"Your Highness, Guan Fumin, Jiang Xiang, Zhang Rujing and others sent envoys to report that the rebel army was chasing the puppet king Kong Youde of Donglu for three miles, and encountered the puppet king Hauge who came to rescue him. Both sides briefly tested it, but feared that they would make a mistake, so they retreated!" After the battle that night, Xu Ziyuan reported to Zhang Shunhui with a letter.

"Guan Fumin has led his men back to Qiqi Village, and Jiang Xiang and Zhang Rujing have returned to the camp."

"In this battle, our army successively killed the puppet king of Zhasak, Lama Jinzhou, and the pseudo-submissive king Kong Youde from the east. We surrendered the pseudo-king Huaishun Geng Zhongming, and took away the pseudo-emperor Hongtai and the pseudo-king Zhishun. It's gratifying. According to The puppet Prince Hauge and others."

"We killed more than 2,500 soldiers, captured 3,434 soldiers, captured 15 Hongyi cannons, 657 war horses, and countless other armors and weapons."

In this battle, excluding Hauge and others who came to support, Hong Tai actually only led three battalions of cavalry and three battalions of infantry, about 20,000 people.

Among the 20,000 horses, there were 12,000 subordinates of "King Sanshun".

In just one battle, more than half were lost, which not only dealt a huge blow to the "traitor" faction in the Later Jin Kingdom, but also caused dissatisfaction among the "Sanshun King" forces against Hong Tai. It can be said to kill two birds with one stone and get twice the result with half the effort.

"Okay, let Jiang Yu, Zhang Rujing and others rest as soon as possible. Tomorrow morning I will lead the army to fight Fanshan Castle again!" Zhang Shun nodded, then hesitated for a while, and finally gave the order.

"Let's do this. You can call the false king Geng Zhongming over to me later. I want to see him!"

Just as "Chuang King" Li Zicheng expected, this product is actually a "tasteless", tasteless to eat, and a pity to throw away.

However, he finally surrendered to him, and Zhang Shun could not ignore him, so he had to call him over first to find out his background.

As Xu Ziyuan went out, a tall, dark-faced general came in not long after, leading a man who looked similar to him.

"The guilty minister Geng Zhongming (Geng Jimao) pays homage to His Highness King Shun. Long live His Highness!" When the two men saw Zhang Shun, they couldn't help but kowtow and bow.

"Long live? Who can live ten thousand years?" Zhang Shun shook his head with a smile, raised his palms and said, "Everyone, get up and give me a seat!"

Zhang Shun did not have the habit of kneeling to talk to others, so he had already asked his soldiers to prepare chairs.

Geng Zhongming and his son Geng Jimao were so frightened that they hurriedly sat down and then reported to Zhang Shunhui: "This is Geng Jimao, the dog son, who is now serving as the deputy general of the guilty minister in the army."

"Under my command are Song Guofu, Pan Xiao, Shi Mingxiong, Chen Shaozong and others who are guerrillas. They lead a total of 2,121 men and horses. They are all presented to His Highness King Shun!"

After saying that, Geng Zhongming personally took out the roster, knelt on the ground and held it out.

"Send it over!" Zhang Shun also knew that this was what he meant, and couldn't help but signal to Gao Qiqian.

"Slave, take your orders!" Gao Qiqian was very honest and couldn't help but go down and take Geng Zhongming's roster and present it to Zhang Shun.

Zhang Shun took a quick look and saw that most of it had been altered. He estimated that the person who made the alterations must be the person who died in the battle today, so he couldn't help but nodded.

While Zhang Shun was looking at the roster, Geng Zhongming secretly glanced at Gao Qiqian, who was standing in front of Zhang Shun, and suddenly broke into cold sweat.


It turned out that Gao Qiqian once served as the eunuch guarding Shanhaiguan, and Geng Zhongming had seen him from a distance when he was in Liaodong.

Later, he and Kong Youde were encircled and suppressed by the Ning and Jinbian troops under the command of Gao Qiqian during the Denglai rebellion, so they were deeply impressed by him.

He never thought that this good dog would now have a different owner, so that he, a "house slave with three surnames", would have to look at Zhang Shun in a different light.

"That's right, get up!" Zhang Shun looked at it and saw that he had nothing to say, so he nodded.

"Thank you for your grace, Your Highness!" Geng Zhongming responded politely before sitting down honestly.

He was about to say a few words of modesty, but suddenly he heard a commotion outside the door, and then a person barged in.

The man came forward in three steps and saluted. Just as he was about to say something, he unexpectedly caught sight of Geng Zhongming and Geng Jimao. He couldn't help but stammered: "Your Highness, a miracle happened outside."

"What kind of miracle?" Zhang Shun looked at Ji Longfeng who was kneeling down below, and couldn't help but feel angry and funny for a moment.

After he originally used the handy Wang Jinyi as the commander-in-chief, the remaining Wukong could not be used except as a competent guard.

Zhang Shun had no choice but to keep the brave Ji Longfeng by his side to train him, and temporarily replaced Wang Jinyi's position.

I never thought that this guy's thoughts were not as delicate as Wang Jinyi's, so he interrupted his conversation with Geng Zhongming.

"Well," Ji Longfeng secretly glanced at Zhang Shun's face thoughtfully, and then responded with confidence, "Tonight, Li Shuai led people to clean the water in the Banquan pool outside the city. Unexpectedly, just after half of the cleaning, he suddenly heard a loud noise. There was a sound, and several streams of spring water rose into the sky, more than ten feet above the ground."

"What do I think it is, isn't it Baotu Spring?" Zhang Shun smiled when he heard this and thought to himself: Who hasn't learned Mr. Lao She's "Baotu Spring" when he was a child?

"What Baotu Spring?" Geng Zhongming, Ji Longfeng and the others suddenly looked confused.

Only Gao Qiqian had been to Jinan Prefecture and seen this spring when he was encircling and suppressing the rebellion of Kong Youde, Geng Zhongming and others, and he knew something about it.

He couldn't help but laugh and said: "There is Baotu Spring in Jinan Prefecture. The spring emerges from the water hole and is two or three feet above the water surface."

"Although Your Highness has not seen it with your own eyes, I think this Sakazumi is also like this!"

"Oh, that's it!" Ji Longfeng nodded after hearing this, and then said with a smile, "Your Highness, if it's just that the spring water is higher than the water surface, it wouldn't be surprising."

"The strange thing about it is that there are several springs coming out of it, which look like a Big Dipper. Li Shuai also ordered people to dive desperately to check, and they saw that there were nine springs in it, seven appeared and two were hidden. The handle of the bucket pointed to His Royal Highness King Shun's army. Where.”

"." Are you kidding? I asked you to dig a spring, and you dug out a flower for me. Zhang Shun couldn't believe his ears.

"If your highness doesn't believe it, please take a closer look!" Ji Longfeng looked at Zhang Shun's expression and couldn't help but suggested quickly.

"Okay, then General, please come with me to have a look!" Zhang Shun frowned and couldn't help but invite Geng Zhongming and his son.

How could Geng Zhongming and Geng Jimao believe it? Now that they saw Zhang Shun's fate, how dare they disobey him?

Only then did everyone come out of the Chinese army's tent with Zhang Shun. They saw that many people were surrounding the Banquan Spring a mile away, and the faint roar of the spring water could be heard.

"Let's go and take a look!" Zhang Shun was curious and couldn't help but ordered quickly.

Not long after, everyone rushed to the Banquan Pond. Li Zicheng, who was blind in one eye, quickly separated from the crowd and asked Zhang Shun and others to come forward.

When Zhang Shun arrived, he saw one person standing there with a dull look on his face. If it wasn't military advisor Song Xiance, who could he be?

"Mr. Song, what are you doing?" Zhang Shun couldn't help but ask.

"Your Highness?" Song Xiance was obviously taken aback, and he couldn't help but pointed at Ban Quan and said, "Your Highness, look!"

Zhang Shun followed the direction of Song Xiance's finger and took a closer look. He saw several springs gushing out of the Banquan Pond, which was like a lake, rolling like boiling water.

He couldn't help but count it secretly. No more, no more, it was seven eyes.

Looking at its orientation, it looks like the Big Dipper.

"In the other two eyes, the spring water is weak and has never sprayed out of the water!" Song Xiance couldn't help but explain, "Your Highness carefully looked at the traces, and they are exactly the two places where the left and right are the buttocks!"

It turns out that the Big Dipper, also known as the Big Dipper, is said to have existed in ancient times, in addition to the seven stars that now form a spoon shape, there were also two stars with lower brightness, arranged on both sides of the last two stars on the handle of the spoon.

Now Zhang Shun came from the camp and was in the direction pointed by the handle of the spoon, so it was very easy to observe these two weak springs.

No, how can you show off like this with just a mouthful of spring water? Zhang Shun was a little confused.

"It is indeed the Nine Stars of the Big Dipper. It is indeed the Nine Stars of the Big Dipper. Your Majesty, you are truly the direct descendant of the Yellow Emperor. Emperor Shun is resurrected!" Just when Zhang Shun was stunned, Lord Yu, who arrived from unknown time, suddenly paid his respects to Zhang Shun.

"Old man, how can you say this?" Zhang Shun was startled and quickly reached out to help him.

Unexpectedly, the Lord of Yu Castle not only couldn't kneel down, but also said loudly: "Your Highness does not know something, so it is said that this spring has nine eyes, shaped like a Big Dipper, and it can only spurt out when the Holy Lord appears."

"Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors have been here for five thousand years, and now the Nine Springs have reappeared. Is this God's will?"

"Is this really happening?" Didn't you join forces to fool me? Zhang Shun couldn't help but be doubtful.

"Your Highness, you should know that this Banquan is famous because the Yellow Emperor once bathed here, so it is also called Zhuolong Pond. It is precisely because the Yellow Emperor often bathed here that we saw the spewing of Jiuquan!" Seeing Zhang Shun, he didn't believe it. , Lord Yu Fort couldn’t help but said hurriedly.

"Oh? What does Jiuquan have to do with the Holy King?" Well, even if Jiuquan appeared in the world at that time, what does it have to do with this king?

"Your Highness, there is a saying from Confucius: 'Government is based on virtue, just like Beichen, who lives in his place and is surrounded by stars'?" Song Xiance suddenly asked.

"I've heard of it, what's wrong?" Zhang Shun couldn't help but wonder, what does this have to do with anything.

"It's good to have heard of it!" Song Xiance nodded and couldn't help but smile, "Beichen is the emperor star and the purple star. It hangs in the sky and remains unchanged forever."

"Beidou, the master respects the elephant and assists the ministers, and the handle points to it, which will never change."

"Therefore, when the Big Dipper appears and the emperor appears, how can His Highness doubt his presence?"

"Beidou appears, the emperor appears?" Geng Zhongming was shocked beyond measure that morning. When he heard Song Xiance's last words, he couldn't help but mutter to himself and repeated them. Suddenly, he shouted loudly as if he had just woken up from a dream.

"The Big Dipper appears, the emperor emerges, long live His Highness King Shun!"

As soon as Geng Zhongming shouted, "It doesn't matter." Everyone suddenly woke up from a dream and shouted: "Beidou appears, the emperor comes out, long live His Highness King Shun, long live long live!"

The sound was heard several miles away, so much so that Hong Tai, who had just escaped into Fanshan Castle, vaguely heard it.

"Fan Wencheng, has the Big Dipper appeared outside?" It was just getting late, so Mrs. Hong asked in confusion.

Today there is still only one chapter. Most of the chapters updated in the past few days have symbolic meanings. The author had a little difficulty writing it, so please forgive me.

For example, in the previous battle, the generals sent out by the protagonist were Li Zicheng, Jiang Yu and Zhang Rujing. If you are familiar with the history of the late Ming Dynasty, you must have understood what it means.

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