Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1445 Death of Kong Youde

"This boy is so brave!" Seeing the obedient king Kong Youde leading 800 cavalry into the rebel army formation, there was no movement for a long time.

After waiting for a long time, King Zhishun Shang Kexi finally received Kong Youde's distress signal, and couldn't help but praise with a complicated expression.

I hunted geese all day long, and I never thought that I would be pecked and blinded by geese. I was happy about this, but I never expected that two heroes, myself and Kong Youde, would be killed by a yellow-mouthed kid one after another.

"General, can we save him or not?" Ban Zhifu, who had just managed to drive away the rebel "Blade Cavalry", couldn't help but ask.

"Save, why not save?" Shang Kexi sneered, "They saved us in the beginning, how can we not reciprocate?"

Even though what Shang Kexi said was better than what he sang, he actually had a clear understanding of Kong Youde's thoughts.

The reason why he rescued himself before was just to compete with himself for the limelight.

As a result, instead of fighting for the limelight, he fell into a desperate situation, so he asked for help.

"The 'thieves' are fierce. Please retrieve the artillery and reorganize the team before proceeding with the rescue!" Na Shang Kexi said again.

"Yes, the last general takes the order!" The two generals Xu Erxian and Ban Zhifu under Shang Kexi couldn't help but trembled when they heard this, and they immediately understood what King Huaishun was thinking.

This is for fear that the obedient king Kong Youde will not die enough and add another shovelful of dirt to him!

How do you feel about this being so gratifying?

It turns out that the Hou Jin Dynasty implemented aristocratic rule, and the strength of everyone in the country waxed and waned, but it was measured by the men and horses under their command.

Shang Kexi understood clearly, but for a while he focused on Kong Youde's men, who were second only to him in strength.

Now, in order to suppress the Eight Great Heshuo Beile, Hong Tai separated the Eight Banners Mongolian and Eight Banners Han armies to reduce Heshuo Beile's control over the troops of these two tribes.

If Kong Youde really died in battle, in order to balance the relationship between the various forces, General Hong would have to divide the Han army under Kong Youde's command between himself and Geng Zhongming.

It didn't matter that King Zhishun was still happy. Kong Youde and his eight hundred cavalry were suddenly in a desperate situation.

"King Zhishun, King Zhishun! Where did you use this evil spirit, and why did you refuse to save him?" Seeing that Shang Kexi's troops stood still, Kong Youde couldn't help but roared with grief and anger.

No matter how much Kong Youde yelled and cursed, the Shang Kexi Division just picked up the artillery and reorganized the troops step by step, without any intention of preparing for the previous one.

At this time, Kong Youde was leading eight hundred cavalry, rushing left and right in the Rujing formation, but they couldn't get out!

In desperation, Kong Youde couldn't help but order: "Send an order to my brother to ignore the current 'thief' and send someone to rescue me quickly!"

No one can be trusted. After all, one’s brothers are the ones who can be trusted.

However, just when Kong Youde sent an order to his brother Kong Youxing, Zhang Rujing also ordered: "Su and I told Li Guoliang that if Kong Youde's tribe is held back for half an hour, I will share with him half of the great contribution to the killing of King Ming of Jin." !”

To be honest, before Li Guoliang heard the news about Zhang Rujing, he was actually very anxious.

Without him, the name does not match the reality. He occupies the position of Duke of the Rebel Army in vain, and feels uneasy in his heart.

It's just that his own abilities are limited. Although with the support of Zhang Shun, he gathered his old troops and reorganized a battalion.

However, the obedient Wang Kong Youde's troops in front of him were so powerful that they defeated him steadily.

Finally, it was gratifying that Kong Youde led his men to support King Zhishun, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

However, even if he was relieved, he still couldn't take advantage, which was a bit disappointing.

How to do how to do?

The majestic Duke of the new dynasty has great merits. Even if King Shun is easy to talk and lets him go, will other generals with great achievements let him go?

However, just when Li Guoliang was extremely anxious, suddenly a signal for help from Zhang Rujing's department was sent out.

When he, Li Guoliang, heard that the other party was going to give him half of the credit, he couldn't help but be overjoyed.

This is really a piece of swan meat falling from the sky. If you don't eat it, you won't eat it for free.

Thinking of this, Li Guoliang also became fierce and quickly led his left and right guards forward bravely and said: "Three thousand against two thousand, I have the advantage, follow me to defeat the enemy!"

However, when Li Guoliang became ruthless, Kong Youde's elder brother Kong Youxing became anxious.

"Quick, think of a way to save Youde!" He couldn't help but said anxiously as he was pressed by Li Guoliang's battalion and couldn't escape.

"General, why don't you divide out five hundred men and give it a try?" Zuo Zuo couldn't help but suggest.

"Okay, okay, let's send out five hundred troops!" Kong Youxing didn't care about anything and nodded in agreement.

Kong Youde is the pillar of their Kong family. Once Kong Youde is defeated and dies, Mrs. Hong in their family will quickly lose their role, and their fate can be imagined.

Kong Youxing thought clearly, so he wanted to save Kong Youde at all costs.

However, although Li Guoliang was not as talented as the average person, but now he took advantage of the large number of people and became ruthless, Kong Youxing really couldn't do anything to him for a while.

Following Kong Youxing's order, five hundred people separated from the rear of the formation and ran towards Zhang Rujing's camp on the left.

And Kong Youxing's men were reduced by 500 men. For a time, they were under great pressure, but they were beaten back by Li Guoliang.

Not to mention the fighting situation between Kong Youxing and Li Guoliang, let's talk about the newly separated 500 people who just ran towards Zhang Rujing's tribe, but were blocked by the rebel spear formation, while the obedient king Kong Youde's subordinates were blocked by the rebels. More and more hooks were fired, and for a moment he couldn't help but despair.

"Whoever is leading the army on the other side, I, Kong Youde, will surrender!" He couldn't help but beg for mercy, "I have always looked up to King Shun for his reputation, and I just wish I had never seen him."

"After Kong is the sage of Kong, how can he be willing to follow Di Yiye? He has no choice but to do so!"

"If I am forgiven by King Shun, I will definitely do the work of a dog and a horse, and my body will be broken into pieces to repay my great kindness!"

It didn't matter that he shouted, Zhang Rujing, who couldn't find Kong Youde's whereabouts, suddenly discovered his location. He couldn't help but reached out and took out the bow from behind, and shot an arrow with a "swish" sound.

The arrow managed to miss anywhere but Kong Youde's forehead.

"Ah!" He screamed and fell off the horse with a "plop".

The people on the left and right couldn't help but become anxious when they saw him. They jumped down one after another and helped him up to take a look. They saw that Kong Youde was holding his forehead with his hand, and blood was gurgling out from between his fingers. For a moment, he didn't know what was going on.

"This time, I will probably fail!" Kong Youde couldn't help but lament weakly, "After you guys break out, just tell His Highness that I will bow to the north and commit suicide." !”

After saying this, he died of anger.

Pity the hero of this life, but his bones are probably not strong enough, so his skull was shot to pieces by Zhang Rujing's arrow, and he died!

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