Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1441 Hard Fight

"Tatars want to fight on foot?"

Jiang Quan looked in disbelief as he watched the Eight Banners Mongolia on the opposite side dismount one after another, and then march forward in formation.

It has been seventy or eighty years since Yu Daqiu began to organize chariot troops.

Seventy or eighty years has basically covered the entire life of most people in this era.

Then Jiang Yu was only in his twenties now, how could he know the battle between the two sides in terms of tactics?

The nomads left their horses behind. It is indeed a rare thing to use a short attack to reach a long term.

Not long after, more than a thousand cavalry came and formed a cone formation, approaching the rebels.

The remaining two thousand cavalry were lined up on the left and right, waiting to move.

"Sudden heat!" When the Eight Banners Mongolians were approaching fifty steps away, they suddenly shouted, fired out a shower of arrows, then changed their bows and arrows into swords and guns, and quickly ran towards the direction of the rebel army formation. .

"Seize, seize, seize!" A rain of arrows fell into the rebel formation, but it did not cause much damage.

It turns out that the chariot soldiers compiled by Yu Daqiu were specialized in restraining Mongolian warfare. The two shields hanging in front of the chariot perfectly protected the two rows of carts on the left and right, while the soldiers on both sides were blocked by the first batch of sword players. Resisted by the shield in hand.

Under such cover, only a few arrows hit the soldiers.

However, since these soldiers were all wearing iron armor, these very few arrows could only be hung on the soldiers' bodies, basically causing no effective damage.

Just when the Eight Banners Mongolians fired their arrows, they actually came within the range of the rebel gunners.

"Bang, bang, bang!" The rebel gunners also opened fire, and seven or eight Mongolian soldiers fell down on the spot.

Although there are not many gunmen in the vehicle formation, their killing efficiency is significantly higher than that of Mongolian archers.

"Swish, swish, swish!"

"Bang bang bang!"

Within a short distance of fifty steps, the two sides exchanged fire for a while, and then the Mongolian soldiers entered the killing range of the large Franchise.

"Boom!" The French cannon rang out in time, and another group of charging Mongolian soldiers fell down.

However, these did not scare these brave Mongolian soldiers. They took the lead and rushed to the rebel vehicle formation.

When it comes to cavalry, the Mongolian soldiers are naturally excellent; when it comes to infantry, these Mongolian soldiers appear to be very average.

"Kill!" The rebel swordsman and shieldman couldn't hold it any longer. He used his shield to protect his body and charged forward.

This collision caused the Mongolian soldier in front of him to stagger.

Before he could stand firm, he felt a pain in his abdomen, but someone used the shield to stab him in.

When the other Mongolian soldiers saw this, they quickly raised their spears and stabbed him, but they were caught by the tiger's hand, and the hook and the sickle came forward and stabbed him to the ground.

As for the other sharpshooters and sword wielders, they were beaten and slashed, and the Eight Banners Mongolians who were killed in one fell swoop were retreating steadily.

However, it didn't matter that the Mongolian soldiers retreated. The rebel soldiers who were in full swing immediately rushed out.

"Sudden heat!" The Mongolian cavalry in front of them were watching eagerly. Seeing that the rebel soldiers were separated from the protection of the chariot, they were unwilling to give up and rushed forward one after another.

"Retreat, retreat quickly!" There is a price to pay for a momentary enthusiasm on the battlefield.

After these people lost the cover of the chariots, the Eight Mongolian Banners suddenly seemed to be in a deserted land, and they were killed and returned in a rout.

The Mongolian soldiers who were being killed were retreating steadily, and they took the opportunity to fight back.

"Quick, stop it quickly, stop it quickly!" The team deputy couldn't help but panic when he saw the soldiers in front were defeated.

However, apart from cannons and sharp spears, the carts under his command only have knives to use. How can he resist them?

Not long after, the formation was broken up by the Mongolian soldiers, and they had to abandon their chariots and retreat backwards.

The Mongolian soldiers were unyielding and tried to tear apart the rebel front by taking advantage of the already opened front.

However, they never expected that when they cut through the first layer of car array, what they saw was the second layer of car array.

As Sun Chengzong said in "Che Ying Kuda": "The way to defeat the enemy in a chariot camp is to be inexhaustible. If you don't have blunderbuss, your chariots will be inexhaustible; if you don't stack formations, your blunderbuss will be inexhaustible."

In other words, the key to the chariot formation is one in the chariot and the other in the stacked formation.

The method of stacked formations originated from the famous general Wu Lin in the Southern Song Dynasty. The basic method is to divide the soldiers into several fronts and fronts.

Once the front line is broken through by the enemy, the rear line can continue to block the enemy.

The soldiers in the originally defeated front can take the opportunity to move to the back of the formation and reorganize their formation.

Compared with traditional square arrays and circular arrays, stacked arrays have stronger impact resistance and toughness.

On the basis of the original stacked formation, the Ming army combined the traditional chariot formation to form this strategy of using chariots to form stacked formations.

"This is a tortoise, it's just a tortoise shell!" King Lama Jinzhou of Nazasak saw that it was easy to break through the "Shunthief" formation, but he never expected that there was another layer inside.

One layer after another, when the Eight Banners Mongolia finally managed to break through the second layer of vehicle formations, they found that there was another such vehicle formation on the third level. It was almost endless.

At this moment, Lama Jinzhou's heart was filled with despair. Every time a layer of vehicle formations was broken, countless corpses of Mongolian warriors from the Eight Banners would be filled in.

If the fight continued like this, he didn't know whether the car formation would be broken, but he knew in his heart how many Mongolian warriors with yellow flags he was affiliated with.

"No, this battle can't be fought!" Lama Jinzhou shook his head secretly, feeling uneasy in his heart.

Since the "Emperor of the Qing Dynasty" Hong Tai had entrusted the Eight Mongolian Banners with yellow flags under his command to him, it was natural that the entrustment was not in vain.

This is like doing business in later generations. Since angel investors have invested a lot of money in you, they are naturally prepared to let you make money for them.

If instead of helping others make money, you actually lose money, how can they forgive you?

And now this "angel investor" is a tycoon who is willing to take life and death, and his own fate can be imagined.

Thinking of this, Narama Jinzhou couldn't help but darken his eyes, and couldn't help but rush forward and said: "Where is Zhenda Lai in Gushan'er? Please take care of the troops for me, and I will go and meet the 'shun thief' in person!" "

"Your Majesty, you must not do this!" Nadalai was startled when he heard this, and couldn't help but pull his reins and said, "If your Majesty has something wrong with you, how can I explain it to His Majesty!"

Once you die, it will be happy.

But if such a big blame is gone, who should I look for to take the blame?

"Go away!" Of course Narama Jinzhou knew what this guy was thinking, so he couldn't help but pull out his riding crop and whip him hard, making a show of insisting on his own way.

Nagushan's forehead Zhenda was in pain, so he couldn't help but let go of his hand. Suddenly Narama Jinzhou got an opening and rode away.

Of course, the ants are still alive, so how can the majestic King Zhasak of Rama Jinzhou be willing to give up his life in vain?

This time he took the initiative to attack, naturally not to prepare to charge into the battle, but to lead his elite cavalry to take advantage of the chaos on both sides to launch a desperate charge.

In this way, no matter whether he succeeds or fails, Hong Tai will not be held responsible for losing his master.

"It's hot!" Lama Jinzhou shouted and rushed into the rebel formation. The formation that only killed the rebels for a while was in danger.

At this time, Jiang Xiang couldn't sit still.

Originally defeating the Eight Banners of Mongolia, he thought he was worthy of King Shun's grace. He never thought that the enemy would not give up, and even wanted to kill the chariot formation and prepare to kill him, the commander-in-chief.

"You are being underestimated!" Jiang Xiang couldn't help but sneered, pointing to the yellow flag in front of him and said, "Brothers, there is a big fish in front of you that wants to eat people. Do you think we can let him eat it?"

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