Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 150 Catching the Traitor (Part 2)

When Gao Jie looked at Mrs. He was about to pounce, but suddenly he heard the sound of a bowstring. Years of combat experience made him tilt his head.

I just felt a gust of wind passing by, and heard the sound of an arrow being nailed to the tree trunk behind me. Gao Jie felt a pain in his face when he arrived. He stretched out his hand and touched it. It was full of blood, and his face was scratched by arrow feathers.

Gao Jie lost face in front of his "lover" and couldn't help but get angry. He looked up and saw Zhang Shun leading Wukong, behind him were Chen Changzhen on the left and Xiao Qinhu on the right. Xiao Qinhu was withdrawing his tiger tendon bow, regretting that he could not kill the enemy with one blow.

At this time, a dozen of Gao Jie's personal guards rushed over and quickly handed Gao Jie his forty-pound iron rod. Gao Jie held the weapon in his hand and suddenly gained courage. He couldn't help shouting: "But in front of Optimus Prime? You and I are both rebels, and we don't offend each other. I, the Mountain Harrier, have never offended you, but you want to Isn’t it possible to start a war with the ‘Breaking Camp’?”

Zhang Shun laughed loudly when he heard this and said: "'Chuangying' Huang Lai'er and I are as close as brothers, how could I do something that makes our relatives hate each other and makes our enemies happy? Don't beat me up and spit blood!"

Hearing this, Gao Jie was puzzled. He pointed at the arrow behind him and asked, "Then what do you mean?"

"If people in the Ming Dynasty don't tell secret stories, how can you, 'Mountain Harrier', be a hero for a lifetime?" Zhang Shun said with a smile, "I'm here for nothing else, just for my poor Huang. My brother caught you, a pair of adulterers, prostitutes, and women, and seeks justice for my brother!"

Seeing his plausibility, Gao Jie couldn't help but feel guilty. He just forced to explain: "I just accompanied my wife to this Jueshan Mountain to enjoy the beautiful scenery of the twin peaks holding the moon. How can you slander us like this?"

"Haha!" Zhang Shun said with a smile, "The twin peaks holding the moon are famous on the night of the full moon. This is neither fifteen nor sixteen. How do you appreciate those twin peaks holding the moon? With your clever words, you can see that you are not falling without seeing the coffin. tears!"

Although Gao Jie was much more eloquent than Huang Lai'er, how could he compare to Zhang Shun? He was immediately speechless by Zhang Shun's refutation and had to turn his head to look at Xing.

The Xing family sighed and said to Gao Jie: "General, I am the one who has caused you trouble! It seems that Huang Lai'er already knows about you and me. There is no place for me, the Xing family, in the world. The general is highly skilled in martial arts. You quickly kill the general and go out and join the officers and soldiers!"

Hearing this, Gao Jie couldn't help but shouted: "Why do you think Madam treats me like this, Gao Jie? This whole thing happened because of me. I will risk my life to pieces to protect Madam!"

After Gao Jie finished speaking, he shouted to Zhang Shun: "'Optimus Prime', I heard that you are a hero. Can you let my wife go?"

"What does this matter have to do with me?" Zhang Shun said with a smile, "When I hand you over to my brother Huang Lai'er, he will have his own say."

Hearing this, Gao Jie burst into tears and shouted angrily: "Who is a good man who bullies a weak woman? If you have the guts, come up and challenge me!"

After hearing this, Zhang Shun couldn't help but nodded and said: "I have heard for a long time that 'Mountain Harrier' is very skilled in martial arts and is the most powerful general under my brother. I must learn from him today. Wukong, go teach him a lesson and don't knock his head off." Just smash it into pieces!”

Gao Jie believed that he was very skilled in martial arts. When he saw Zhang Shun agreeing to the challenge, he was overjoyed and thought: "I won't die until God does it!"

As a result, Zhang Shun unexpectedly sent Wukong up as soon as he said it, which made Gao Jie half angry. He couldn't help but cursed: "You cowardly man, what's the point of hiding behind a slave?"

Zhang Shun was not angry when he heard this. He just smiled and asked: "Has this guy read too many stories, or is he mentally ill? How could I, the mighty 'Qingtian White Jade Pillar', do such an act of lowering my status!"

But this time Gao Jie had no chance to scold him, because Wukong had already walked up to him carrying a thirty-six kilogram gold stick. Then Wukong smiled and said: "Who are you, a monster? Your Grandpa Sun made a thirty-six-pound iron rod, and you still dare to claim to use a forty-pound iron rod?"

When Gao Jie heard that the opponent only used a thirty-six-pound iron rod, he couldn't help but become more arrogant and cursed: "It turns out that he is a 'lower four-jin', and I'll take a stick from your grandfather!"

Before he finished speaking, Gao Jie rushed up with his iron rod and struck Wukong with his head. Wukong moved the iron rod in his hand horizontally to block Gao Jie's iron rod, then struck it once to the left and right, jumped up slightly, and turned around to hit Gao Jie with the iron rod.

Gao Jie crossed the iron rod to catch Wukong's iron rod, but he only felt a strong force coming from him, which made his palms and arms numb. Gao Jie had no choice but to take two steps back to relieve Wukong's strength. When he lowered his head and looked down, he saw that the jaws of both hands were shattered, and blood stained the iron rod in his hand.

It turns out that Gao Jie's iron rod actually weighs only eighteen kilograms, and he only claims that it weighs forty kilograms. He never dreamed that there would be someone in the world who could actually lift a thirty-six-pound iron bar and tell others the truth.

Seeing that he was defeated, Gao Jie quickly shouted: "Madam, leave quickly! The enemy is fierce, I will cut off the rear here!"

When Mr. Xing heard this, he couldn't help but replied loudly: "No, I won't leave! If we die, we will die together!"

When Gao Jie heard this, he was almost vomited blood by Xing instead of being beaten by Wukong. I finally created an opportunity for you, why are you so lost? However, Gao Jie was really moved when he heard this, so he gritted his teeth and attacked Wukong violently.

Wukong was extremely powerful and highly skilled in martial arts. He had always been a slightly equal opponent, but now he was evenly matched by Gao Jie. Zhang Shun couldn't help but sigh when he saw this: "Ask what love is in the world, and it will tell you whether life and death are together! I'm afraid this is the power of 'love', right? Two brothers, look who shot him and brought him down? In order to avoid bad things It’s the trend of this world.”

When Chen Changzheng and Xiao Qinhu heard this, they looked at each other and looked at each other. In the end, Xiao Qinhu, who started to grow thick-skinned, responded: "With such an earth-shattering friendship, how can the third brother bear to do something? What's more, it would be unjust for two people to agree to fight alone!"

Hearing this, Zhang Shun couldn't help but nodded and said, "What the second brother said is true! Wukong, haven't you had enough to eat? Work harder and finish work early and go home for dinner!"

At this time, Gao Jie made a strong attack and was already exhausted and at the end of his strength. While Wukong was looking at it, he lifted up his stick and pushed Gao Jie's iron rod away a little. Gao Jie was staggered by Wukong. Wukong took the opportunity to jump up, raised his iron rod high and struck him down with a club.

Fortunately, Wukong's movements were relatively large, and Gao Jie took the opportunity to raise the iron rod. A deafening sound of iron rods was heard, and Gao Jie was knocked to his knees by the huge force.

When Xing looked up, he saw Gao Jie half-kneeling on the ground, and the iron rod in his hand was bent by Wukong. His right shoulder blade must have been smashed as well. Gao Jie's entire right arm was hanging to the side, and it looked like he could no longer use it.

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