Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1473 Over the Mountain

The rain kept falling, but in Zhang Fengyi's heart, it was a sunny day with the sun shining brightly.

Seven thousand soldiers with white poles, under her leadership, wearing bamboo hats and raincoats, bypassed the right wing of the rebel army and came directly to the foot of the mountains at the south gate.

"General Zhang, this is Yinglong Mountain. After climbing over this mountain, you will reach the flank of Jianlu." Lord Yu looked at the female general in front of him in surprise and pointed to the nearby terrain.

"Are you feeling better?" Zhang Fengyi frowned and couldn't help but ask.

"It's not easy. It would have been okay without the rain. But with the rain, I'm afraid it would be a bit difficult to climb." Lord Yu Fort said with a troubled face.

It was still cloudy when I suggested it. Who would have thought of this heavy rain?

"Can you lead the way?" Zhang Fengyi asked again.

"I can't do it anymore. I'm too old to climb up anymore!" Lord Yu shook his head, then pulled out the young man standing behind and said, "This is my grandson Yu Zhaoji, he can help the general lead the way."

"Okay, let's go!" Zhang Fengyi nodded, then got off the horse first and climbed up the mountain in front.

"General, you're such a horse." Lord Yu couldn't help but be stunned.

"Take care of it for me first. If I unfortunately die in battle, you can hand it over to His Highness King Shun on my behalf!" Zhang Fengyi smiled and responded from a distance.

Although she said it easily in front of Zhang Shun, she actually knew that this was a road of no return.

Zhang Fengyi had been in Shu for a long time and had heard the story of Deng Ai's sneak attack on Yinping. Naturally, she also knew about "Chuang King" Gao Ying's surrender and defeat in Ziwu Valley.

To be unexpected is to be unexpected, and to be unexpected is to win by surprise. If one is caught by surprise, one may be defeated and killed.

She has been in the military for a long time and has long been indifferent to life and death.

Success is gratifying, but failure can also disrupt Jianlu's formation and create opportunities for Zhang Shun to win.

"General, the mountain ahead is steep and the road is slippery, making it difficult to climb!" Shortly after Zhang Fengyi set out, his soldiers encountered difficulties.

"Use a white spear!" Zhang Fengyi ordered directly without even frowning.

Although the White Pole Soldiers are famous all over the world, many people have long forgotten that this elite soldier is actually an elite mountain warfare soldier.

Forming formations on flat ground is certainly the specialty of white pole soldiers, but crossing mountains and ridges is even more common for white pole soldiers.

Following Zhang Fengyi's order, the white-gun soldiers in the front row immediately stretched out their white-gun guns and hooked the hooks on the trees, rattan and rocks on the mountain. The hooks were strong, and then they pulled the gun barrels. Climb upward.

They waited until they found a suitable place to stand, stood firm, and then continued climbing up.

After they reached the top of the mountain, they lowered the tail ring and asked the soldiers below to hook the tail ring with the hook on the white pole gun and connect it end to end to form a suggested borrowing device for the soldiers behind to climb.

When the soldiers who opened the way in front were tired, a second row of soldiers with white poles opened the way, and the original soldiers retreated to save energy.

In this way, the hillside that was originally steep and difficult to climb was almost as smooth as walking on the ground with the help of the white-rod gun.

This hillside has high and low levels, some of which are no more than a foot long, and can be climbed with only a white pole gun.

Some are more than two feet high, and two white pole guns need to be connected end to end.

There are even higher hillsides that require three or more white pole guns connected together.

The barrels of these white-stemmed guns are made of tough white wax, and the gun heads are connected not with bolts but with collars.

Therefore, even if it is strongly dragged, it will not separate or break.

This is the valuable experience gained by chieftains such as Shizhu and Qiuyang who have been entrenched in the mountains for more than five hundred years and fought back and forth.

"Ouch!" As the chieftain soldiers were climbing up Yinglong Mountain in a steady stream, Zhang Fengyi grabbed a white-stemmed gun and climbed up too.

But she didn't expect the road to be slippery. She accidentally slipped and almost fell down the hillside.

"General, are you okay?" Zuo Zuo was startled when he saw this and asked quickly.

"It's okay, it's okay!" Zhang Fengyi looked at the barefoot soldiers around her and immediately understood what the problem was.

It turns out that materials were scarce in this era, and even the straw sandals worn by soldiers needed to be regularly compiled.

Therefore, at the beginning of the climb, these soldiers had already taken off their straw sandals and hung them around their necks.

After these soldiers went barefoot, the soles of their feet had a stronger grip on the ground, making it easier to cross mountains and ridges.

As a woman, Zhang Fengyi cannot go barefoot easily, so climbing is more difficult.

After finally climbing to the top of the mountain, the panting Zhang Fengyi found a deserted place, took off her shoes and socks, then stepped in the mud a few times, covering her white and tender soles with mud, and then walked out. .

"General?" Several stout ladies around Zhang Fengyi shouted in surprise when they saw Zhang Fengyi also had boots hanging on her chest.

"In emergencies, we must obey the authority. As women, our physical strength is weaker than men. If we wear shoes and socks, how can we climb mountains and ridges?" Zhang Fengyi couldn't help but laugh.

"You guys, go and take off your clothes too. What's the difference between our muddy soles and men's feet? Why are we talking about the defense between men and women?"

"Here." When those women heard this, you looked at me, I looked at you, then looked at Zhang Fengyi's muddy soles, and then they nodded in agreement.

Not long after, the women walked out with their muddy feet, and Zhang Fengyi led them in front of the soldiers calmly.

Sure enough, when the soldiers saw Zhang Fengyi and the women, although they looked shocked, they could not see anything and naturally had no thoughts.

In this way, after climbing countless mountains, everyone finally climbed to the top of Yinglong Mountain.

Zhang Fengyi endured the pain in her soles and took advantage of the mountain to look north. She saw Azige's right-wing army at the foot of the mountain still fighting fiercely with Li Zicheng's troops.

"General, if you go down from here, you will reach the bottom of the mountain in three to five miles!" At this time, Yu Shiji, the grandson of Lord Yu, couldn't help but pointed downwards.

Zhang Fengyi looked at it seriously for a long time after hearing this, and finally shook her head and said: "If we don't go down the mountain from here, is there a way out to the east?"

"Going east?" As soon as Zhang Fengyi said these words, the women around her couldn't help but glance at her feet covertly.

It turns out that although this Fengyi has been in battle for a long time, he is still a general who travels on horseback, and his feet are quite delicate.

This time after taking off her shoes and socks and hiking over the mountains, her soles had already been worn out.

Now that she has finally reached the finish line, she is still not satisfied?

Do you know why Zhang Fengyi refused to go down the mountain?

It turned out that as a veteran, she stood on the mountain and took a look, only to see 15,000 troops of the Nazir Harang tribe sandwiched between Yinglong Mountain and another unknown mountain range.

If he leads his 7,000 white pole soldiers to drive down, not only will they not be able to deploy their formation, but even if they defeat the Azige tribe, due to the terrain restrictions, it may be difficult to shake the Houjin Army.

This was the result that she couldn't allow after traveling over mountains and ridges, suffering so much, and taking such big risks.

"If we go eastward, we can only climb over the Hanbao Mountain, and then walk three to five miles to Chiyou Temple before we can see the level land." Yu Shiji said quickly.

"Oh?" Zhang Fengyi finally understood that the mountain behind Jierhalang was actually called Hanbao Mountain, and she couldn't help but continue to ask.

"How far is Chiyou Temple from Chiyou Village and what is the terrain like?"

"More than three miles, the terrain is flat!" How could Yu Shiji know Zhang Fengyi's thoughts? He just answered honestly.

"Okay, continue to climb Hanbao Mountain, and then go to Chiyou Temple!" Zhang Fengyi pondered for a moment and couldn't help but give the order on the spot.

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