"Your Highness, Jianlu reinforcements have appeared in the area north of Fanshan Fort. They are now besieging Fanshan Fort with the puppet kings Hauge and Duduo." The messenger sent by Zhang Sanbai respectfully reported to Zhang Shunhui.

"The reinforcements can be divided into three parts. One part tried to cross the Zhuoshui River, echoing Haoge and Duduo to attack Fanshan Fort."

"One part tried to break through the gap between Gaoyuan where the rebel camp is located and Fanshan Fort to cut off the connection between our center army and the left wing."

"There are still some who are storming the rebel camp and trying to mobilize the main force of our army to return reinforcements."

"Yes, I understand!" Zhang Shun nodded and asked, "Did Zhang Sanbai say anything else?"

"Commander Zuo said that if His Highness asks, just say that he can still withstand it!" The messenger hesitated for a moment, and finally responded cautiously.

"Oh?" Zhang Shun smiled when he heard this, "He is really interested!"

"Your Highness, I still propose that I lead troops over Yinglong Mountain and attack its flanks!" At this moment, Zhang Fengyi suddenly said.

"No, no, you still have to take my place." Zhang Shun's first reaction after hearing this was to object.

"What for you?" Zhang Fengyi asked with a half-smile.

"Of course you will give birth to my child!" Zhang Shun finally realized that due to the bad weather, after he got off the hot air balloon, Zhang Fengyi's position as deputy commander of the Chinese Army was actually in vain.

But who was Zhang Shun? He just teased her.

"Bah, a dog can't spit out ivory from its mouth!" Even though the two of them were an old married couple, Zhang Fengyi couldn't resist it and couldn't help but spit at him with a red face.

The two were speechless and silent for a moment. Zhang Fengyi straightened her expression and reminded again: "Now our army is surrounded by enemies from both sides. If we can't make a surprise victory in time, we will have long nights and many dreams!"

Even though Houjin only had 10,000 more troops than the rebels, the location of these 10,000 troops really made the rebels uncomfortable.

Although due to the shrinkage of the rebel left wing, Yue Tuo did not find an opportunity to take advantage of it.

However, the presence of reinforcements wandering outside the battlefield really made the rebels very passive.

what to do?

Unless the rebels can also win by surprise, they will in turn defeat Jin Yijun.

Due to terrain limitations, the area starting from Dongshan in the east, Zhuoshui in the west, Yinglong Mountain in the south, and Fanshanbao in the north has already been completely saturated.

Not to mention that Zhang Shun didn't have extra troops at his disposal. Even if he did, it would be difficult to find an entry point.

"There are 5,000 men under Li Wanqing stationed in the old city, and 3,000 men under Wei Zhiyou in Jimingyi. I have ordered them to gather together and come to support." Zhang Shun explained quickly.

"As long as they arrive and attack Yue Tuo from both front and rear, the current crisis can be resolved..."

"However, these eight thousand are mainly infantry and cannot catch the Yue Tuo tribe's cavalry at all!" Zhang Fengyi couldn't help but interrupt Zhang Shun.

"The Prince Shun I know is a real man, not a mother-in-law... If you continue to break up, you will be disturbed by it!"

"Feng Yi..." When Zhang Shun heard this, he couldn't help but look into Zhang Fengyi's eyes with emotion, and didn't know what to say for a while.

In fact, how could Zhang Shun not think of things that Zhang Fengyi could think of?

Not only did she think about it, but Mrs. Hong on the opposite side also knew it very well.

When two armies confront each other, there are three places where they can break through under normal circumstances: the left wing, the center army, and the right wing.

Now that the left wing of the rebel army is completely passive, there is no need to consider it.

As for the Chinese army, Li Jiyu's heavy armored soldiers failed to arrive in time to join the battle. Naturally, Zhang Shun would not be arrogant in thinking that he could march straight in and defeat the Hou Jin Zhongjun head-on.

Therefore, all I can think about is the right wing. Zhang Shun can imagine this, and presumably Hong Tai, the once powerful hero, can also imagine this.

If Zhang Fengyi is really allowed to lead his troops over the mountains and ridges, and rush over exhausted, will they run into Houjin's new force who has been preparing for a long time on the opposite side?

He was not only worried about Zhang Fengyi's personal safety, but also worried about the safety of the rebel army, so he was a little hesitant for a while.

"Your Highness is overly worried!" Unexpectedly, Zhang Fengyi heard Zhang Shun's concerns, shook her head and smiled.

"I took people to see it before. The mountains to the south are quite dangerous. How can ordinary soldiers and horses cross it?"

"Hongtai was born among the high mountains of Liaodong. He not only knew this well, but also mobilized more than 10,000 troops to strengthen his right wing. Where are the extra troops available?"

"Now that it's raining heavily and the mountains are slippery, how can Mrs. Hong imagine that someone would dare to fly across Yinglong Mountain?"

"As long as I, the white-armed soldier, appear on the left wing of Houjin, I will surely avenge the blood feud of Hunhe River back then!"

Zhang Shun became even more worried when he heard this.

He couldn't help but look into Zhang Fengyi's eyes and said worriedly: "The mountain road is slippery, is it really possible?"

"Why is it not possible? Deng Ai from the Three Kingdoms period could sneak across to Yinping, so why can't I cross Yinglong Mountain?" Zhang Fengyi couldn't help but said firmly.

"I am old and cannot be as young and beautiful as His Highness's many wives and concubines, nor can I give birth to a son or a half for Your Highness. I am only willing to help His Highness achieve this great achievement, and I will be shattered to pieces, no matter what..."

"I don't want you to be broken into pieces, I want you to come back with all your hair and tail, and grow old together with me!" Unexpectedly, Zhang Fengyi had just finished speaking, Zhang Shun couldn't help but hugged her and said.

What more can a husband ask for when he has such a wife?

At this moment, Zhang Shuncai suddenly felt that he was really a scumbag who could not be more scumbag.

When he takes them, he covets their beauty, their wisdom, and the power and troops behind them, without much regard for their feelings.

Now that he heard Zhang Fengyi's words, he couldn't help but feel excited. It seemed that he had met such a strange woman for the first time, and could not help but live and die with her for the first time!

The two hugged each other for a while, until Zhang Fengyi remembered that they were on a battlefield and couldn't help but push him away in a hurry.

She couldn't help but blush, from her neck to her ears. She wrung her hands together and didn't dare to look up at anyone for a while.

"We are an old married couple, what are you ashamed of?" Zhang Shun couldn't help but smile when he saw her, and reached out to touch her hot cheek lovingly.

"Go ahead. In a moment, everyone will have a bamboo hat and a coir raincoat, as well as a pot of water and a bag of dry food. Go with confidence!"

"You...you really agreed?" Zhang Fengyi couldn't believe her ears.

She knew very well that Zhang Shun always liked to take care of everything by himself and did not easily entrust others to him.

He was even more reluctant to let the women around him suffer any injustice.

Originally, he was willing to let her lead the army, but it was just forced by the situation.

Even if he asked her to lead the troops in battle, he would always keep her by his side, for fear of something going wrong. Unexpectedly, this time he would agree to his request so neatly.

"You are not only my woman, but also my general. I must allow my general to make great achievements!" Zhang Shun couldn't help but look at her and smiled.

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