"Cannons, so many cannons!"

Just when Tian Jianxiu pretended to be Li Zicheng and surrendered to Geng Zhongming and others, Luo Xiang's cadres and troops occupied Hou Jin's artillery position.

The cavalry can escape and the infantry can run away, but Hou Jin's Hongyi cannon is extremely heavy. How can it escape for a while?

Therefore, when Naluo Xiangqian arrived with his troops, he saw fifteen heavy Hongyi cannons neatly stacked and messy gunpowder, brushes, match ropes and other items on the ground.

The original Houjin gunners had already escaped.

However, Naluo Xiangqian didn't care about this at all. What he cared about was the fifteen Hongyi cannons.

In the future, with the power of the entire Jin Dynasty, plus the eighteen red Yi cannons carried by the "Sanshun King", they only accumulated forty numbers in these years, which shows how precious they are.

Therefore, when Naluo Xiangqian saw Hou Jin's defeat, his mind changed faster than anyone else's. He quickly led his left and right cronies to rush to Hou Jin's artillery position, and indeed he captured Hou Jin's cannon without any effort.

"What is credit? This is credit!" Luo Xiangqian still didn't know that he had lost the watermelon and picked up the sesame seeds. Instead, he proudly boasted to his soldiers in his typical "Trump" style.

To be honest, if Geng Zhongmingzhuyu hadn't been there, he would have been right.

"Marshal Li Zicheng led his troops to defeat the main force of the Tatars and accepted the surrender of their puppet king Geng Zhongming. King Shun specially granted him a rank of nobility and the title of Duke of Xia!" At this moment, a burst of cheers suddenly came from a distance.

"What, Geng Zhongming has surrendered." Luo Xiangqian, who was very proud, couldn't help but his eyes darkened when he heard this, and he almost fainted.

"What, Geng Zhongming has surrendered." Li Zicheng, who was about to faint, couldn't help but sit up suddenly after hearing this. Unexpectedly, he overused it and injured his wound again, "Ah, it hurts!"

"Tian Jianxiu is a retarded person. Why did you surrender him when you have nothing to do?" Li Zicheng pushed away the nurse who was about to step forward to check and cursed.

Do you know why Li Zicheng is so angry?

It turns out that the status of the two parties is different, and their perspectives on the problem are also different.

Although Na Tian Jianxiu has followed Li Zicheng for many years, compared with Li Zicheng who has been alone for a long time, he still lacks a little overall perspective.

Do you think Zhang Shun lacks a "King Huaishun" now?

There is no shortage at all!

If there was a "Three-Shun King" on the Hou Jin side, in fact, there was also a "Three-Shun King" on the Rebel side, namely Zhenshuo King Ye Tinggui, Zhendai King Zhang Weishi and the future king Li Zicheng.

Among the three kings, Zhang Weishi has the highest united front value, Ye Tinggui has the strongest strength, and Li Zicheng has the most stable strength.

Therefore, from Zhang Shun's point of view, Zhang Weishi can be settled later, and Ye Tinggui can be "mixed with sand". Only Li Zicheng has a close and direct lineage and is the most difficult to deal with.

Originally, Li Zicheng planned to make some more achievements to silence everyone, and then he could retire and become an idle prince.

Unexpectedly, Tian Jianxiu made a big mistake with good intentions and dug a big hole for Li Zicheng.

It turns out that although there were people like Ah Shan who had defected to the rebel army before, Zhang Shun could only stay by his side due to his limited status.

But Geng Zhongming was different. Even if he was a "parallel import" prince, he was still a legitimate prince of the "Qing Dynasty".

For such a person to seek refuge with Zhang Shun, even if Zhang Shun makes a show of it, he still has to set a benchmark and make him a prince for the world to see.

However, even you Tian Jianxiu thinks that this kind of general with only one battalion of defeated soldiers is "worthless", so why do Geng Zhongming himself and His Highness King Shun think that he is "worthy"?

Even though he felt it was not worth it, His Highness King Shun still had to make him a prince.

One was evil to Zhang Shun for no reason, and the other was "kind" to Geng Zhongming for no reason.

Good guy, I haven't even gotten the throne yet, so you're running all the way to death for me, right?

Li Zicheng was on the verge of crying for a moment, wishing he could blind his other eye too!

Not to mention what Luo Xiangqian and Li Zicheng were thinking, let us say that King Zhishun was happy to see the Houjin army defeated like a mountain, and had already fled to the northeast with Kong Youxing, the brother of King Kong Youde, the king of obedience.

However, the two of them had just escaped from the battlefield when they saw groups of cavalry surpassing them and chasing them northeast.

That person like Shang Kexi was immediately startled, and he quickly stopped Kong Youxing and said, "No, this is not right. The 'thief knight' left me and must have been chasing His Highness!"

"His Royal Highness is not only escorted by Bagala camp, but also supported by soldiers and horses from Fanshan Fort, so he should have no worries."

"When the 'thief cavalry' works in vain and turns back to cut off my retreat, I will die without a burial place!"

"What should I do?" Na Kong Youxing was startled when he heard this and asked quickly.

The "Guards of Baya La Camp" and the "Fanshan Fort People and Horses" to assist them were actually nothing more than excuses from the two of them.

What does Hong Tao's life and death have to do with them?

The key to the problem now is that the rebel cavalry appears on their retreat path. Once their retreat is cut off, they will only end up with the entire army annihilated.

"Xiangdong, go to Chiyou Village!" Na Shang Kexi hesitated for a moment, then gritted his teeth and said.

In fact, he had a plan in mind. Once Hong Tai was defeated and died, he could take the opportunity to support Prince Su Hauge.

Hauge only has one battalion of Zhenglan Banner under his command. If he and Kong Youxing can help control the tens of thousands of troops left by Hong Tai at Fanshan Fort, then he will be happy to be "under one man" More than ten thousand people."

Even if Hong Tai was lucky enough to escape with his life, now was the time to use the army, so he still had to win over him, lest he and Hauge got too close, and he might be punished for being defeated.

Although Kong Youxing was regarded as the respectful brother of King Kong Youde, he was not as distant as Kong Youde.

He didn't have any opinion. After hearing Shang Ke's words, he nodded in agreement.

The two of them had decided on their plan, so they quickly turned their horses and led their five or six thousand men and horses to flee towards Chi You's stronghold.

After most of the rebel cavalry pursued, the Jin cavalry left, leaving Jiang Xiang, Zhang Rujing and others to pursue the infantry under the command of "King Sanshun".

Although Jiang Xiang and Zhang Rujing had hundreds of cavalry under their command, the hundreds of cavalry under Kong Youde's command were extremely unreliable. They were not bold enough to surrender their troops on the spot, so they had to send someone with Sun Long and others to wait. Transferred to the rear, while leading his infantry to pursue desperately.

Just as the two sides were chasing each other, there was a sudden sound of cannon, and many people and horses suddenly rushed out from the south slope. Shang Kexi, Kong Youxing, Jiang Xiang, Zhang Rujing and others were suddenly frightened to death.

"What a thief. Grandpa has been waiting here for a long time. Come and die quickly!" At this moment, a man suddenly jumped out and shouted loudly.

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