Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1448 Don’t leave Mrs. Hong

"Fight back, fight back!" "Emperor of the Qing Dynasty" Hong Tai couldn't help shouting when he saw the rebel artillery shells raining down, only sending the soldiers and horses of "King Sanshun" running around.

The "shun thieves" have cannons, and our "Qing Dynasty" also has red cannons. How can we not fight back?

"Your Majesty, let's go, let's go, we can't hold it back!" Seeing this, Fan Wencheng couldn't help but drag Tai Hong with all his strength.

"Victory and defeat have been common affairs for military strategists since ancient times. The 'Three Shun King' has no elite soldiers, so how can he stop the 'Shun Thief''s elite soldiers?"

"Your Majesty, please return to Fanshan Castle as soon as possible to take charge of the overall situation to avoid any changes!"

Fan Wencheng, a college student, said what he said in a very cryptic way, but Mrs. Hong, who was as smart as she was, understood it immediately.

What does it mean to avoid changes?

It turns out that the Hou Jin Dynasty implemented aristocratic rule, and all the Heshuobele under its rule had their own unique affairs. Once the whereabouts of Mrs. Hong were unknown, ambitious people would inevitably look down upon the throne.

Not to mention anyone else, but his eldest son Hauge, the leader of Zhenglan Banner, is not far away from Chiyou Village.

If there is a change and the banners welcome Haoge as the emperor, then even if Hong Tai is unscathed, he may have to be "overlord".

"Okay, let's go!" Hong Tai glanced painfully at the elite "Sanshun King" who was moving like an avalanche. He couldn't help but get on his horse and fled to the northeast without looking back.

The feeling of failure is really unpleasant, but fortunately, after suffering several losses in a row before, Mrs. Hong has become somewhat accustomed to it, and he can still withstand it.

And just when Hong Taicang fled in panic, Zhang Shun also released the last two cavalry in his hands-Li Shukong and Zhang Fatty's troops.

"Kill, don't leave, Mrs. Hong!" As soon as the two cavalrymen left the camp, they detoured from the back of the battlefield between Zhuoshui and Banquan and went straight to where Mrs. Hong was.

Thousands of people shouted in unison, and the sound of killing was loud and powerful. Hong Tai's black face was shocked as if it was painted with white powder.

He couldn't help but lamented: "In the past, when I was the king of Khan, the 'thief' was still a child, but now I am forced to do this!"

It turned out that this Hong Tai had a broad heart and a fat body, weighing 200 kilograms, and his reputation was often inferior to that of Prince Fu.

Now being pursued by the rebels, he had to escape with two horses.

Although Hong Tai was superb in riding skills, he was not as young, vigorous and lively as Zhang Shun. After all, he was still a step behind.

"Hmm!" Just as Hong Tai was riding the two horses with great difficulty, his nose suddenly became hot and something dripped down.

He subconsciously reached out and wiped it, and when he opened his hand, he saw it was covered in blood.

"Your Majesty, you are guilty of epistaxis!" Fan Wencheng couldn't help but remind him immediately when he saw it.

This epistaxis was a chronic problem of Mrs. Hong's. She had tried many famous doctors but could not get rid of it, so every time she had this problem, she would drink it in a bowl.

But now on the battlefield, where can I find a bowl?

"Your Majesty, use mine!" Upon seeing this, Bagya Lajia Lazhangjing Yildeng quickly took off his helmet and handed it to Hong Taidao.

"Well, I will remember your loyalty!" Mrs. Hong couldn't help but nodded and took over.

At this moment, some of the rebel cavalry had already caught up.

Some people recognize Mrs. Hong, some don’t, and some couldn’t help but shout: “Under the canopy, it must be Mrs. Hong!”

When Mrs. Hong heard this, her liver and gallbladder were broken, and she quickly ordered: "The canopy is an external thing, it is useless to keep it, so we should get rid of it quickly!"

When everyone heard about it, they quickly threw away the canopy.

The canopy fell to the ground and was trampled all over by the hooves of the horses behind it. When Fatty Zhang caught up and picked up the canopy, he saw that this extremely noble object had been trampled like rags.

The rebels lost their target and couldn't find Mrs. Hong for a while.

The fat man couldn't help but have an idea and shouted loudly: "Death... the one riding the two horses must be Mrs. Hong!"

Originally, he wanted to say, "The damn fat guy is Mrs. Hong," but at least he remembered that he couldn't see his toes, so he changed his mind temporarily.

It doesn't matter that Fatty Zhang shouted, Mrs. Hong couldn't help but trembled again, and quickly ordered: "It's quite inconvenient for two horses to gallop together. I want to ride one horse and prepare another horse to show that I share the joys and sorrows with the soldiers!"

"Your Majesty is merciful!" Hearing this, Zuo Zuo was full of praise. He stepped forward and untied the two horses Hong Tai had sat on, allowing Hong Tai to ride one horse while the other horse was held by a guard.

At this time, Fatty Zhang was chasing very close, and he could already see Mrs. Hong's figure.

He couldn't help but shoot an arrow with his bow and then shouted loudly: "Hong Tai is holding a helmet in his hand. He is broad and fat. He is shooting at random with me. Don't make a mistake!"

As soon as Fatty Zhang finished speaking, a hail of arrows flew away and instantly enveloped Mrs. Hong's location.

"Take it!" Mrs. Hong felt a pain in her back and suddenly knew she had been hit by an arrow.

Fortunately, there was a piece of armor blocking it, so the arrow didn't go very deep and only suffered some flesh damage.

"Bang!" Hong Tai quickly threw away the helmet with half of the helmet's nosebleed in his hand, and then leaned on the horse.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, are you okay?" Fan Wencheng asked in a panic when he saw that Mrs. Hong was hit by an arrow, and the arrow shaft was still trembling in the direction of the wind.

"I can't die!" Na Hongtai endured the pain and shook his head, but his tone changed.

"Where is Ilden? I order you to lead a thousand Bajala elites to stop the 'thief soldiers'!"

It seems that I can't escape by hiding, so I can only fight!

After saying this, Mrs. Hong whipped the horse under her seat twice more and fled faster to Fanshan Fort.

You bastard, Ilden cursed secretly, and had no choice but to turn his horse around and charge towards Fatty Zhang, who was chasing him closest.

It was said that the fat man Zhang saw Mrs. Hong discarding something and throwing it on the ground, spilling a lot of blood. His eyes lit up and he was waiting for someone to pick it up, but unexpectedly, some Hou Jin soldiers came back to kill him.

He had no choice but to look at the helmet still on the ground reluctantly, and then killed Ilden and the others.

When Na Hongtai saw that Ildon had temporarily blocked Fatty Zhang's cavalry, he couldn't help but secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Unexpectedly, while the two sides were fighting fiercely, another cavalry suddenly came from behind to kill the general.

When Mrs. Hong took a closer look, it turned out to be the cavalry of Li Shukong's tribe who were chasing after him.

Na Hongtai was startled, and without caring about Ilden and the others, he hurriedly rode away.

Only Mrs. Hong escaped for a moment, and suddenly she saw a cavalry standing in front of her, blocking the way.

Mrs. Hong was so frightened that she lost her soul and only said, "My life is at stake!"

Unexpectedly, the leader came forward and said, "Your Majesty, hurry up and I'll stop the 'thief soldiers'!"

When Mrs. Hong took a closer look, it turned out to be Gu Shan'e Zhenpian Gu, and then she felt relieved.

The short five-mile journey arrived in a blink of an eye on horseback. However, for Hong Tai, today seemed as long as reaching the end of the world.

"Huh, hurry up, gather the people in the city and go out to rescue the 'Sanshun King' and the Zasak King Lama Jinzhou!" Na Hong Taishang didn't know that the respectful king Kong Youde and the Zasak King Lama Jinzhou were dead, but he still thought about it.

This time Hong Tai brought out six battalions of troops, approximately 20,000 in number. If they were all lost, I am afraid that the subsequent battle would be impossible to fight!

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