Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 148 Catching the Traitor (Part 1)

The maid pouted and said, "Madam asked me to tell you, follow the plan and meet tonight outside the Zhenwu Palace in Jueshan, twenty miles outside the city. Prepare a little more people and horses to prevent accidents."

After hearing this, Zhang Shun was both happy and nervous, and said yes repeatedly. Then, arrange for her to tell Ms.

The maid didn't say anything after hearing this, and just asked, "Is there anything else you want to say?"

Zhang Shun heard her unkind tone and quickly said warmly: "You must also pay attention to safety and never stand under a dangerous wall!"

After hearing this, the maid rolled her eyes and said angrily: "Your mouth is as sweet as honey. If I hadn't known that you didn't even know my name, I would have really believed you!"

No matter how thick-skinned Zhang Shun was, he couldn't help but sneer at his words. I didn't talk to him about Chunfeng for a while, and I didn't even know what his name was. Fortunately, this guy didn't have to be shy. Seeing that there was no one around, he stretched out his arms to hug the maid and gave her a bite. He hesitated and said, "How could I not have known that you are the 'good guy'!"

The maid struggled for a while, then broke away. She glanced around secretly, then blushed and punched Zhang Shun's chest with her small fist, cursing: "You are such a shameless enemy. I am convinced." I've killed you. You don't even look at the venue and you dare to touch me! Are you a 'good guy'? Your 'good guy' is waiting for you at home! Who am I?"

Seeing her reaction, Zhang Shun knew that half of her anger should have gone away, and he quickly coaxed: "Madam is a good person, and you are also a good person. I love her very much!"

The maid originally knew that her status was low, but she was just angry that he had taken advantage of her. She was originally young and ignorant about feelings, but she couldn't bear it when Zhang Shun softly got down on her and coaxed her with sweet words.

She rolled her eyes at him angrily and said, "Master, don't say that, this servant can't bear it. My original surname is Zhou, and my wife calls me Jian'er. I wish I could remember my stupid name!"

"Bitch?" Zhang Shun was stunned and asked strangely, "How do you get such a name?"

"It's not mean, it's the arrows of the bow and arrows!" Jian'er laughed, "Madam is a good archer. Madam is the bow, then I am the arrow. The arrow that shoots the bow without turning back! Anyway, the sound is similar, and neither am I. No matter how noble a person is, it doesn’t make any difference if he is called a bitch!”

Zhang Shun felt a pang in his heart when he heard what young Jian'er said. He gently pulled her into his arms and said with pity: "There is no high or low in life. It's just not the right time. Why bother?" Are you looking down on yourself?"

Jian'er was a little moved after hearing this, but still asked unconvinced: "Since you said that, why do you dare to claim that you have destiny, but we are like mud on the ground?"

Zhang Shun heard the words and said with a smile: "Destiny is the destiny of man. I am willing to bear the burden and go forward to save the world from water and fire, and people from all over the world will save it with me. As the saying goes, if you have a country in your heart, you will be the leader of the country, and if you have the world in your heart, you will be the king of the world. That’s the kind of person I am!”

How could a little girl from Jian'er quibble with Zhang Shun? Hearing this, he couldn't help but look up at him for a moment and said softly: "I have a small heart, but you have a big heart. I can't put so much in my heart. You have many things in your heart and a big place. Can you leave a little place for me?"

"Yes! Of course, I will leave you as much land as you want!" Zhang Shun quickly assured.

Hearing this, Jian'er took a deep look at Zhang Shun, lightly pecked him on the face, and said, "I want such a big land!" After saying that, he pushed him away, turned around and ran away.

Zhang Shun watched her figure gradually run away, and was speechless for a long time. Finally, he sighed and went back to arrange the meeting.

This time, only success is allowed, no failure is allowed. Zhang Shun first wanted to bring his most brave Wukong with him, and secondly, just in case, he also brought his sworn brother Xiao Qinhu with him. In order to act quickly, Zhang Shunsi thought carefully and brought his sworn brother Chen Changzhen and his cavalry with him. Then, he arranged all matters in the camp to Chen Jindou and Chen Jingzhi before leaving.

Jueshan is only a dozen miles away from Zezhou City, and everyone arrived outside Zhenwu Palace early in the morning. In order to seek peace of mind, Zhang Shun went into Zhenwu Palace and paid homage to Emperor Zhenwu.

When Zhu Di, the founder of the Ming Dynasty, launched an army to "side the Qing Dynasty", in order to boost morale, he once pretended to be the Zhenwu Emperor with disheveled hair. After he finally obtained the throne, he vigorously promoted the faith of Emperor Zhenwu. As a result, there were many Taoist temples such as Zhenwu Palace and Xuanwu Palace in the Ming Dynasty.

After Zhang Shun paid his respects, he led everyone around to check the terrain, waiting for the arrival of Xing and Liu Zongmin.

But I never thought that something went wrong with the Xing family. It turned out that the man in the camp this time was not Liu Zongmin, but the "Mountain Harrier". Liu Zongmin was quite lustful. After this expedition, he asked the "general" Huang Lai'er to return to camp and rest early.

Huang Lai'er knew what he was thinking. He was already hesitant, but he didn't expect this person to be so blatant. He felt quite unhappy and said, "'Mountain Harrier' is the pioneer and the most tired. You should go back to camp to rest first. You After I finish handling the matter, we will return to the camp together."

Liu Zongmin was quite dissatisfied, but he couldn't express his feelings in public, so he had to endure it. Therefore, after Mrs. Xing asked her maid Jian'er to report the news, she discovered that the one who came back was actually a "climbing harrier".

However, this person also coveted herself. Xing thought for a while and realized that she didn't want to stay for a moment anyway, so she might as well use this person as a cover. So, taking advantage of the opportunity for "Mountain Harrier" to come to his tent to submit his verification, he winked at him.

As expected, the "mountain-climbing harrier" was also a lustful person. Not long after he left, he sent his cronies to come to inquire about the news. Mr. Xing pretended not to know, but secretly gave the person a piece of cloth.

The man went back and handed the private message to "Mountain Harrier". "Mountain Harrier" opened it impatiently and saw a line of small words written on it: "I heard that the twin peaks of Jue Mountain are famous all over the world, and I yearn for it. I wonder if the general can escort me to have a look tonight?"

The "Mountain Harrier" suddenly had wild thoughts and thought: "The general is not in the camp, but his wife invites me to accompany him. What's the point? Anyway, 'Chuang Jiang' Huang Lai'er still needs to come back in two or three days. If I do other things, I’m sorry he doesn’t know either!”

Why don't we mention the preparations for "Mountain Harrier" here? After everything was arranged, Mr. She felt guilty for a moment, and her determination became somewhat hesitant.

Just at this time, Jian'er came back to report on the meeting with Zhang Shun, and Mr. Xing revealed some of his thoughts. That Jian'er had just been drunk by Zhang Shun, and his whole heart was focused on him. How could he not speak to Zhang Shun? She then smiled and said: "Madam, you were smart in the past, but why did you act stupid today? You didn't look back when you fired your bow. You have already done everything. If you still look forward and backward, aren't you asking for your own death?"

Upon hearing this, Mr.

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