Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1440 Rejecting the Horse

Soldiers who, deception also!

To put it in layman's terms, it means that young people do not respect martial ethics and come to cheat and attack.

"The Tatars are coming!"

After the Eight Banners Mongolian harassment tactics failed, King Lama Jinzhou of Zasak sent a team of cavalry to press forward.

"Everyone is ready, listen to my order!" The team leader in front of him couldn't help but ordered quickly, "The team deputy adjusted the direction of the chariot, quickly nailed the iron awl down, and prepared to meet the enemy!"

The deputy at the rear of the tank hurriedly lifted the uprights at the rear of the tank and pointed the big gun head at the front of the tank in the direction of the enemy troops. The pusher had already taken out his mallet and started banging it down. After hammering, the two large iron awls at the back of the chariot were driven into the ground in a short time.

The originally light chariot suddenly transformed into a solid horse with the support of these two large iron cones.

"The musketeers are shooting, the sharpshooters are ready!" At this moment, the Eight Banners Mongolian team had reached a distance of forty or fifty steps from the rebel chariot, and the team was decisively giving the shooting order.

"Bang, bang, bang!" The rebel gunman aimed at the Eight Banners Mongolian soldiers and pulled the trigger.

The gunmen under Jiang Quan used the most common three-coin bird gun in the Ming army, while the Eight Banners Mongolians wore light cotton armor.

The two sides are really a pair of wonderful opponents. If one dares to shoot, the other dares to die.

Each team in the car camp had six gunmen. As the gunners from the neighboring teams fired together, seven or eight Mongolian cavalry fell off their horses on the spot.

After the gunman finished shooting, he hurriedly retreated behind the tank and began to clean up the gun barrel in a hurry, preparing to reload it.

At the same time, the sharpshooters stepped forward, pointing the sharpshooters in their hands at the cavalry who continued to gallop ahead.

There were two kinds of magic guns in the Ming Dynasty. One was a fire blunderbuss that could shoot arrows during the reign of Emperor Chengzu of the Ming Dynasty. The other was a long rod-shaped fire blunderbuss with a barrel one foot long, a wooden handle three feet and five inches long and weighing twenty kilograms. .

Obviously, by this era, the firecrackers that fired arrows had long been eliminated, and the sharpshooters under Jiang Quan used the latter's type of sharpshooter.

This kind of magic gun is not very powerful and has a short range, but at the same time it has the characteristics of intensive firepower and both hot and cold use.

Therefore, the various units preparing to welcome the Mongolian cavalry attack were holding sharp guns and French cannons in their hands without firing, but were waiting for the Mongolian cavalry's final decision: hide or charge!

The two parties are very much like Zhang Shun's "stinky game player" in his previous life. One wants to cheat Q, and the other wants to win Q.

Playing games is all about operation, while battle formations are all about training and discipline.

Forty steps, thirty-five steps, thirty steps, just when the sharpshooter standing in front of the formation couldn't help but ignite the sharpshooter in his hand, suddenly he saw the group of cavalry suddenly turning their horses and coming sideways. , and then a shower of arrows flew over.

"Back off!" The sharpshooters breathed a sigh of relief and quickly stepped back. Then a player stepped forward to cover them from the rain of arrows.

But there are still a few unlucky ones who accidentally get hit by an arrow.

However, Mongolian arrows are light and have far less lethality than Houjin's heavy arrows, so most of them only need a little bandage and they will be fine.

The Mongolian cavalry saw that this place was tightly defended and there was no gap to take advantage of. After harassing them, they changed places and repeated the action just now.

As the saying goes: If you keep it for a long time, you will lose it!

Just as the Mongolian cavalry team tried three or five places in a row, there was finally a place where the sharpshooter could not bear the pressure of the cavalry on the opposite side and ignited the sharpshooter on his own initiative.

"Bang, bang, bang!" The distance of more than thirty steps was not enough for a sharp gun that fired several lead bullets to hit the eagerly looking enemy.

The Mongolian cavalry team, which had suffered more than ten casualties in a row, was about to reach the limit of its horsepower and suddenly found an opportunity. How could it hold back?

Immediately, each of them beat their mounts hard several times and rushed up with the hook gun in their hand.

"Flange, Flange fire!" The teams in front of them were almost stunned by fright, and they couldn't help shouting at the Flange operator while shouting.

"The knife player is about to chop off the horse's legs, the tiger and sickle hands are stepping forward to hook the horse, and the sharpshooter is stepping forward to knock the horse's head!"

"Boom!" As soon as Team Leader finished speaking, the pilot had already ignited the large pilot machine on the car.

With a loud noise, the chariot nailed to the ground shook violently, but due to the fixation of the two iron cones, it did not move at all.

The cavalry in front of them was being confused by the large Franchise machine, and for a while, no one knew how many men and horses fell to the ground.

However, at this critical moment, who dares to retreat?

If you retreat at this time, you will be beaten into a sieve by the large and continuous loading machine on the opposite side.

Seeing that he was in front of the trembling enemy, a brave Mongolian flag bearer suddenly jumped on his horse, trying to get past the rebels' "rejection of horses", and then rushed into the crowd.

But he didn't expect that the "Ji Ma" was too high, and he couldn't jump over it. Instead, the big lance on the "Ji Ma" pierced the horse's belly, and he fell down.

The rebel soldiers in front of him were all shocked. They had never seen anyone so stupid before.

A sharpshooter had already taken a step forward, raised his sharpshooter and struck it down hard.

The blow hit the warrior's helmet right on the spot. The helmet was dented on the spot and blood burst out.

"Straight bitch, I can't take this head!" Unexpectedly, when the team saw him, he couldn't help but cursed.

The Ming army has always recorded merit by using the head. If it is damaged and difficult to identify, it is generally difficult to ask for rewards.

"Now we are King Shun's soldiers, we don't care about this!" The sharpshooter couldn't help but muttered after hearing this, and he didn't dare to neglect, and continued to move forward to kill.

It turns out that the chariot made by Yu Daqiu is actually a horse-proof and artillery launcher that integrates a large spear.

This thing is nailed to the ground, but its resistance is much stronger than the spear array. How can the flesh and blood of the Eight Banners Mongolian soldiers move?

One by one, they couldn't help but slow down their horses, and then slashed at the rebel soldiers behind the chariot.

However, all of these soldiers are famous.

The tiger harpooner only moved the tiger harpoon forward and blocked the Mongolian soldier's hook gun.

The hook and sickle hand had already pushed and pulled the hook and sickle gun forward, and when it hit the Mongolian soldier's clothes and armor, he pulled it down.

The sword and shield hand rolled to the ground, protecting his body with a wooden sign while slashing at the horse's hooves with his waist knife.

There were even sharpshooters waving their sharp guns and hitting the heads of the Mongolian cavalry horses fiercely.

As the saying goes: Two fists are no match for four, and a hero cannot stand against a crowd.

In terms of skill, these Mongolian riders are all good horse riders.

However, if you encounter this kind of unreasonable style of play, how can you beat it?

The cavalry in front suffered a loss, but the cavalry in the back didn't know what was true or false, so they sent them forward one by one.

After sending thirty or fifty people away in a row, King Lama Jinzhou of Nazasak realized something was wrong.

He quickly ordered his soldiers to blow the horns and call back the elite cavalry who were being ravaged by the rebels in front of the formation.

"Your Majesty, this thief's army formation is specially designed for our cavalry, it is invincible!" Na Gushan'e Zhendalai couldn't help but reminded him quickly.

"I see!" Narama Jinzhou nodded with a sad look on his face, using his feet to control his cavalry, and achieving such an exaggerated battle loss ratio, it was a bit hard for him to accept for a while.

"What should I do? Is there a way to solve it?"

"Without him, I can only step and fight!" Nadalai was silent for a moment and then said.

"What, an infantry battle?" Narama Jinzhou couldn't help but raise his voice, which immediately caused the cavalry to turn their heads and look over.

My majestic Mongolian cavalry has been reduced to fighting on foot with the "Southern Barbarians", so why do I need this war horse?

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