Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1446 Surrender

The obedient king Kong Youde died, just like Zhang Shun in the historical line of his previous life, he still died at the hands of Zhang Rujing.

What's even more ridiculous is that in the original history, the Qing government originally planned to "defend Fujian with Kong Youde, and Shang Kexi would be happy to bring peace to Guangxi." Shang Kexi was quite cunning, and refused on the grounds that Guangxi was remote and complicated. On the contrary, Kong Youde "resolutely said Western Guangdong is invited.”

The Qing court then named him King of Dingnan, and Kong Youde went to Guangxi with his family and 20,000 troops.

At the beginning, Kong Youde made great progress, breaking Guilin, occupying Guangxi, and capturing and killing important Southern Ming ministers Zhang Tongchang, Qu Shichun, and Jingjiang King Zhu Hengxuan. His prestige was unparalleled for a while.

Unexpectedly, Li Dingguo went south to Guilin, destroyed the virtuous troops, and won a great victory in Guilin. He killed his entire family and his generals. Only one woman escaped by chance. It can be said that it was miserable and miserable, and it brought a happy ending to his sinful life.

Who would have thought that there was God's will in the dark. In this life, due to Zhang Shun's emergence, Kong Youde no longer had the chance to guard Guangxi.

As a result, he was still tricked by King Huaishun Shang Kexi, still hit with an arrow in the head, and still killed at the hands of Zhang Rujing. It can be said that "the sky is vast, sparse and not leaking"!

When Zhang Rujing saw that Kong Youde was shot off his horse by his own arrow, he couldn't help but be overjoyed and shouted loudly: "The traitor Kong Youde is dead, why didn't you surrender earlier?"

Of those eight hundred elite cavalrymen, most of whom were close followers of Kong Youde, how could they be willing to surrender?

His general, Mele Zhangjing Sunlong, said to Cao Dexian: "We, who were homeless, were deeply favored by King Gongshun, so we were able to accept the worldly duties of Mele Zhangjing. Now that King Gongshun has died for his country, if we cannot avenge him, Isn’t it Aqina?”

Cao De felt his loyalty first, so he asked himself to bear the body of Kong Youde and followed Sun Long to break out of the encirclement.

When Zhang Rujing saw that the other party was stubborn to the end, he immediately stopped trying to recruit him and couldn't help but order: "Send all bows and arrows, all swords and spears, don't let him lose one of them!"

After receiving Zhang Rujing's military order, all the "hair gourds" immediately stationed their guns on the ground, opened their bows and fired arrows, and arrows rained down like rain.

Then Sun Long led eight hundred fine cavalry, rushing left and right, but they couldn't get out.

Coupled with the powerful rifles of the rebels, arrows hit many places on his body, hurting his flesh and blood in several places.

Melezhangjing and Sunlong could not help but feel heartbroken and despairing.

Unexpectedly, at this time, I accidentally saw that Cao Dexian, with Kong Youde behind him, was like a shield, blocking most of the arrows, but he was unscathed.

He couldn't help but burst into anger, and he was filled with evil thoughts. But when Cao De came closer, he slashed at him with a knife on his head.

Meile Zhangjing and Cao Dexian didn't expect that this guy was going to make a move, so he couldn't dodge immediately. He chopped off his head with a knife, and the blood dripped all over the body of Kong Youde, who was like a hedgehog.

"What a thief, he is really hateful. He actually damaged the prince's body, which is unbearable!" Sun Long couldn't help but cursed loudly, "I will kill this thief for the world!"

"Then Zhang Jing, what should I do?" Zuo Zuo didn't react when he saw this, but asked with an unkind expression.

"Then of course he surrendered secretly and surrendered!" Sun Long had already calculated it and couldn't help laughing. He pointed at the corpses of Kong Youde and Cao Dexian and said, "They are the right people for us to enter the world! "

Since these people can betray the Ming Dynasty and invest money, they can also betray the money and surrender. If you have milk, you are a mother, nothing more than that.

"Okay, okay!" After hearing this, everyone couldn't help but clasped their hands and laughed, and then sent dead soldiers to ask Zhang Rujing to surrender.

"Surrender me?" To be honest, although Zhang Rujing is young, he is also a person who hates evil as much as he hates it.

Ever since he received Zhang Shunying's words and deeds, he deeply hated the actions of Zhang Xianzhong and others, which is why he stayed in "Shunying".

But now Zhang Rujing's enemies are not only these 800 cavalry. In fact, at this time, Huaishun King Shang Kexi, who had recovered his strength, and Kong Youde's brother Kong Youxing sent 500 elite troops to attack his men outside.

Although the eight hundred cavalry under Kong Youde's command suffered a lot, if they caused trouble in the formation, Zhang Rujing's battalion would also be in big trouble.

"Well, in that case, I, the ancestor of King Shun, have promised you all, and please follow me to kill the enemy bravely and make up for your mistakes!" Zhang Rujing couldn't help but accept.

"Okay, that's great!" Sun Long couldn't help but said with great joy as he only knew that he was trapped in a tight siege and that the rebels were now in a predicament.

"In this case, you will continue to hold this position and yell at the Tatars!" Despite his young age, Zhang Rujing was also a "little thief", so he was naturally very familiar with the "voucher for name" scheme.

"That's great!" Although Sun Long was a little hesitant, he finally gritted his teeth and agreed.

There is no way, the situation is stronger than the people, people have to bow their heads under the eaves!

Therefore, Zhang Rujing asked the remaining cavalry to stay in the formation for the time being, and asked the former Empress Jin Mele, Zhang Jing, Sun Long and several generals to "vote for the name".

It is said that these people finally cut off the bodies of the obedient king Kong Youde and Mele Zhangjing Cao Dexian, and then drove their horses out of the rebel formation.

When these people carried the heads and looked forward, they saw King Huaishun Shang Kexi attacking the rebel army fiercely. They immediately felt regretful and realized that they had been fooled by this "child".

These people had the intention to go back on their word, but Zhang Rujing had left all their men in the formation. If they escaped back to Houjin alone, they might not get any good results.

These people had no choice but to hold up the heads of Kong Youde and Cao Dexian and shouted loudly: "Kong Youde, the obedient king, and Cao Dexian, Mele Zhangjing, are dead. Why don't you surrender?"

As soon as these people said these words, the "Heaven Helping Soldiers" were immediately in an uproar.

The rebels had not killed the prince before, but Azige died in the belly of the rebels. Hong Tai and the others did not believe that Azige's army had been wiped out, so this was often regarded as a rumor.

But today, the long-established and powerful "Qing Dynasty" was obedient to King Kong Youde, and a life-long hero died on the battlefield quietly. For the "God Blessed Soldiers" and "God Blessed Soldiers", the psychological impact can be imagined.

"What, he's really dead!" Although Shang Kexi had already prepared for Kong Youde to die in battle, he still felt a bit unbelievable when he heard the news with his own ears.

When he was in Dongjiang Town, he battled wits and courage with the ferocious Hou Jin for many years without getting hurt. When he was in Denglai Town, he was besieged by many elite Ming troops without dying, but he died in this young yellow mouth. In the hands of a child?

After a long while, King Zhishun Shang Kexi finally accepted this fact.

He couldn't help but cursed loudly: "You are so good, Sun Long. Your Majesty and King Gong Shun treat you well. I didn't expect you to be such an ungrateful villain."

"Come here, whoever can recapture the body of King Gongshun will be rewarded with a high reward; whoever can get the head of Sun Long will be rewarded with a medium reward; whoever can recapture the body of Cao Dexian, Mele Zhangjing, will be rewarded with a low reward!"

Upon receiving this military order from Shang Kexi, the "Tianzhu soldiers" who had finished reorganizing their forces suddenly gained momentum and began to launch a fierce attack on Zhang Rujing's department.

But at this moment, only a loud noise was heard, and suddenly the "God Blessed Soldiers" and "God Blessed Soldiers" formations were in chaos.

"Hongyi cannon, Hongyi cannon!" Someone had already panicked and shouted loudly.

When Shang Kexi heard the words, he couldn't help but look around in panic. However, there were so many people and horses on the battlefield, where could he see clearly?

At this moment, there was another loud noise, and then countless densely packed artillery shells were seen overwhelmingly hitting the sky, hitting the "Tianzhu soldiers" formation hard and plowing several bloody roads.

"Go, go quickly!" King Zhishun Shang Kexi finally understood what was going on and ordered in despair.

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