Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1443: Determining the Country

"Kill, kill, kill!" While Li Zicheng, Jiang Quan and Hou Jin were fighting fiercely, Zhang Rujing in the middle army was leading his men to fight bravely.

Although Zhang Rujing once listened to the teachings of Zhang Shun, he spent most of his short military career under Chen Changzhi.

Therefore, his method of using troops has the distinctive characteristics of Chen Changzhen, that is, he likes to rush and fight fiercely, and he is unstoppable.

Zhang Rujing's battalion faced none other than "King Huaishun", one of the "Three Shun Kings".

Different from the rough impression of most people, Na Shangxi was originally from Hongdong County, Shanxi Province, and later moved to Haizhou, Liaodong Province. He has no connection with Kong Youde and Geng Zhongming.

Later, due to the rebellion of the old slaves, which caused trouble in Jianzhou, Shang Kexi, his son and others had to move to Songshan for refuge.

Later, father and son joined the army one after another, and Na Shang Kexi was adopted as an adopted grandson by Mao Wenlong.

Later, his father Shang Xueli died at the hands of the Hou Jin soldiers, and Mao Wenlong handed over the Ministry of Shangxue Li to Shang Kexi.

In the fourth year of Chongzhen's reign, a mutiny broke out in Pidao, and Huang Long, the general of the Dongjiang River, was imprisoned. Shang Kexi hurried back to rescue Huang Long, and was promoted to a guerrilla general.

In the fifth year of Chongzhen's reign, Kong Youde and Geng Zhongming launched the Wuqiao Mutiny and occupied Dengzhou. Na Shang Kexi accepted the order of General Huang Long to pacify the Dongjiang Islands and intercept Kong and Geng who fled to the sea. He was promoted to deputy general for his merits. soldiers.

Unexpectedly, after Kong and Geng defected to Hou Jin, they counterattacked Lushun in order to "show their true feelings".

Lushun fell, and the general Huang Long committed suicide. Shang Kexi's wife, concubines, slaves, and hundreds of others were all killed by Hou Jin.

At this time when Shang Ke was happy, sad and angry, who would have thought that the new commander-in-chief Shen Shikui was actually the instigator of the Pidao mutiny. Just because Shang Ke was happy and ruined his "big event", he held a grudge and wanted to seek revenge.

After Na Shang Kexi learned the news, he launched a sudden attack on the first day of the first lunar month of the seventh year of Chongzhen. He arrested two deputy generals, Yu Liangtai and Qiu Zhentai, and then looted more than 10,000 soldiers and civilians from Guanglu, Big and Small Changshan, Shicheng, and Haiyang Islands, and took them with him. The generals under his command and the military supplies and equipment from the five islands under his jurisdiction traveled by sea to seek refuge in Houjin.

Therefore, among the "Three Shun Kings", he has the strongest strength and the most generous treatment.

Not only were his men and horses given the title of "Heavenly Assisted Soldiers", but Mrs. Hong even ceded Haizhou as his fief, allowing him to settle his old men and their families.

However, this is also the case. The troops under Shang Kexi's command have maintained a strong Ming Dynasty frontier army style, rather than the Western style of Kong Youde and Geng Zhongming.

Naturally, the rebels had quite a lot of experience in dealing with the Ming Dynasty's border troops.

The troops under Zhang Rujing's command were mainly the "Mao Gourd Soldiers" from western Henan and the cavalry he recruited and trained himself.

These "mao gourd soldiers" are already good at using spears, bows and arrows, so after putting on iron armor and a little training, they become first-class elite soldiers.

The six hundred cavalry under his command were carefully selected by him and were modeled after the broadsword cavalry trained by Chen Changzhi's "Broad Sword Team".

These cavalrymen are all tall and tall, and have outstanding martial arts skills. They use the Pu Dao and Yanyue Dao to make great use of long-handled swords.

However, when such a team faces the "Tianzhu soldiers" whose main firepower is the "Tianzhu soldiers" whose main firepower is the artillery such as the Japanese destroyer cannon, the general cannon, the second general cannon, and the French machine gun, it is actually difficult to gain an advantage.

Therefore, after Zhang Rujing led his troops to fight against the "Tianzhu soldiers", he found that he could not get close to the enemy at all.

what to do?

Of course it’s served cold!

"His Royal Highness 'King Shun' has said that if you can't fight, fight, and if it's not enough, leave!" Zhang Rujing couldn't help but shouted, turned around and ran away.

The "King Zhishun" liked to put up a posture easily, but he didn't expect the "Shun Thief" on the other side to be so careless, and he was stunned for a moment.

"Chase, chase quickly, there is a boy with no hair on the opposite side, now you get all the credit for nothing!" Someone finally informed the rebels of the "true and false", Na Shang Kexi couldn't help but said excitedly.

On the battle formation, it is better to advance than to retreat, otherwise if you are not careful, you will be in a situation that is beyond redemption. The famous Battle of Feishui in history is a typical example.

At that time, Fu Jian, the former king of Qin, led an army of 150,000 to confront the Jin army at Feishui. He thought that if he retreated slightly, the Jin army would attack, and he could attack halfway across the river.

Who would have thought that as soon as the men and horses moved, someone would already shout: "The Qin army is defeated, the Qin army is defeated!"

The Jin army took the opportunity to cross the river and attack fiercely. As a result, the 150,000-strong army was wiped out in one fell swoop, and the former Qin Dynasty that unified the entire north also fell apart.

"Please be careful, Your Majesty, to avoid fraud on the other side!" Some people felt that the "Shun Thief" was defeated too easily, and they couldn't help but reminded him quickly.

"Real defeat and false defeat are just a matter of a thought!" Unexpectedly, Shang Kexi couldn't help laughing after hearing this, "I think the former King of Qin, Fu Jian, didn't want to cross the border and attack halfway. What was the result? He was defeated by the Jin army in one fell swoop!"

"In the past there was Fu Jian, the former King of Qin, and now there is Zhang Shun, the King of Later Qin; in the past there was Xie Xuan, the famous general of the Eastern Jin Dynasty; and now there is my queen Jin Shang Kexi, and I will defeat him together!"

After saying that, Na Shang was delighted and couldn't help but lead his troops in pursuit.

Seeing that Zhang Rujing's troops retreated thirty to fifty feet in a row and almost sold out all the troops on the left and right wings, Shang Kexi's troops couldn't help but be overjoyed.

Who would have thought that just when Shang Kexi's men and horses were catching up with Zhang Rujing's troops, they suddenly heard the sound of a cannon and a group of cavalry rushed out from behind Li Guoliang's camp on the left wing of the rebel army.

This group of cavalry and its evil sect did not rush into the formation at all, but just passed by the right wing of Shang Kexi's department.

Everyone was holding a Pu Dao or a Yanyue Dao, and with one swipe, the men and horses on the right wing of the Xiangxi Army killed an unknown number of people.

And at the moment when the rebel cavalry rushed out, the originally defeated rebel infantry suddenly stopped, formed a cone formation and turned over to fight back.

"Straight bitch!" Na Shang Ke was happy to see such a situation, but he didn't know that this time the "squeezing of the soft persimmon" did not succeed, but instead "kicked the iron plate".

Poor King Zhishun, Shang Kexi, prides himself on knowing military affairs, but he never thought that when Zhang Rujing followed the "Eight Great Kings" Zhang Xianzhong, he had already become accustomed to all kinds of defeats.

After losing so many battles, it was natural that some people had the idea to play the trick of "turning defeat into victory".

At the beginning, before Zhang Shun joined the rebel army, countless rebel soldiers were chased by the Ming army and had no way to go to heaven or to the earth. In the end, they really defeated many well-equipped and well-trained Ming army elites with this single hand.

In Zhang Shun's previous life, Cao Wenzhao, "the best general of the Ming Dynasty", was surrounded on all sides because he pursued too deeply. In the end, he was defeated and committed suicide due to being outnumbered in the battle of Qiutou Town.

Although Na Shang Kexi fought against powerful armies such as Hou Jin, Kong Youde, and Geng Zhongming, most of them were fair and honest battles. Wherever he encountered such a "dirty" wild road, he immediately suffered a big loss and was blind. The name of "King Zhishun".

"Artillery, hurry up, go back and fight again with the help of artillery!" At this time, the formation was out of line and the soldiers were out of action, only then did Shang Kexi remember the artillery that had been left in the position to pursue the rebels.

As a result, he turned his head and looked back and almost fainted.


It turned out that the rebel broadsword cavalry that had just passed by the right wing of the "Tianzhu soldiers" had already bypassed Shang Kexi's infantry and was killing the artillerymen in the position they stayed behind.

"Cavalry, cavalry! Xu Erxian, you quickly lead my king's cavalry to drive away the 'thief cavalry' and ensure that the artillery is not lost!" In extreme anxiety, Na Shang Kexi couldn't help shouting loudly.

It didn't matter what he shouted. After hearing Shang Kexi's words, the already panicked "Tianzhu Bing" infantry couldn't help but turn their heads and look back. They suddenly realized the miserable situation of their own position, and all of them felt a little bit in their hearts, secretly thinking "The food is spoiled!"

Since "Tianzhu Bing" was born in the Ming Dynasty's frontier army, the habit of the Ming Dynasty frontier army's transfer to Rufeng was naturally inherited.

When everyone saw the situation, they felt helpless. How could they hold back?

All of a sudden, they threw away their helmets and armor, turned around and ran away.

It didn't matter that everyone fled, they actually betrayed Shang Kexi who had just sent out his cavalry.

What kind of person is that?

He is the most powerful and cunning person among the "Three Shun Kings". When he saw this situation, he dared not stay, so he couldn't help but turn around and run away.

Zhang Rujing had already understood. When he saw that Shang Kexi was about to run away, he quickly chased after him and said, "Shang Kexi, let me see where you are escaping?"

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