Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1476 Bloody Battle

"General, General Zhang!" Seeing Zhaode General Zhang Fengyi and the general on the opposite side stab each other at the same time, the people around were shocked and hurriedly rushed forward to rescue Zhang Fengyi.

"General, are you okay?" Several women came closer and saw that Zhang Fengyi had been shot in the left shoulder. Her armor was shattered and blood was flowing out.

"It's okay, hurry up and see if the enemy general on the opposite side is dead!" Zhang Fengyi quickly ordered while struggling to get up.

"Dead, absolutely dead!" A woman, guarded by soldiers, ran over to check and saw a bloody hole in Chen Tai's chest, which was spurting out. Stained with blood, he was dead before his eyes.

She couldn't help but draw out her sword, and skillfully removed Chen Tai's head while smiling: "The general is good at shooting. This shot hit the Tatar right in the heart, stabbing him and his armor completely!"

As the saying goes: Martial arts is high, and there is no limit to how high it is.

Logically speaking, as a woman, Zhang Fengyi is slightly inferior to men in terms of strength and reaction.

As the grandson of Eryidu, one of the five founding ministers of the Later Jin Dynasty, and the son of Cherge, this Naizhijia Lazhangjingniu Colu Chentai was naturally not an easy person.

No matter from which angle you look at it, if Zhang Fengyi faced this person alone, she would be dead.

However, things in the world are never absolute.

In a normal fight, Zhang Fengyi would not be able to defeat this person, but if he sacrificed his life for his injuries, Chen Tai would only end up dead.

It turns out that even when fighting on the battlefield, few people really want to risk their lives, so the common training of combat skills is based on the premise that both sides can protect themselves.

If he is a person with poor martial arts skills, even if he risks his life, he may not be able to pose any threat to Chen Tai.

But this time the one who fought for his life was Zhang Fengyi, a rebel general who was skilled in martial arts despite his limited talent.

Poor Chen Tai, how could he have imagined that Zhang Fengyi really came here with the intention of dying.

When the two sides meet on a narrow road, the brave one wins, and he loses his life when the two sides only meet each other.

Seeing the head of the general on the opposite side, Zhang Fengyi was so excited that she couldn't help but struggle and continue to charge.

When she saw her, she was startled, and several women quickly stopped her.

Inspired by Zhang Fengyi, the other warriors couldn't help but scramble to occupy the tip of the cone-shaped formation and fight bravely towards the rear Jin soldiers.

When the Baya La camp saw their general die in battle and the rebel army gained momentum, they were immediately overwhelmed by it.

The weak defense line composed of more than a thousand elites was like paper, and was pierced through by the conical formation of the white-pole soldiers, all the way to the formation with yellow flags being set up.

"Hold it, hold it, behind us is our army's formation, and behind us is our Emperor!" Nabai Tuyin never expected that Chen Tai would be so incompetent, and would collapse at the first touch, so he had to bite the bullet and fight back.

"Kill, kill, kill through the enemy formation and avenge my brothers who died in the bloody battle of Hunhe!" At this time, Zhaode General Zhang Fengyi could no longer fight in the battle.

Her shoulder was wounded by a gunshot, and her feet were bloody and bloody. She could only hold up the spear with her right hand and limped to encourage the white soldiers.

However, at this time, it didn't matter what she shouted. What mattered was that as long as she stood there, these seven thousand white-pole soldiers would be as powerful as a rainbow.

She, General Zhaode Zhang Fengyi, was not only the concubine of His Royal Highness King Shun, but also the commander-in-chief of these seven thousand white-poled soldiers.

Given her status and status, and now that she was hurt like this, what reason did they have to back down?

"Kill, kill, kill"

With loud shouts, the 7,000 white soldiers of the rebel army were getting closer and closer. For the first time, a look of anger appeared on Mrs. Hong's face: "Where is Baituyin? Where is Baituyin? What on earth does he do for food!"

"Your Highness." Upon hearing this, Bachelor Fan Wencheng carefully looked at the situation on the battlefield for a long time, and a solemn look appeared on his face.

"I'm afraid. This white-pole soldier is no longer what he used to be!"

"Why are things different from the past?" Hong Tai asked impatiently, but just halfway through asking, the elite figure on the bank of the Hun River suddenly appeared in his mind, and he couldn't help but tremble. A cold war.

"The white-pole soldiers, the white-pole soldiers, the white-pole soldiers were all wiped out, weren't they?" He asked impatiently.

He had not yet ascended the throne, and the one who led them in the battle was still an old slave.

They defeated the white-armed soldiers with overwhelming force, but not only were they killed two to three thousand people, but also three of their generals and guerrillas were killed.

In desperation, the old slave had to offer a large reward to the Ming army gunners and hit them with red cannons to break the formation.

Today, where are the superior forces of "our Qing Dynasty" and where are the red cannons?

Hong Tai's palms couldn't help but trembled as he watched the elite white soldiers getting more and more aggressive.

It turns out that the seven thousand white pole soldiers under Zhang Fengyi's command were still from Shizhu and Qiyang chieftains, but they were not as elite as the white pole soldiers in the bloody battle in Hunhe.

However, since she led more than ten thousand Sichuan soldiers to join Zhang Shun, Zhang Shun has been serving as Qiancheng. Not only has she been given priority in food, salary, clothing, and armor, but she has also eliminated the old and weak, and trained them diligently.

These soldiers are all good soldiers, but due to the limited financial resources of the chieftain, they were far from being able to realize their potential.

After receiving Zhang Shun's full support, Zhang Fengyi trained him hard and went through many battles.

Until this moment, these seven thousand white soldiers finally broke through themselves and turned into butterflies.

Inspired by the anger of revenge and Zhang Fengyi's desperate efforts, he suddenly became the same white-armed soldier as he had been in the bloody battle of Hunhe River.

"Kill, kill, kill!" At this time, these white-poled soldiers gave up their bows and arrows, only wearing iron helmets and cotton armor, holding white-poled guns and moving forward.

"Ten steps to shoot, ten steps to shoot!" Seeing that he couldn't resist, Bai Tuyin couldn't help but shouted sharply.

Ten-step shooting, Houjin's elite stunt, specializing in facial shots.

"Swish, swish, swish!" Following Bai Tuyin's command, countless long arrows like small spears flew over.

"Seize, seize, seize, ah" Some of the long arrows were nailed to the heavy helmets of the white-poled soldiers, and some were shot in the faces of the white-poled soldiers. At that time, no one knew how many white-poled soldiers fell down.

However, the front row fell down and the rear row went up.

The soldiers with white poles who formed a cone-shaped formation, as if they were unconscious, moved forward without stopping a step.

With a yellow flag on his forehead, Zhenbai Tuyin looked at the indomitable white-pole soldiers, and for the first time, a panicked expression appeared on his face.

It's terrible, it's terrible. How should a team that is not afraid of long-range attacks fight this?

"Kill, kill back, we 'Batulu of the Qing Dynasty' have never been afraid of anyone!" Bai Tuyin couldn't help but feel frightened, and at the same time felt ashamed of his own cowardice.

Seeing that the rain of arrows could not stop the white-pole soldiers, he made the same choice as Naizhijia La Zhangjing and Chen Tai, trying to use hand-to-hand tactics to restore his dignity.

"Kill, kill, kill!" The two sides once again fought hand to hand, and the densely packed spears and spears began to poke each other.

This time, they finally stopped the progress of the white pole soldiers.

However, since the white pole formation was in a cone-shaped formation, it was quickly embedded in the yellow flag formation during the battle between the two sides, cutting it into two sections.

Of course, at the same time that the yellow flag was cut into two sections, it was equivalent to the white-pole soldiers being attacked from two sides by the opponent.

If it were an ordinary army, it would definitely not be able to withstand such a flanking attack.

However, this is not the case with white pole soldiers.

In the training of the white pole soldiers, there is no other formation, only the cone formation.

The cone-shaped array moves forward indomitably, there is death but no life!

"Kill, kill them!" Zhang Fengyi ordered loudly in her hoarse voice.

"Kill, kill them!" The seven thousand soldiers with white poles shouted in unison. Under the pressure of the yellow flags on the left and right wings, the cone-shaped formation slowly became flat and long, and they really penetrated like an awl. He broke through the defense line with yellow flags and nailed it to the back of the Jinzhong Army's formation.

"No, kill them all, kill them all!" At this moment, Hong Tai stood on the watchtower and screamed loudly, as if he was crazy.

The white-pole soldiers transformed into a long and flat formation, although the impact force became more powerful, at the same time, they could easily be cut into several pieces, and then divided and annihilated.

However, everything is over!

Once the Chinese army's formation is hit from behind, all that awaits them is chaos and defeat.

This is Zhang Fengyi and her white-pole soldiers using their own lives to deliver a fatal blow to the Houjin Formation for Zhang Shun!

Killing through the enemy formation, the white-pole soldiers fulfilled their promise.

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