Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1444 Becoming a King in One Step

"What the hell is Shang Kexi doing!" Just as Zhang Rujing was killing Shang Kexi, the king of Zhishun, Kong Youde, the obedient king who was suppressing Li Guoliang on the left wing of the rebel army, couldn't help but said in disbelief.

He knew Shang Kexi's ability and strength. According to his thoughts, how could the unknown person on the opposite side defeat Shang Kexi, a veteran warrior?

However, things in the world are so unreasonable.

When you think you can beat someone, sometimes you just can't.

To be honest, if the gongs and drums are face to face, and the two sides pull out a one-on-one attack, Zhang Rujing's battalion artillery, whose entire battalion artillery has been transferred, will be 100% incapable of defeating the enemy's cannon, the general's artillery, the second general's artillery, and the French machine cannon. Shang Kexibu's main firepower is with various types of bird cannons.

However, as a "roving bandit", Zhang Rujing was so familiar with the tactics of officers and soldiers that he had a whole set of methods specifically designed to deal with this kind of "sitting down and conquering the world".

In military terminology, this method is called "mobile annihilation of the enemy". In Zhang Shun's previous game terminology, it is also called "pull". Of course, if it is more vivid, it is called "returning the enemy".

Not only the rebels in the late Ming Dynasty, but also the rebels in the late Qing Dynasty often used this method to deal with the Qing army.

The most famous among them is the "Thirty-point check of the carbine" by the famous Taiping Heavenly Kingdom general Chen Yucheng. Whenever the Taiping army fought with the Qing army, "after about ten rounds, they would retreat twenty or thirty steps, and then rush forward again." , called it a 'returning rifle'", which only killed the Hunan army until they heard about it.

Na Shang Ke was glad that after suffering this big loss, he realized how powerful Zhang Rujing was, but Kong Youde didn't know it.

When he saw Shang Ke happily defeated and left, he couldn't help but think about it.

He couldn't help but thought: "It's so good that in the past it would have beaten me and Geng Zhongming, but unexpectedly it turned out to be a 'big straw bag with embroidered pillows', which is of no use at all."

"If I help him today, I will embarrass him in the future!"

When Kong Youde thought of this, he turned to his brother Kong Youxing and said, "Brother, please take care of the 'God Blessing Soldier' ​​for me. I'll be back soon!"

When Kong Youxing heard this and knew that he was going to cause trouble, he couldn't help but hurriedly persuade him: "This is not something we are going to do, so why do you have to be the one who stands out?"

"Brother, what did you say? I won't help others if they are in trouble today. If we are in trouble tomorrow, who will be willing to come and save me!" Kong Youde said his word, and without waiting for Kong Youxing to speak, he directly led his 800 cavalrymen to turn in the direction. From the southwest, they attacked behind Zhang Rujing's men and horses.

"Hey, weird things happen every year, especially this year. Before I can kill the general, someone else will come to your door?" Zhang Rujing is not a typical Ming army general like Jiang Xiang. He was born in Yeluzi and is very familiar with all kinds of "dirty" things. "The routine is well known.

Therefore, even if Shang Ke, who he defeated at the hands of the "Three Shun King", was defeated and ran away happily, he was always paying attention to the movements of the entire battlefield.

When Kong Youde, who was on the left wing of the rebel army, just separated a cavalry, he got the news immediately.

"Okay, you're welcome, I'll give him a treat today!" Zhang Rujing smiled and quickly issued orders to the left and right.

Kong Youde never expected that this kid would actually set a trap for himself. He only led his men to attack the left wing of the rebel army.

This Kong Youde was originally a miner from Tieling. He was good at bow and horse. He was "brave and good at fighting. He was the first to ascend the battlefield and became the best among the generals."

When Sun Yuanhua organized and trained the new army, he actually selected him as a cavalry general.

If we look at it carefully, the so-called "Western-style" new army under his command is actually at the level of a second-hand swordsman. What he is best at and trusts most is his cavalry.

It's just that Hou Jin had many horses and there was no shortage of cavalry, so Kong Youde gave in to him and preached all day long such as "the red barbarian cannon is invincible in the world", which made people think that he was proficient in firearms.

However, since he defected to Hou Jin Dynasty and was placed in the Liaoyang generation by Hong Tai, he lacked supplies and horses and could not afford a large-scale cavalry, so he only raised more than a thousand fine cavalry.

With only 800 cavalry under his command, he was able to take advantage of the chaos and defeat Zhang Rujing's tribe, so he rushed towards the rebels very arrogantly.

"Quickly, disperse quickly, the Tatar cavalry is coming!" It didn't matter that he charged, the rebels had already received the order, and they couldn't help but make way for the passage, allowing only Kong Youde to enter.

Kong Youde "killed" the rebels with just one charge, and he couldn't help but be overjoyed.

However, before he had time to laugh out loud, he suddenly realized that something was wrong.

It turned out that after he "killed through the formation of the shun thieves", he suddenly discovered that what was standing in front of him was a formation of spears ready to attack.

"Kong Youde, do you know your grandfather!" At this moment, a childish voice came out from the spear formation.

"What a young boy!" Kong Youde was furious when he heard this, and thought to himself: You only have three to five hundred soldiers and you dare to call out to grandpa. You are lighting a lantern in the latrine - you are looking for death!

"Come on, charge me, rush in and capture this arrogant boy alive. I will chop him into pieces three thousand times to relieve the hatred in my heart!" Kong Youde couldn't help but order.

"Here!" Kong Youde's cavalry couldn't help but responded after hearing the words.

The cavalry formation under his command was inherited from the "Western French Party" and was divided into two types: heavy cavalry and light cavalry.

Among them, the heavy cavalry wear iron armor, are equipped with long guns and long swords, and charge into battle as their main tactics.

The light cavalry is equipped with bows and arrows and muskets. It is actually a mixture of Western European light cavalry and musketry cavalry at the same time. It uses running attacks and harassment as its main tactics.

Among the eight hundred cavalry under Kong Youde's command, there were 500 heavy cavalry and 300 light cavalry.

But now that he had just "broken through the rebel defense line", there were wolves in front of him and tigers in the back, making it difficult for the cavalry formation to be deployed.

Therefore, he had to give up the tactic of harassing the three hundred light cavalry, and directly ordered the heavy cavalry to form a dense row and slowly press against the rebel spear formation.

"Wall charge?" Zhang Rujing couldn't help but feel happy when he saw the cavalry under Kong Youde's command.

Why are you there?

It turns out that this intensive charge strategy was originally a restoration of classical cavalry tactics in Western Europe.

In East Asia, where classical tactics are kept intact, this is not a strange tactics. This is one of the reasons why Hong Tai is not very interested in the cavalry under Kong Youde.

Yang Chengzu's tribe among the rebels was very good at this kind of intensive charge, so Zhang Rujing was not surprised.

"Guys, be careful, this guy is going to do something cruel!" Zhang Rujing couldn't help but hurriedly warned him.

"Okay!" Without waiting for anyone to respond, Kong Youde and his cavalry began to charge faster, and finally started galloping.

"Kill!" When Kong Youde saw the rebels' weak spear formation, he couldn't help but shouted, and suddenly crashed into the rebel spear formation.

"What the hell, ah!" In a moment, people were killed by gunshots, people were thrown off their backs, and the two sides collided fiercely. It is unknown how many people died in this fierce charge.

Zhang Rujing and the 500 men under his command were shaken for a while, but because his 500 elite men were all carefully selected miners, they miraculously persisted.

"Huh!" Zhang Rujing breathed a sigh of relief and couldn't help shouting, "It's blocked, it's blocked, brothers, hurry up and fight back!"

Yes, after the rebel spear formation withstood the most violent blow of the wall charge, the shortcomings of this tactics became apparent.

Because the cavalry formation was too dense, it was impossible to turn the horses' heads and get out of the battle for a while.

And these "hairy gourds" were using hook guns introduced from the white pole soldiers. Seeing that the cavalry under Kong Youde's command had lost their speed, how could they be willing to give up?

All of a sudden, they were pulling and hooking, and for a while, countless elite "heavy cavalry" were dragged down by these people, and then stabbed at them with swords and guns.

Kong Youde was shocked. He never expected that the elite cavalry under his command could not defeat the rebel spear formation. He couldn't help but shouted quickly: "Where are the light cavalry? Attack quickly!"

It turns out that Kong Youde was well aware of the shortcomings of this heavy cavalry charge.

Therefore, he thought of a way. Whenever the heavy cavalry got into entanglement between the two sides, he would order the light cavalry to come forward and harass them in an attempt to "rescue" the heavy cavalry.

However, just when the three hundred light cavalry under Kong Youde were approaching Zhang Rujing and his spear formation, unexpectedly, the sounds of killing began from all sides.

Why are you there?

It turned out that Zhang Rujing's five troops had developed a good ability to charge and retreat in a stable formation. This was also the main reason why he was able to achieve a gratifying defeat with a "returning spear".

The reason why Kong Youde was able to "kill" the rebel army just now was because Zhang Rujing deliberately let him in.

Zhang Rujing actually arranged a simple five-element formation, with four divisions on all sides, and the middle division was led by Zhang Rujing himself.

After he let Kong Youde in before, he deliberately led him to attack, just to buy time for the four forces outside to encircle him.

Now that the encirclement has been completed, Kong Youde and his eight hundred fine cavalry have already fallen into a heavy siege.

"Quickly, ask King Zhishun Shang Kexi for help!" When Kong Youde saw the situation here, he didn't know that he had fallen into the trick of this young boy, so he couldn't help shouting loudly.

Shang Kexi still has a battalion of troops under his command. As long as he can regroup, he can arrive in time to surround Zhang Rujing's men.

In this case, Zhang Rujing's department will fall into a dangerous situation of "central flowering". How can he withstand it?

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