Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1454 Shame on Rong

"Okay, oh okay, the 'Shun Thief' really missed the target!" Hong Tai, "Emperor of the Qing Dynasty" looked at the unscathed Houjin guards and said with great joy.

"What a respectful king, I must reward him well!"

"Your Majesty, that obedient King Kong Youde has died on the battlefield," University Scholar Fan Wencheng quickly reminded.

"Oh, Kong Youde has a brother named Kong Youxing, and a son named Kong Tingxun." Fan Wencheng responded quickly.

"In this way, I will follow Kong Tingxun to seize the title, succeed to the position of King of Obedience, take the post of Kong Youxing to lead the army, and temporarily lead Kong Youde's troops!" Hong Tai pondered for a moment and couldn't help but order.

In fact, he intended to let Kong Youxing replace the young Kong Tingxun to seize the throne, but Banquan's defeat not only alienated the Han army, but also broke the myth of Hou Jin's "victorious in every battle", leaving Hong Tai passive.

Therefore, in desperation, he had no choice but to continue to appease the Han army.

"Your Majesty, your Majesty!" Fan Wencheng said quickly like a slave.

"By the way, where are Geng Zhongming's family members?" When I think of Kong Youde, I think of "King Sanshun". When I think of "King Sanshun", Hong Tai thinks of a character whose teeth are filled with hatred.

You Geng Zhongming, you betrayed the Jin Dynasty first and then the Ming Dynasty, and now you rebelled against the Jin Dynasty and surrendered to Shun, jumping sideways repeatedly. Do you really think that the Kingdom of Jin is like a toilet, you can come when you want, and you can leave when you want?

"This guy doesn't have many family members. Only his wife, concubines, daughter-in-law and grandchildren are still in the castle!" Fan Wencheng responded quickly.

"First select twenty big men and kill their wives, concubines, and daughters-in-law, and then drag them all to the top of the city and behead them as a warning to others!" Mrs. Hong could not help but order coldly.

If following the method of being obedient to King Kong Youde and building up mountains of soil could not withstand the rebel artillery, then Hong Tai would naturally not dare to do so.

Now that she has blocked the rebel artillery, how can Mrs. Hong be more magnanimous?

Sure enough, not long after, when the rebels were discussing the strategy to break the city outside the city, they suddenly heard a cheer, and then a group of swordsmen pushed out a number of men, women, and children.

Mrs. Hong hid behind the female wall, with only one head exposed, and said: "Geng Zhongming, you 'three-surnamed house slave', I treat you well, how dare you betray me, today I will show you how powerful I am!" "

"Did you see that these are your wives and concubines? Now you have many more brothers and sisters. How does it feel in your heart?"

"Dog thief!" Hearing this, Geng Zhongming looked up the city and saw that his wife and concubine were disheveled and their skin was exposed. He couldn't help clenching his fists, with veins popping out on his hands, and he gritted his teeth and cursed.

"Zhongming?" Zhang Shun never expected that Mrs. Hong would be in such a bad mood, and couldn't help but look at Geng Zhongming sympathetically.

Unexpectedly, Geng Zhongming's expression changed, and he laughed loudly and said: "What a bitch, my wife and concubine are from your country, and I was rewarded by you. Now that you commit suicide and humiliate your subjects, what does it have to do with me?" Dry?"

"Chop it!" Mrs. Hong didn't expect that it didn't achieve the desired effect, and she couldn't help but said angrily.

"Ahhh!" As several screams rang out, several bloody human skulls were seen rolling down the city, and fell into the moat at the foot of the city wall with a splash, and there were bursts of blood.

"Geng Jimao, this is your wife and concubine. Now you are just like your father, and you have many brothers with the same shoes. How do you feel about it?" Then I saw several disheveled women exiting the city. Then Mrs. Hong said He sneered.

"Dog thief!" Geng Jimao didn't have Geng Zhongming's self-restraint. He couldn't help shouting, and his eyes were split.

"Hahaha, it hurts, it hurts, this is the consequence of betraying me!" Mrs. Hong couldn't help laughing happily after hearing this, and then ordered, "Chop them all together and show them to him!"

"No!" In Geng Jimao's disbelieving eyes, three or five skulls suddenly rolled down and fell into the moat in front.

"Father, father!" Geng Jimao couldn't help turning his head and looked at Geng Zhongming and said, "Please, please think of a way!"

Think of a way, think of any way, it is nothing more than asking King Shun for help.

However, although King Shun was the leader of the three armies, how could he stop Mrs. Hong from going crazy?

Geng Zhongming felt like he had a mirror in his heart, so he said nothing. Instead, he coldly said to Geng Jimao: "What can we do?"

"If you have lost your wives and concubines, you can remarry; if you have lost your descendants, you can have them again. If our father and I are gone, I'm afraid there won't even be anyone to avenge us in the future!"

"Remember, good son, we must repay a hundred times the pain that thief inflicted on us!"

"Okay, now is the main event!" At this moment, Mrs. Hong couldn't help but reached out and patted the face of a boy in front of her, and said with a smile, "Geng Jingzhong, Geng Shaozhong, Geng Jizhong, they are all good names!"

"It's a pity that such a good name was wasted. It's better to call them Geng Jing Er, Geng Shao Er, Geng Ji Er. As expected, they are all your good descendants, Geng Er, and they are all born to be a litter of ministers!"

"Kill, kill, let everyone have fun!"

"No, no, no!" Geng Jimao almost went crazy and couldn't help shouting in pain.

"Your Highness!" At this moment, Geng Zhongming unexpectedly turned around and bowed to Zhang Shun, "The guilty minister boldly begs Your Highness to order the firing. Even if the dog Tatar cannot be killed, it would be better to kill my grandson."

"I would rather my descendants die under His Highness's artillery than die in the hands of the Tatars!"

"." Zhang Shun was silent for a moment, and finally nodded helplessly, "That's right!"

Following Zhang Shun's order, the rebel artillery battalion fired a salvo of artillery, causing chaos in Houjin City.

When Hong Taizheng was feeling proud, he suddenly heard the rebel cannon and staggered with fright. He quickly kneeled and crawled to the bottom of the city for fear of being beaten to pieces by the rebels.

The bombardment continued like this for a long time, until no one could be seen on the top of the city, and then they stopped.

Immediately, Geng Zhongming and Geng Jimao quickly took their troops to search the city. After searching for a long time, they only found heads and a few corpses. There were no men or women in the family who survived.

"Jingzhong. Jingzhong!" Geng Jimao hugged a corpse and couldn't help but feel grief and anger, and he couldn't bear to live.

Zhang Shun had mixed feelings when he saw this human tragedy.

Although Geng Zhongming was said to be cunning and treacherous, he should have expected this day to happen sooner or later since the day he planned to betray Jianlu, but it still makes people sigh for a moment that he actually ended up like this.

"The whole army was ordered to surrender. Geng Zhongming gave up his gold and surrendered. His family was full of loyal men. I named him the 'King Huaishun', and his son Geng Jimao was the marquis of surrender. He commanded his men and horses. I also named his wife and daughter-in-law the imperial concubines. The Jin Dynasty named him The grandsons Geng Jingzhong, Geng Shaozhong and Geng Jizhong are viscounts!" Zhang Shun muttered briefly.

Don’t you want to disgust me? I also want to disgust you?

Let's see if this "King Huaishun" is good, now I have him!

Following Zhang Shun's order, the rebel soldiers who were originally frightened by Hou Jin's killing gradually came back to their senses.

Good guy, if you call Geng Zhongming a "family slave with three surnames," I will tell you that he is a loyal family member.

You make him King Huaishun, and I will also make him King Huaishun.

You think this is the fate of traitors, but I think this is the fate of heroes.

Your enemy is my hero!

"The whole family is loyal, this is really full of loyalty!" After hearing this, everyone couldn't help but whisper, "King Huaishun's heart is for King Shun, and he would rather die than become a minister of the Tartars!"

"Yao's capital, Shun's soil, Yu's confederation. There should be half a shameful minister in the middle!"

I don’t know who started it, but I don’t know when in the rebel camp, such a poem suddenly came out. It was immediately spread to ten, ten to a hundred, and soon spread throughout the three armies.

The three armies shouted in unison, and it was quite certain that the soldiers would win.

This sound soon spread to Fanshan Fort, and the Han military camp, which was originally silent, suddenly felt anxious and sad.

Of course, these words also reached Hong Tai's residence at the same time. Hong Tai's lips turned purple in anger. After a while, he gritted his teeth and cursed: "Submissive thief, I will definitely be incompatible with you!"

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