Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 149 Catching the Traitor (Part 2)

As Mrs. Xing's wife, she naturally has some pomp and circumstance when traveling. In addition, under her deliberate arrangement, she actually took away all the three to four hundred capable soldiers left behind in the "camp breaking", leaving only the old and weak family members behind in the camp.

As for his gold and silver jewelry, daily clothes and the personal money he had accumulated for many years, he took them away. Mr.

The old man in charge of money and food originally wanted to refuse, but was persuaded by his accountant: "On the left and right are the money and food of the camp. They are the property of the husband and wife. What do you mean by holding it? You are not afraid to turn around and give the boss a blow." Are you going to arrange for someone to check our accounts?"

When the old accountant heard this, he realized that this was really the case. He waved his hand and generously paid five thousand taels of fine silver. The Ming Dynasty weights and measures were one catty and sixteen taels, and five thousand taels of silver weighed more than three hundred catties. It took three large boxes to load it. Mr. Xing ordered his ten or so female guards to carry it and take them away together.

After the "Mountain Harrier" got the private message, he quickly asked the forty or fifty most trusted soldiers under his command to prepare horses, armor and weapons and set off soon. Everyone had just finished the expedition, and they were all exhausted, and they all said, "General, why are you so anxious? Can't you just wait for the brothers to rest?"

This "mountain harrier" is a ruthless and fierce person, always has his eyes high and is unkind. Hearing this, he couldn't help but cursed: "The military situation is like a fire, how can we delay it? If we miss a big event, who can bear such a heavy crime!"

After hearing this, the officers and soldiers under his command could not tell the difference and had no choice but to act according to the order. Everyone put on their heavy armor again, mounted their tired horses, and carried their weapons, bows and arrows to join them.

When "Mountain Harrier" saw the cavalry under his command coming as ordered, he liked it in his heart, so he gave the order and galloped out of the gate of the camp. The dust stirred up by the cavalry choked the "camp breaking" guards so much that they couldn't help but curse.

As a result, just after scolding, the lady left the camp with a large number of people, horses and property. When everyone saw it, they couldn't help but talk about it: "What happened? Why are the people in charge of the camp leaving one after another?"

At this time, someone answered in a vulgar manner: "Don't you understand this? It's obvious that the guy from 'Mountain Harrier' has hooked up with the lady. Are they eloping?"

"Shh! What nonsense are you talking about? Don't you want to die?"

"What others did, we still say we have to do it?"

"You need to know who our 'Chuang Jiang' is. If he hears about it, I'm afraid he will die badly!"

Not to mention how the guarding women and children in the camp were talking about it, the "Mountain Harrier" left the camp and entered Zezhou City. "Mountain Harrier" led the cavalry through the city and suddenly heard his nickname. He pricked up his ears and listened carefully. It turned out that it was the children in the city singing a ballad.

The ballad goes: "It's called today, and it's called tomorrow. When it calls out, it's called a 'Mountain Harrier'! The 'Mountain Harrier' is croaking. It's ridiculous that there are mandarin ducks but no ducks!"

After hearing this, "Mountain Harrier" couldn't help but secretly cursed at his bad luck. A damn boy could sing a song and bring him along. If he hadn't been afraid of missing his wife's "important event", he would have turned around and chopped up this little beast!

The "Mountain Harrier" cavalry left Zezhou City, rested for a while, and then waited for the Xing family surrounded by people. This Xing family is originally from the frontier, and the ability of both men and women to ride horses and archery is no different from that of nomads. Even because the supplies in the border areas are more abundant, some people's skills can surpass the nomads in the grasslands and deserts.

Mr. Xing was dressed in red and carrying a soft bow and arrows. Compared with his gentle appearance in the past, he looked different. For a moment, "Mountain Harrier" was stunned. At this time, the bodyguard cavalry under the "Mountain Harrier" didn't know what the birdman was thinking, so they couldn't help but curse secretly: "This guy is very romantic and happy, but he has cut off our way out! If 'General Chuang' knows about it, I'm afraid it won't happen After cleaning it up, what should I do?"

This "Mountain Harrier" is used to being domineering, so why does he care what the people under his command think? She just walked forward with a smile on her face and praised her: "Everyone thinks that Madam is smart, but they never thought that she is also a hero among women!"

Mr. Bloody recruits cannot fight in the war. This time the slave family is willful and wants to see the scenery of Jue Mountain. I’ll thank you, General!"

"Where is it!" "Mountain Harrier" hurriedly said with a smile, "No hard work, no hard work! Madam, I, Gao Jie, will go through fire and water, no matter what!"

"Oh!" Mrs.

Gao Jie's face turned red when Mr. Xing praised him, and he quickly followed Ms.

A young general not far behind Mr. What's wrong?"

Hearing this, Jian'er's big eyes widened and he said, "Is this something you should ask?" That man was originally a boxer of unknown origin, and because he was not from Shaanxi, he was not very popular among the "generals" and his status was not very high. Gao, had no choice but to retreat.

Jian'er looked back at Xing and Gao Jie, and saw the two of them walking side by side, talking and laughing, and couldn't help curling his lips, thinking: "This lady is quite coquettish!"

Let's talk about the fact that Ms. Gao Jie only hated that the distance from Zezhou City to Zhenwu Palace was too short. Before the two of them had walked far, they could see the roof of Zhenwu Palace from a distance.

Mr. Xing secretly pretended to look at the scenery and looked at the place where Zhang Shun was ambushing him, and at the same time pretended to deal with Gao Jie. It didn't take long for her to find the code for the agreed place, so she said with a fake smile: "I want to go to the cliff to see the scenery. General, would you like to accompany me to see it?"

Gao Jie looked in the direction Xing pointed and saw that there were lush trees there, which was a good place for Tibetans. Suddenly he understood, and he quickly smiled and said: "Wherever Madam goes, Jay will go!"

Upon hearing this, Ms. Xing pursed her lips, smiled, winked, and jumped off the horse. Gao Jie quickly jumped off his horse to follow, but for the sake of safety, he specially winked at his closest guards and quickly followed.

Gao Jie was a very impatient person. When he reached the depths of the forest, he rushed towards Mr. Xing impatiently. The Xing family smiled sweetly, turned around and said with a smile: "General Gao, what do you mean?"

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