Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1451: Come to have a source of living water

Bodies, blood, discarded armor and weapons were scattered all over the place.

Rebel soldiers in twos and threes continued to search for survivors and loot.

"Ah!" Occasionally, a scream rang out. It was the rebel soldiers "disposing" of the wounded soldiers who were difficult to treat.

Although it is a bit cruel, it is the best way to avoid their suffering.

Zhang Shun heard the sound and went away. After looking at it for a long time, he couldn't help but sigh. He shook his head helplessly, then continued to pick a place to stay and walked slowly forward.

The sounds of fighting, shouts and groans on the battlefield seemed to still be in my ears.

However, the cruel remains of the battlefield told him that everything was over and everything had settled.

Fortunately, there were more "Tatar" soldiers lying on the battlefield than our own soldiers.

There is no such thing as a general's success and ten thousand bones drying up.

Although Zhang Shun had seen too many similar scenes, he still couldn't help but sigh.

Life is so beautiful and yet so cruel that only the best can survive in it.

"What's wrong, Your Highness?" Zhang Fengyi looked at Zhang Shun's expression and asked with some concern.

"It's okay, it's just that too many people died!" Zhang Shun shook his head and sighed.

"A lot, not much. Although the statistical results of this battle have not been released, it is estimated that the number of casualties among the Jianlu captives was three times that of ours!" Zhang Fengyi's answer represented the voice of most soldiers.

Only oneself is considered a human being, and others are naturally not considered human beings.

Ha, Zhang Shun shook his head, not caring about this.

There are differences in concepts between ancient and modern times. Many people in this era do not regard their own lives as fate, so why do we expect them to take the lives of their enemies as fate?

This is just a difference between ancient and modern concepts. As an outlier, Zhang Shun naturally cannot force this and can only do what he can.

"Your Highness, look!" When Zhang Shun was silent, Song Xiance stretched out his hand and pointed forward.

"Oh?" Zhang Shun heard the words and followed Song Xiance's hand, only to see Banquan and Huangdi Temple not far ahead.

It's just that the Hanquan Pond, which used to be like a lake, was almost half filled in by Hou Jin. Now there is only a spring as big as a wellhead, with clear water gurgling out.

The Huangdi Temple, which originally stood firm for thousands of years, has been razed to the ground and turned into ruins.

Many of the remaining wreckage were thrown into the Banquan Pool by the Hou Jin soldiers, and only some indelible foundations remained on the original site.

The colorful statues of Huangdi, Zhuanxu, Emperor Ku, Tang Yao, Yu Shun and others were scattered all over the ground and returned to the earth.

"What a thief!" Zhang Shun walked closer to check and saw a piece of red wood lying under the ruins. He reached out and took it out and saw that the word "Long Live" was still on it, so he couldn't help but cursed.

This is clearly the tablet in front of the statue of the Yellow Emperor with the words "Long live the Yellow Emperor" written on it. I never thought that I would suffer the same disaster today.

"Your Highness King Shun, I blame the general's poor protection for destroying the ancestral country, please punish me!" Upon seeing this, Li Zicheng couldn't help but knelt down with a plop, lying on the ground to plead guilty.

"Take charge of the plate!" The generals Tian Jianxiu and Gu Kecheng beside him couldn't help shouting when they saw this, and they also knelt down.

Li Zicheng, who had just retired from the battlefield, showed signs of fatigue.

A pair of eyes that used to be as sharp as a falcon are now not only missing one, but the other one is also much cloudier.

As for the other left eye that had been bandaged, there were still blood stains on the bandage.

His face was still a little pale due to excessive blood loss.

The tough guy who was originally indomitable looked so humble and anxious at this moment.

For the first time, Zhang Shun could see in him the sadness of a hero's end.

"Ha!" Unexpectedly, Zhang Shun shook his head when he heard this, stretched out his hand to help him up, and then helped Tian Jianxiu and Gu Kecheng up one after another. He smiled and said, "Wooden tablets and clay statues are broken. It’s broken. What’s it worth? Do we need a living person to make amends?”

"Your Majesty, this...this is the statue and tablet of your ancestors!" Unexpectedly, Song Xiance reminded him after hearing this.

Emperor Shun is the eighth generation grandson of the Yellow Emperor, and you are the surname of Chen Guoren who was granted the title of Emperor Shun. When establishing the legal system, you must not forget it!

His reminder didn't matter. The generals immediately looked at Li Zicheng with pity and thought: This is over!

Since the creation of the world by Pangu and the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors to the present day, respecting the ancestors has been the most important matter in the Central Plains.

You have made a mistake in such a big matter. Even if King Shun had the intention, I am afraid he would not be able to spare you!

As a result, Zhang Shun entrusted his ancestral temple to Li Zicheng. Is this how Li Zicheng repaid His Highness King Shun?

"If the tablet is broken, it can be erected again; if the statue is destroyed, it can be reshaped!" Unexpectedly, Zhang Shun shook his head and said, "As long as people are here and their hearts are there, the ancestors and tablets can naturally last forever!"

"Save the land and lose the people, and everyone and the land will be lost; save the people and lose the land, and everyone and the land will survive. That's what the saying goes!"

"Husband, Emperor Huang, is the ancestor of this king. Is he not the ancestor of just me, but also the ancestor of all people in the world?"

"Guoyu" says: 'The Yu family met the Yellow Emperor and their ancestor Zhuan Xu; the Xia Hou family met the Yellow Emperor and their ancestor Zhuan Xu; the merchants met Shun and their ancestors were Qi; the Zhou people met Ku and Jiao Ji.'"

"Fu, Shun, and Ku are both descendants of the Yellow Emperor. We are the people of the Yu, Xia, Shang and Zhou dynasties. After the Yu, Xia, Shang and Zhou dynasties, we can all be called descendants of the Yan and Huang emperors."

"Now that we are the descendants of Yan and Huang, we are unable to rectify the country at the top, and we are unable to regulate all natures at the bottom. As a result, the world is stupefied and our ancestors are humiliated. Is it Li Zicheng's fault for one person? It is also the fault of the whole world. I, the king, should encourage you all!"

"Your Majesty!" Li Zicheng was stunned when he heard this. He felt that Zhang Shun's words spoke to his heart, and he suddenly felt so deep inside that he wished he could retaliate with death.

He couldn't help pointing to the sky and swearing loudly, "If the general above me cannot serve as His Royal Highness King Shun, and the subordinates cannot drive out the Tartars and wash away the smell of evil for the people of Li, I will swear that I will not be a human being, and that I will be an emperor and a queen, and we will all learn from this!" "

The others were deeply moved after hearing this, and they all knelt down and bowed to the ground, pointing to the sky and drawing the earth, and swore: "If I cannot serve as His Highness King Shun, and if I cannot serve the people of Li to drive away the Tartars and cleanse the smelly smell, I will swear that I will not be a human being." , the emperor, the emperor, the queen, we have learned from each other!"

"Okay, okay, okay!" Seeing that his morale was ready, Zhang Shun couldn't help but said excitedly, "If I can't expel the Tartars and wash away the smell of odor for the people of the world, I swear that I will not be a human being, and I will learn from this. !”

After everyone finished swearing, they were in high spirits for a while.

When Song Xiance saw this, he frowned and couldn't help but remind Zhang Shun in a low voice: "Then, Your Highness, what should we do?"

Now that the words have been said and morale has been boosted, can this be the end of Banquan and Huangdi Temple?

"Where is Li Zicheng?" Zhang Shun couldn't help shouting at the top of his lungs after hearing this.

"The general is here!" Li Zicheng responded quickly.

"Because you failed to stop the enemy, the Huangdi Temple was destroyed and the Banquan Pond was blocked. Now I am punishing you to rebuild the Huangdi Temple and open the Banquan Spring. Do you agree or not?"

"The general knows that his sins are serious and he is willing to be punished!" Li Zicheng was stunned when he heard this. He lowered his head and bowed to Zhang Shun again.

There is only this chapter today, please forgive me

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