Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1453 Back Slope

"Tiger tiger tiger!"

Early the next morning, when the sky was dim, Zhang Fengyi, Xu Quan, Bai Guangen, Zhang Fatty, Li Shukong, Zhang Weishi, Luo Shangwen, Ah Shan, Yang Zhuguo, Li Fuming, Luo Xiangqian, Huang Degong, Zhou Yuji, Gao Qiqian , Zhang Rujing, Liu Zongmin, the remnants of Geng Zhongming and Li Shi'an's 18th Battalion, all 60,000 people from the cavalry and artillery armies arrived outside Fanshan Fort.

In addition to the 34,000 men and horses stationed in various places, as well as Li Zicheng, Jiang Xiang, Yang Chengzu and others who stayed in the camp, Zhang Shun brought almost all the power he could bring.

Afterwards, on the Jin side, apart from the more than 10,000 troops of Prince Su Hauge stationed at Chiyou Village, the 5,000 troops who retreated to Chiyou Village, and the 3,000 troops stationed along the Chiyou River, after several losses, only 50,000 troops were left. .

In the first battle of Banquan, both sides' offense and defense changed shape. Hong Tai gave up the initiative and had to swallow the bitter fruit of failure.

"Damn it, he was able to achieve his goal in a short time!" Standing on the Fanshan Castle, Hong Tai looked at the rebels' orderly and stern killing army. She couldn't help but clenched her fist with one hand and punched the female wall fiercely and cursed.

"Your Majesty, calm down. Although there are many 'submissive thieves' now, the soldiers are not very good. The slight difference is not a cause for concern. The outcome of both sides is still in a matter of two weeks!" Fan Wencheng, a college student, quickly consoled him.

"No!" Unexpectedly, Mrs. Hong shook her head firmly when she heard this and said, "Now that our army has suffered a new defeat, its morale is low, and there is no way to crack the 'Shun Thief's' red cannon, we should take a long-term approach!"

This Mrs. Hong is worthy of being a lifelong hero. Although she has repeatedly belittled the rebels, she has realized the power of the rebels after suffering so much.

If he does not adjust his policies at this time and continues to be stubborn, he will only end up with a bloody head.

"Then what does Your Majesty mean?" Fan Wencheng hesitated after hearing this and asked tentatively.

"Let's see if the method of being respectful to the king works well!" Mrs. Hong sighed and responded somewhat helplessly.

While Hong Tai was lamenting on the city, Zhang Shun was also observing Hou Jin's arrangements below the city.

"Your Highness, I think this Jianlu was so blinded by lard that he actually destroyed the perfectly good city wall, just in time for our army to break it!" Bai Guangen saw clearly from the bottom of the city and couldn't help but laugh.

Why are you there?

It turned out that Hou Jin had already buried the original Fanshan Castle wall with soil, forming a steep slope like a hill.

Although the slope is quite steep, compared with the original nearly vertical city wall, it is almost like a wide open door.

"No, something is wrong!" Unexpectedly, Zhang Shun observed carefully for a long time, and finally shook his head and said, "Send a group of people to test it out later to see what Jianlu has up his sleeve!"

From the day it was invented, the city was used to protect the soldiers and people in the city. If a city had no protective function, it would obviously not exist.

This Mrs. Hong is not a fool. How can she risk her own death?

"Liangbi, take a group of people and take a look immediately, pay attention to safety!" After Bai Guangen received Zhang Shun's military order, he quickly turned around and ordered to his son Bai Liangbi.

"Got it!" Bai Liangbi, son of Bai Guangen, nodded upon hearing this, then put on iron armor and a layer of cotton armor, and then he led five hundred people to clumsily climb the mountain fort.

The first thing that stood in front of us was a newly dug moat. Due to time constraints, the river was not very wide and the water was not very deep. Two channels had already been filled in by the rebels.

Bai Liangbi carefully crossed the moat and then arrived at the foot of Fanshan Fort.

The slope outside Fanshan Castle is 45 degrees, steep or not, making it very difficult for Bai Liangbi and his men to climb.

And just when Bai Liangbi and his men were preparing to board the city, a human head finally appeared on Fanshan Fort, and then an unknown number of artillery pieces, large and small, were set up and they were just firing down.

There was no shelter at the foot of the city wall, so Bai Liangbi and the others had no choice but to crawl on the ground and resign themselves to their fate.

"Fire!" Just when Bai Liangbi and others were hit by Houjin's artillery and couldn't hold their heads up, Li Shi'an from the city saw him and couldn't help but give the order. Suddenly a burst of artillery shells hit them, and suddenly the Houjin artillery sounded at the top of the city. Extinguish it.

"Go up!" When Bai Liangbi heard that there was no movement on the top of the city, he couldn't help but give an order, then jumped up and climbed up the city quickly.

"Boom boom boom"

"Bang bang bang"

"Swish, swish, swish"

At this moment, unexpectedly, artillery and muskets suddenly fired from the Fanshan Castle, and arrows flew. Bai Liangbi and the others who had just climbed more than ten steps were suddenly suppressed again.

Bai Liangbi himself was accidentally hit by an arrow and rolled down the slope.

"Liangbi!" Bai Guangen was shocked. He quickly led some people to rush over and finally fished him out from the moat. However, he saw that Bai Liangbi was covered in water: "It's okay. The arrow didn't penetrate. It's just that it's strong." It’s a bit big and can’t hold it!”

"Idiot!" Bai Guangen was immediately furious and was about to go into battle in person, but was unexpectedly stopped by Zhang Shun.

"Mr. Bai, that's no need!" Zhang Shun shook his head and said, "This time I understand what Hou Jin is planning, so don't make any more unnecessary sacrifices!"

"Your Highness?" Everyone was stunned when they heard this, and thought to themselves: What can you tell from just these few times?

"Look, everyone, do you think this city wall can be blown down by the Hongyi cannon?" Zhang Shun pointed at the city wall in front of him.

"Why did this collapse? It collapsed originally!" Everyone, look at me and I look at you, and couldn't help but wonder.

Although these people do not know much about structural mechanics, they can still understand the truth from their daily life experience.

"As long as it doesn't collapse, that's what Jianlu wants!" Zhang Shun couldn't help laughing.

"Well, what's the difference between him collapsing himself and us blowing him up?" Zuo Zuo didn't understand yet and couldn't help but wonder.

"Of course it's different!" Zhang Shun said with a smile, "The city wall we destroyed is weak. Once it collapses, there will be nothing on the city to rely on. Therefore, whenever the city wall collapses, the captives will not be able to defend it."

"But this city is different. If this king's prediction is correct, not only is the city wall filled with soil in front of it, but the back of the city wall is also filled with soil!"

"Jianlu has already dug a hole for hiding soldiers behind the city, so no matter how sharp our army's firepower is, we can't hurt it at all."

"However, once our soldiers board the city, Hou Jin can set up muskets and artillery to shoot at our siege soldiers."

"Since then, I can't hit Jianlu, but Jianlu can hit me. This is a bit difficult to handle!"

"Ah? What should we do?" The generals couldn't help but look at each other after hearing this.

When it comes to bows, arrows, and hand-to-hand combat, the rebel army is inferior to humans. Now that they have lost the help of artillery, how can they capture this city?

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