Zhang Shun pondered for a long time, but still couldn't figure it out, so he rethought his thoughts and thought: Either use the method of oxen plowing, with two oxen or horses lifting the poles for dragging; or extend the double shafts like an oxcart, Put it on the cows and horses; or just make a pair of wheels and put the rear end of the gun frame on the front axle!

Huh? Zhang Shun couldn't help but be shocked when he thought of this: Doesn't this solve the structural problem that makes it difficult for a four-wheeled carriage to turn? He didn't expect that he would also solve the problem of the four-wheeled carriage at the same time.

Zhang Shunzhen never expected that such a simple question would have troubled China for thousands of years. It was not until Westerners came to China in later generations that the Chinese learned the four-wheel carriage steering system. In fact, its principle is very simple, that is, the rear two wheels are directly installed on the carriage; the front two wheels are installed on a frame, and then the rear frame is installed on the bearings of the front frame through a beam, which solves the problem. Steering problem.

In fact, the steering system in the West is also designed in this way. Zhang Shun's accidental inspiration actually coincided with the steering system in Western countries, which just illustrates the principle of simplicity and simplicity.

Thinking of this, Zhang Shun quickly found the original four-wheeled ox cart to check it out. It was found that the original four-wheeled ox cart was heavy and solid, with solid materials and simple structure. Zhang incidentally asked the craftsman who had spoken to him before, "Can you make this peace car?"

"If you have the materials, you can do it. If you don't have the materials, you can't do it." The man was quite honest and told the truth.

"Oh? The materials used here are also particular?" Zhang Shun saw that this thing was so simple and thought, isn't it just wood? There are many mountains and forests in Shanxi, and there is a lot of wood.

"I'm very particular about it. White locust is the best, followed by elm. When felled in winter, it needs to be water-killed for a year. It can be used after it is cool for six months and smoked for ten days." When the old carpenter talked about carpentry, he was very eloquent. .

Zhang Shun looked at the old carpenter suspiciously for a long time, and only dismissed his suspicion when he saw him shrinking. If he hadn't seen that this man was timid, Zhang Shun would have thought that the old carpenter was amusing himself.

It turns out that although Zhang Shun had lived in this era for a long time, he sometimes still had the illusion of overestimating the efficiency of ancient production. For example, to make a war bow, you need to dissect the dry wood in winter, boil the horns in spring, cure the tendons in summer, and wait until autumn to combine the stems, horns, and tendons with glue, lacquer, and silk. Finally, the bow body is fixed during the freezing season, so that the paint pattern can be checked to see if it is peeling off. It takes a year to make a good bow.

Zhang Shun had only heard that making a bow was time-consuming, but he didn't expect that making an ox cart would be so troublesome. There was no other way, as there were no ready-made materials on hand, so Zhang Shun had no choice but to put his mind to modification. He pondered for a long time and found that he could remove two of the original wheels and put the remaining two wheels in the middle and farther back.

Then cut the removed wheel down a circle to make a simple frame, and put the original ox cart plate on the new frame to make a four-wheeled ox cart that can be turned.

The wheels of the four-wheeled oxcart are all solid and made of spokes. This is why Zhang Shun asked the carpenter to cut the removed wheels smaller. Zhang Shun found that the diameter of the four wheels themselves was not very large, only two feet and five inches, which was only eighty centimeters in later generations. In addition, the wheels were narrow and thin. If the road was muddy, it would be easy to get stuck in the mud and be unable to get out. . Therefore, Zhang Shun did not stop doing anything, and simply asked the carpenter to thicken the wheel, which was better than nothing and could at least enhance the sturdiness of the wheel.

After Zhang Shun's work, he basically transformed the original four-wheeled ox cart. More than a dozen carpenters were working around, sawing, sawing, and chiseling wood, all busy in full swing.

At this time, the blacksmith sent over the iron pieces Zhang Shun requested. Zhang Shun ordered the carpenter who was responsible for the iron work to come over and nail these iron parts to the frame of his gun carriage. There is a term here: a car with wheels with iron tiles and rims with cap nails is called an iron cart; a car with wheels without iron tiles and cap nails is called a wooden cart.

In this way, Zhang Shun's artillery carriage became more sturdy and durable. After the carpenter installed a simple two-wheeled frame on the artillery carriage, Zhang Shun asked Li Shi'an to bring over two mules, and they ran like flying while pulling them.

Seeing this, Zhang Shun couldn't help but said happily: "Flying iron cannons, dominating the world!" When Li Shi'an heard this, he happily bowed to Zhang Shun three times and shouted: "Thank you, Lord!"

Zhang Shun said it casually. Seeing that Li Shian and others were happy, he didn't want to discourage them, so he agreed with a smile. Last time he "purchased" a lot of mules and horses in Dayang City, Zhang Shunzheng thought that there was no place to use them, so he could just allocate a batch of them to Li Shi'an's artillery camp.

Li Shi'an had exactly thirty-six artillery pieces under his command, but half of them were two-inch squatting tiger cannons weighing more than forty kilograms. They could be mounted on vehicles with shoulder resistance, so it didn't matter. It's just that the three-inch squatting tiger cannon, which weighs more than 100 kilograms, is heavier, and it happens that one artillery is dragged by two mules. Almost thirty-six or seven can make your own artillery even more powerful. This transaction is very worthwhile.

Li Shi'an's Second Artillery Unit was so happy that they had received so many benefits for nothing. They quickly found some more cloth, made two vertical flags, and embroidered Zhang Shun's "Word of Contribution" on them. Li Shi'an gave the order and saw the "Flying Cavalry Iron Cannon" on the left and the "Zong Heng Tian Xia" on the right. They were so powerful and domineering.

Zhang Shun looked at it and felt heroic. He thought to himself: I, Zhang Shun, am a time traveler and I have my destiny, so why should I be afraid of the Qing invaders from the Ming Dynasty? Now I have more than a thousand elite soldiers and dozens of artillery pieces. No matter how big the world is, I can do it. What can the "Purple Gold Liang" and "Chuang Jiang" people do to me?

After a lot of work, it was already late. Carpenters have made several gun mounts and modified several ox carts. Zhang Shun ordered Li Shian to continue trying out the gun mount, and ordered Chen Jindou to bring several cartmen to try out the new ox cart.

As a result, the gun mount was easy to try out and there were no problems. The new four-wheeled oxcart has flexible steering, which greatly speeds up the vehicle's travel speed. The only drawback is that the vehicle's load-carrying capacity is slightly reduced. However, compared with mobility, it is still acceptable to reduce the load of an oxcart carrying twenty-five stone to twenty stone.

After finally finishing the day's work, Zhang Shun was very hungry this time. He went back and had a good meal, which made Li Sanniang and Zhu'er extremely happy.

The next day, Zhang Shun was about to go to the baggage camp to check on the carpenters making vehicles, but he met an acquaintance coming over. Zhang Shun was shocked when he saw it. This person turned out to be the liaison messenger that Xing had agreed with him before.

Zhang Shun quickly pulled her to a remote place and asked, "What's going on? Why did you find her here so quickly?"

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