets angry and accidentally hurts you, he will regret it!"

"If you don't enter the tiger's den, you won't get the cub!" Xing gritted his teeth and said with determination, "You have been in this bandit's den for a long time. No matter how dangerous it is, can you be more dangerous than this bandit's den? If something goes wrong, you can kill him That’s it! I’m willing to die in your hands.”

When Zhang Shun heard this, he thought: This is also true. Since he has entered the tiger's den, how can he look forward and backward? Therefore, Zhang Shun agreed to Xing's plan, but how to contact the two people, Zhang Shun had no plan for the time being.

When Mrs. There are not many, and they are not noticed by others, which is suitable for handling this matter."

"This girl is smart, quick with her hands and feet, and her appearance and character are all the best. She is not an insult to you, who is the pillar of strength. When we escape, you can bring her into the room and become a common girl. yes."

Why do you go down the third route just because you don't agree with me? Zhang Shun quickly refused and said: "Isn't this not good? He just works loyally, why bother?"

"What we are doing is a mistake that will never be recovered. If we don't act like this, how can we trust this person? This person is Li Hongji's maid. If she does this, once Li Hongji knows about it, her fate will be no different from mine. . Only in this way can you be foolproof, but this matter ultimately depends on your ability. If you don't do it, the slave family will have no choice but to be a desperate mandarin duck with you!" Mrs. Xing said with a smile.

Seeing that Xing's words had reached this point, Zhang Shun couldn't hold back anymore and agreed immediately. Mrs. Xing tidied her clothes and brought in a maid not long after she left. Zhang Shun took a look and found that this person was a few years younger than Mr. Xing, but he was also pretty. Then he gritted his teeth, treated it as Mr. Xing's face, and did not mention it again.

Not to mention that Zhang Shun was fed well here, but Li Sanniang had already prepared wine and food in Zhang Shun's house, waiting for Zhang Shun to come back and enjoy it. As a result, the food was cold and Zhang Shun had not returned yet. The newly promoted girl named Wang next to Li Sanniang, who was called Zhu'er, couldn't help but said: "The dishes are already cold, why bother to wait?"

Li Sanniang thought for a while and said: "How can we eat first if the man in the family doesn't come back? You go and heat it up. Forget it, don't mess it up again for me, I'd better go and heat it myself!"

After waiting for a long time, Zhang Shun came back with a tired look on his face, and Li Sanniang quickly pulled him into the house to eat. Zhang Shun had already eaten, how could he eat so much? It was just that the hospitality was hard to resist, and I felt quite guilty in my heart, so I had to grit my teeth and eat it.

As a result, when Zhang Shun summoned his generals to discuss matters the next morning, his face looked bad and he kept yawning. Zhao Yutou frowned when he saw this. How could this old man not know the key to this? I thought to myself: "I thought this Li Sanniang was a good match. How come she squeezed my lord like this in less than a month?"

When the discussion was over, everyone else left, only Zhao Yutou stayed there. Seeing this, Zhang Shun asked strangely: "Mr. Zhao, do you have something to tell me?"

Zhao Yutou hesitated for a moment, then bowed and said: "Young man, beware of sex. It's not for me to say this. It's just that my lord's life is related to the safety of the world, so I have to say it. Since my lord is weak, it's better to Rest more and avoid excessive sexual intercourse!"

Zhang Shun immediately blushed when he heard this, but he couldn't defend himself, so he had no choice but to kick the old man out. As a result, just after driving the old man away, he met Chen Jindou who was waiting anxiously outside the door.

Although Zhang Shun had a dark face, he thought to himself: If Chen Jindou spoke uprightly, he would be considered to have made progress, and he would not be punished soon.

Unexpectedly, when Chen Jindou saw Zhao Yutou walking away, he took out a pamphlet with a wretched look on his face and said to Zhang Shun: "My lord, sir, when I was young, I had a dream in which an expert taught me the general art of Fangzhong. Yin and yang are harmonious and sexual intercourse is harmonious. I would like to study it with my lord in order to subdue the dragon and subdue the tiger!"

Zhang Shun opened it and saw that it was actually an erotic picture. He was so angry that he couldn't help but cursed: "Are you selling CDs?" and kicked him away.

After finally cheering up and finishing the day's work, I just returned home when the door rang. Zhang Shun was too lazy to move, so he ordered Zhu'er to open the door. In the end, Zhu'er brought over his sworn brother Xiao Qinhu.

Although Xiao Qinhu was nominally Zhang Shun's sworn brother, in fact he was not as close as Zhang Shun and Chen Changzhi. Zhang Shun was very happy when Xiao Qinhu came this time, and quickly ordered Zhu'er to boil water and make tea. However, after thinking that the eldest lady of the Wang family might not be able to do it smoothly, I simply asked her to ask Li Sanniang to boil water and make tea in person.

Thanks to the fan "Dark Sun Envoy" for the reward!

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