"Boom, boom, boom!" The huge sound of artillery was deafening, resounding throughout the battlefield; the infantry from all over the mountains and plains surged up like a flood, almost swallowing up any "God-blessed soldiers" who wanted to block the car with their arms.

There were thousands of cavalrymen lingering on the side, like hungry wolves, pounced on from time to time and "bited" off a piece of "flesh and blood".

Pain, a pain that could reach his bones. The pain only made Geng Zhongming, the "Huaishun King of the Qing Dynasty", almost unable to breathe.

It's over, it's all over! An idea came to his mind.

Although Geng Zhongming was ranked among the "Three Successful Kings", compared with the more powerful and cunning Shang Kexi and Kong Youde, he was just an addition.

Even if those two people lost this battalion, at least there was still a battalion of strength in Fanshan Castle.

As for Geng Zhongming, his entire family wealth is only the battalion of men under his command. Without this battalion of men, he, Geng Zhongming, is nothing.

However, this battalion of soldiers and horses was first attacked by Li Zicheng's cavalry, then flanked by Luo Xiang's cadre infantry, and finally was bombarded by 60 "red cannons" from Li Shi'an's department.

Under this round of attacks, the battalion under his command cannot be said to have suffered "heavy casualties", but can only be said to have "mostly suffered casualties".

I'm afraid I won't be able to leave. Even if I can leave, there is no place in this world for Geng Zhongming.

It turns out that Geng Zhongming is different from Kong Youde and Shang Kexi. He was originally the president of Hou Jinqian. Hou Laonu killed too many people and could not gain a foothold, so he had no choice but to lead the Liao people to seek refuge in Pidao.

Since he took refuge in Dongjiang Town, he has won the respect of Commander-in-Chief Mao Wenlong, so he was adopted as an adopted grandson together with Kong Youde, Shang Kexi and others.

Because he was older and was friendly with Kong Youde, Kong Youde often called him brother.

Different from Kong Youde and Shang Kexi, the former served as cavalry general under Sun Yuanhua, the governor of Denglai, while the latter was a pure general of the Ming border army, and Geng Zhongming was the general who truly studied the "Western art of war".

However, although this "Western France" is very famous, it does not seem to have any advantage against the Ming frontier army and the Houjin Eight Banners.

Therefore, Geng Zhongming, who had few soldiers and weak strength, could only rank after Kong Youde and act with him as a foil.

This was not what he wanted at all, but the situation was stronger than the person, and there was nothing he could do.

"What should I do, father?" The eldest son Geng Jimao couldn't help but asked as he saw more and more "thieves" around him.

Geng Zhongming moved his lips and was about to say something when he suddenly heard someone shouting loudly: "Jiang Xiang, the commander-in-chief of the right wing of the rebel army, killed the enemy King Lama Jinzhou of Zhasak with random cannons and was awarded the title of Marquis!"

As soon as the shout fell, the rebels suddenly burst into cheers, and their momentum was like a rainbow.

It turned out that Zhang Shun learned this move from the game "Mowing Warriors" in his previous life, and deliberately asked the generals to report immediately when they killed important enemy generals, and then had the soldiers spread the news throughout the battlefield to boost morale.

Sure enough, as soon as these words came out, all the soldiers worked hard and became murderous, looking like a walking "marquis".

"Lama Jinzhou is dead?" Geng Zhongming frowned and thought to himself: It seems that the losses of the 'Qing Dynasty' this time are not small!

Before Geng Zhongming could say anything, another shout suddenly rang out: "It's gratifying that Zhang Rujing, the commander-in-chief of the rebel army, defeated his puppet king. He killed his puppet king Kong Youde in formation. He bravely won the three armies. King Shun specially ordered him to be promoted to a marquis!"

"Wow!" As soon as these words were spoken, the roar of mountains and tsunamis erupted again on the battlefield.

The feat of killing two kings in one battle could only be matched by the previous King of Qin!

"What, King Shun Shun is dead!" Geng Jimao said in disbelief, "Is it fake?"

"If someone else can cheat, if others don't know about this, how can the soldiers under his command not know about it?" Geng Zhongming shook his head after hearing this and said, "Forget it, Ji Mao, it seems that we have lost the bet again this time. Got it!"

"Then what should we do?" Geng Jimao said with some reluctance as he saw more and more rebels surrounding him.

"What else can we do? Let's surrender again!" Geng Zhongming shook his head and did not shout loudly to the rebel cavalry blocking him, "I don't know which hero I can talk to in person, but I am 'King Huaishun' Geng Zhongming!"

It turned out that Li Zicheng had been wounded by an arrow not long ago and was bleeding profusely. He had to withdraw from the battlefield. At this time, it was his close confidants Tian Jianxiu and Gu Kecheng who were leading the troops.

The two men couldn't help but look at each other after hearing this, and then Tian Jian Xiuda immediately stepped forward and said: "I am Li Zicheng, a general under King Shun. Geng Zhongming, you are about to die, what else do you have to say?"

"It turns out to be General Li!" Hearing this, Geng Zhongming couldn't help but explain quickly, "What the general doesn't know is that I am actually from Liaodong, and I have a blood feud with the Tatar. However, due to a combination of circumstances, I had to sacrifice my life for him."

"In fact, I have admired His Highness King Shun for a long time, and sooner or later I have the heart to surrender. Therefore, when the Nalu chief named me king, I insisted on using the title 'Huaishun', which was really an act of expressing my true feelings. I also asked His Highness King Shun to Check it out!"

No, is this okay?

Na Tian Jianxiu was stunned when he heard this.

In fact, this is unusual for Tian Jianxiu. Then Geng Zhongming first betrayed Jin and defected to Ming, and then betrayed Ming and defected to Jin. He was cunning and repeated, just like Lu Bu. How could he have any integrity?

Now that I saw that the situation was stronger than the others, I couldn't help but feel tempted to rebel and surrender on the spot.

If it were Li Zicheng in front of him, he wouldn't care what he said, just charge forward and take his head first.

It's just that Tian Jianxiu has always been soft-hearted. After hearing Geng Zhongming's words, he couldn't help but hesitate.

"Kill one king and be promoted to the first level!" At this time, Na Gu Kecheng couldn't help but remind him quickly, "Although the master is promised the throne by King Shun, if he has no merit, it will be difficult for everyone to talk about it."

"God is really helping me today. It's just right for us to borrow his head!"

"No, absolutely not!" Unexpectedly, Tian Jianxiu shook his head when he heard this and said, "Not to mention that Luo Xiangqian is behind him now. If the two sides fight, it is still unknown who will get the big head."

"Even if we obtain the head, how can we capture his person alive and capture his soldiers?"

"The Art of War says: If you take one stone from the enemy, you will give me twenty stones; if you take one bell from the enemy, you will give me twenty bells. Now if you take the general and his thousands of soldiers and horses, don't you think you are not taking ten thousand of us?"

"Well, in that case, let's do what you say!" Gu Kecheng pondered for a moment, unable to distinguish the pros and cons, and nodded.

"Okay!" Na Tian Jianxiu was overjoyed when he heard this, and then turned around and said, "Okay, since you are willing to submit to our army, I have no reason to refuse."

"It's just that our military title is not as valuable as that of the Tatars. Please don't blame me!"

As the saying goes: You raise the price on the spot and pay back on the spot.

Although Na Tian was merciful when he saw Xiu, he was still a person fighting on the battlefield, so of course he knew how powerful it was.

Therefore, he took advantage of the situation when Geng Zhongming was at a loss of ground to advance and retreat, so he came up to kill him first and lower the price.

"It's easy to say, it's easy to say. Geng is already satisfied with being able to lead the horse and pedal for His Highness King Shun. How dare he ask for it?" Geng Zhongming gave a wry smile, quickly took off his helmet and bowed in admiration.

"Father?" Geng Jimao couldn't help being shocked when he heard what Geng Zhongming said.

Unexpectedly, Geng Zhongming pulled him hard and signaled him to kneel down quickly.

Are you kidding? Now the lives of our father and son are in the hands of others. How can we bargain?

Seeing that Geng Zhongming, as a powerful hero, knelt down to him in person, Na Tian Jianxiu felt guilty, and immediately stopped forcing him, he nodded and said, "That's very good. Please tell the whole army to put down their weapons and surrender to the rebels immediately." !”

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