"Fire, fire!" Li Shi'an, who had finally arranged sixty "field cannons" and "golden cannons", looked at the chaotic battlefield and couldn't help but issue an order that would ultimately determine the outcome of both sides.

Ever since the war started between the two sides, he had been holding back a breath of bad breath.

Although he didn't know why, it was a great shame and humiliation for him to see the legendary Huangdi Temple destroyed and the Banquan Spring blocked.

His own shame needs to be washed away by the enemy's blood. What he has to do now is to let the enemy shed the last drop of blood.

All sixty artillery pieces of the rebel army were deployed in positions north of Zhangban Spring. From there, they fired in the southwest direction, and their firepower could extend for two to three miles.

Hou Jin's military formation was probably no more than two or three miles away, and almost all of it was within the coverage of the rebel artillery.

What's even more frightening is that after adjusting the angle of these sixty artillery pieces, they can penetrate Houjin's entire military formation directly from the right wing.

Of course, even though the rebel camps fought tooth and nail to secure such a wonderfully arranged position for themselves, Li Shian did not dare to waste such an excellent opportunity.

"In the first round, shoot the Tatar Geng Zhongming's troops flatly!" Geng Zhongming's troops, located on the right wing of Houjin and threatening the rebel artillery positions, were chosen by Li Shi'an as the first target to attack.

"Boom, boom, boom!" With the deafening sound of cannons, sixty iron bullets of ten kilograms and twenty kilograms were fired fiercely, and Geng Zhongming's formation suddenly turned into a human area.

Broken, the entire military formation was shattered by the rebel artillery, and the strong formation composed of the flesh and blood of countless soldiers was shattered.

Not only the military formation was broken, but also an individual who made up the military formation.

At this moment, in the eyes of the rebel gunners, the elite "God Blessed Soldiers" who were as ferocious as wolves and tigers were no longer feared soldiers, but pigs and sheep that made people feel pity.

"It's so tragic! Even if you kill pigs and sheep, you can't kill them like this!" Even the rebel artilleryman who had experienced hundreds of battles couldn't help but mutter this time.

And more people looked at the corpses on the other side of the river and couldn't help vomiting.

The gurgling blood flowed into the nearly dry Hanquan water. The originally dry stream filled up again, but this time the stream was filled with blood.

A gust of wind blew over, and a strong smell of blood suddenly filled the rebel artillery position.

The rebel gunners who originally complained about the pungent smell of gunpowder smoke suddenly felt that the smell of gunpowder smoke was more sweet.

"Go, go quickly!" Just after the rebels fired the first round of artillery, Zhishun King Geng Zhongming looked at the bloody hell in front of him and couldn't help shouting with heartbreak.

All military laws and wars, go to hell, I don’t want to stay here, I don’t want to stay with this mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood!

Without any mercy, he hit the horse and ran away!

And just as Zhishun King Geng Zhongming was fleeing for his life, this round of artillery fire from the rebel army had already frightened Baya Lajia Lazhangjing Yilden and his Baya La camp who were fighting Li Zicheng.

Originally, Ilden and his Bajala camp were frightened by the "Blind Xiahou", but now they saw how sharp the rebel artillery was. They dared not stay any longer, so they immediately fled.

It didn't matter that he was leaving. Li Zicheng was so angry that he broke his eyes and yelled: "Straight bitch, come and fight for another 300 rounds!"

"Master, Master, are you okay?" Generals Tian Jianxiu and Gu Kecheng, who had finally caught up, looked at Li Zicheng's bleeding left eye and couldn't help but ask with extreme worry.

"It's okay, what can happen to me?" After hearing this, Li Zicheng looked angrily at Baya Laying who was fleeing away, and couldn't help but smile.

But just after the genius said these words, he felt a sharp pain in his left eye, and he couldn't help but screamed and fell down.

Fortunately, Na Tian Jian Xiu had quick eyes and quick hands, and reached out to grab the rope that bound Li Zicheng's armor, which prevented him from falling to the ground.

"Nurse, nurse, come quickly and bandage 'Chuang King'!" When Tian Jianxiu and Gu Kecheng saw the bloody holes exposed in Li Zicheng's eye sockets after he let go, they shuddered and shouted loudly.

Not to mention what happened to Li Zicheng, but after Li Shian fired the first round of artillery, he asked the gunner to clean the barrel and reload the shells. He couldn't help but continue to order: "Raise the muzzle one point and continue firing!"

The "God Blessed Soldiers" on the opposite side are indeed miserable, but the enemy's misery is their own victory.

Then Li Shi'an will not show any sympathy. He just wants to keep firing, firing, and firing.

A full volley of sixty cannons fired, but hearing its deafening roar, he felt his blood boiling again.

Since there was no test firing, the second round was passed and did not hit Kong Youde's troops on the left side of Geng Zhongming's troops. Instead, it concentrated Shang Kexi's "Heaven's Assistance".

As expected, these shells were like God's help. Most of them hit the "God's help soldiers" formation that had just been tidied up, killing only a few of the "Heaven's help soldiers".

The "Tianzhu soldiers" who were originally defeated by Zhang Rujing were somewhat demoralized, but they were suddenly hit by the rebel artillery and were stunned for a while.

"God, this is heaven's punishment, heaven's punishment, heaven's punishment is coming!" "Heaven helps the soldiers" suddenly found that God was not helping him but instead helping the enemy, and the camp howled immediately.

"You bastard, what kind of heavenly punishment? This is the red-clothed cannon of the 'thief', what's so rare about it!" King Huaishun Shang Ke couldn't help shouting in joy.

However, how can Shang Kexi rebuke Daozhu?

Seeing all the years of hard work evaporating like an avalanche, Shang Ke couldn't help but scream in pain, got on his horse and fled for his life with his already defeated "Tianzhu soldiers".

"Huh!" Seeing that the "Tianzhu soldiers" in front of him were defeated without a fight, Zhang Rujing couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief, and slumped on his horse a little helplessly.

Originally, this battle was a sure win for him, but due to Kong Youde's intrusion, his subordinate "Mao Hulu" was at the end of his strength.

Although the morale of the "Heavenly Helped Soldiers" was low, Zhang Rujing's and Kong Youde's elite cavalry fought hard, and it was unknown how many casualties they suffered.

If we were to face off against the "Heavenly Helping Soldiers" again, it was still unclear who would win!

At the same time that the "Tianzhu soldiers" suffered a setback, Dalai, who led five hundred fine cavalry and was preparing to cut off the retreat of Jiang Xiang's cavalry, and his Eight Banner Mongolians also heard the earth-shattering sound of artillery.

"Let's go, let's go!" At first, Nadala thought that he was sure of victory and could turn defeat into victory. As soon as he heard this huge sound, he suddenly lost all thoughts.

Are you kidding me? Is there any team in the world that can withstand such a fierce bombardment from red cannons?

"Drop another half minute and continue firing!" Li Shian looked at the Houjin formation that had become a mess and continued to issue bombardment orders with an expressionless face.

A man's romance is a big cannon. Although there are no big ships now, there are enough cannons!

While Li Shi'an was firing calmly, Zhang Shun, who was watching the battle on the watchtower, was anxious.

"Hey, don't go, don't go!" According to Zhang Shun's thoughts, after the two sides fought fiercely until they were exhausted, he sent two battalions of cavalry, Li Shukong and Zhang Fatty, to set off along the narrow area between Zhuoshui and Banquan, and then After crossing the Hanquan water detour, Jin volleyed from behind.

A group of officials and civilians led their troops to ambush between Chiyou Village and Banquan to intercept the enemy troops retreating towards Chiyou Village.

However, because Hou Jin retreated too quickly this time, I am afraid that all his arrangements will come to nothing.

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