Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1442 The cannon fires

"Your Majesty, we can't go on like this!"

Just after King Lama Jinzhou of Zasak led more than a thousand cavalry to launch a fierce attack on the rebel car camp, the momentum was overwhelming at first.

However, with the layers of obstacles formed by the "stacked formations" of the rebels, the speed of the assault of King Lama Jinzhou of Zasak was slowed down or even stagnated.

If no more effective progress can be made, once the rebels are outflanked by the left and right wings, their assault cavalry will soon be surrounded.

"Who is the general of this enemy army?" Narama Jinzhou couldn't help but change his mind when he heard this, and asked, "If you can see clearly, why not fire arrows at random and take all the heads to disrupt their army!"

"Well, then it's coming!" At this time, Jiang Xiang was still unknown, and the Eight Banners Mongolia opposite him certainly didn't know his name.

Of course, for Lama Jinzhou, it doesn't matter whether he knows his name or not. What is important is that as long as he kills this person, the rebels will lose their command and they will be able to defeat him in one go.

Only once Jiang Xiang's camp on the right side of the rebel formation is defeated, the Houjin cavalry can outflank Zhang Rujing's troops who are fighting hard in the center.

When the time comes, under the attack from the front and back, no matter how elite Zhang Rujingbu is, he will not be able to withstand such an attack, and Hou Jin will be able to seal the victory.

"Shoot this 'thief' for me!" When Narama Jinzhou saw Jiang Xiang leading hundreds of people to block him, he couldn't help but quickly ordered to the archers on the left and right.

"Cha!" After receiving the order, the archers on the left and right couldn't help but draw their bows and arrows, all aiming at the rebel general wearing gorgeous armor.


"Swish, swish, swish!"

"Ah!" The man screamed, and he was shot into the shape of a hedgehog, dying before his eyes.

"The enemy general is dead, why don't you surrender quickly?" Narama Jinzhou couldn't help but be overjoyed when he saw this, and shouted loudly.

"Bang bang bang!" However, before Narama Jinzhou could finish his words, he suddenly felt a strong force coming from all over his body, and then he fell down from his horse.

"Play with me, you're still young!" Jiang Xiang, who was wearing ordinary-colored armor, couldn't help but sneered when he saw seven or eight bloody holes in Narama Jinzhou's body.

It turns out that Jiang Xiang has been in the army for many years and has quite a few skills.

He had long been prepared for tactics like Hou Jin's, which specialized in shooting the opponent's generals.

Therefore, before going into battle, Jiang Xiang first put on ordinary-colored armor and pretended to be a guard, while he asked his cronies to wear gorgeous armor to attract enemy fire.

Sure enough, Narama Jinzhou didn't know the key, but instead exposed his whereabouts with one operation.

Then Jiang Xiang returned the favor and imitated him, letting the sharpshooters around him hit Lama Jinzhou for a while.

This Lama Jinzhou was unprepared, begged for mercy and received mercy, and ended up being beaten to death with a random gun.

"The enemy general is dead, why don't you come forward with me to defeat the enemy!" Jiang Xiang didn't know that he had "caught a big fish". Seeing the enemy general being killed by his own gunman, Jiang Xiang couldn't help but get excited.

"Kill, kill!" The rebel chariot soldiers, who had been besieged by the Eight Banners of Houjin Mongolia for a long time and had already held back their anger, could not suppress the anger in their hearts. They suddenly jumped out one by one and killed the Mongolian infantrymen of the Eight Banners of Houjin. He threw away his armor and fled.

But just when the rebels were unstoppable, there was a man who was like a hungry wolf, staring at both sides of the war.

This person is none other than Xianghuang Banner Mongolian Gushan E Zhenda.

It turns out that the social hierarchy of Houjin was deep and strict. Although Gushan Ezhen's status was extraordinary, compared with the banner masters and King Zasak, he was just a high-level slave.

Now that King Lama Jinzhou of Zasak has died in battle, but Gushan Ezhen, the leader of his banner, is unscathed, how can Mrs. Hong spare him?

If Mrs. Hong spares him, then the Eight Great Heshuo Baylor will definitely suspect that Mrs. Hong set up the post of Gushan Ezhen to replace the banner leaders, and then something big will happen in Jin Kingdom.

Not to mention that he is an Eight Banner Mongolian Gushan Ezhen, even a genuine Jurchen Gushan Ezhen is not worth the price in front of Hong Tai.

Of course Nagoshan Ezhendalai knew the trouble he was in, so he tried his best to prevent Lama Jinzhou from going into battle.

However, Rama Jinzhou was determined to die, how could he persuade him to stop?

Of course, being unable to persuade him does not mean that he has no chance of survival.

Where is this vitality?

One is that King Zasak suddenly broke out in Lama Jinzhou and killed the entire rebel army in a desperate attempt, which then caused the entire rebel army to collapse.

The other is to draw out the rebel soldiers "hiding" in the chariot formation when King Zasak died in battle, and then charge forward on horseback, turning defeat into victory.

Although the chance of the first opportunity happening is too slim, the second opportunity is a high probability event for both warring parties.

Therefore, as soon as Ezhendalai of Nagu Mountain heard that King Lama Jinzhou of Zasak had died in battle, he immediately led his five hundred elite cavalry to hide nearby, ready to attack at any time.

Poor Jiang Xiang, how cunning and scheming he was, how could he have imagined that this Eight Banners Mongolia actually had two commanders.

He saw the Mongolian defeat of the Eight Banners of Houjin and had already released all his soldiers and cavalry.

Jiang Xiang's subordinate camp was divided into 16 soldiers and 10 cavalry per team. Each small battalion was composed of 208 soldiers and 130 cavalry.

If we add a small battalion of Jiang Yubiao's camp, there will be a total of more than 1,400 soldiers and 650 cavalry.

All these soldiers and cavalry were dispatched. The infantry chased and killed the infantry, and the cavalry chased and killed the cavalry. They were killing with great joy.

"Stay further away, stay further away!" The Mongolian Gushan Ezhendalai with the yellow flag stared at the movements of the rebels and kept chanting.

Dalai and his cavalry were ambush far away. Only when the rebels were far away from the car formation would they have a chance to hit them.

Ten feet, twenty feet, thirty feet

Seeing the rebels getting farther and farther away from the car formation, Dalai couldn't help but get excited.

"Woooooo~" He couldn't help but pick up the horn made of cow horns, mustered up enough energy to blow it himself.

The silent horn sound was like a soul-inducing spell coming from the eighteenth level of hell, and Jiang Gan was immediately horrified and his whole body became cold.

"It's over, it's all over. How come the Tatars are still hiding a cavalry!" Jiang Quan looked at the cavalry that suddenly appeared not far away in panic, and then looked at the soldiers and cavalry who were chasing bravely but in scattered formations. Suddenly a terrible thought came to my mind.

"Kill, kill for me!" Nadalai couldn't help but be overjoyed when he saw the rebels who were originally chasing him. He hit his mount twice hard and sprinted quickly.

As for the Mongolian horsemen who originally hated their parents for not having two extra legs, when they saw that there was an opportunity to gain, they began to try to gather together to resist.

"It's over, it's all over!" Everyone looked desperately at the car camp far behind them, feeling like they had fallen into an ice cave for a moment.

"Boom, boom, boom boom!" Just when everyone was in despair, they suddenly heard a loud bang, one after another, continuous and deafening, resounding throughout the entire battlefield.

"Cannon, artillery, Hongyi cannon! Our Hongyi cannon went off!" Everyone was stunned, and then suddenly reacted.

This is clearly the "Hongyi Cannon" of Li Shi'an's department that has been deployed and is now fiercely bombarding Hou Jin's military formation.

"Oh, my God!" Such a big movement, not to mention the soldiers of the rebel army, even the people from Dalai had already heard it.

He couldn't help but turn his head and look to the northeast, only to see dense shells that seemed to be free of charge, violently smashing in along the direction of the rear Jin army formation.

Rows and rows of soldiers were made of clay or paper, and one fell through.

Broken limbs, wreckage, blood, and wails filled the entire battlefield for a while.

"It's over, it's all over!" Nada Lai couldn't help but exclaimed with fear as he tried hard to control his mount, which was startled by the huge sound of the cannon.

"Get back, get back quickly, I'm going to mess with everyone, this time we're going to finish!"

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