Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1477 Locking the Victory

"Kill!" Just as Zhang Fengyi's 7,000 white pole soldiers were fighting bloody battles behind Hou Jin's army, Wukong and Ji Longfeng, also wearing double armor, led two battalions respectively to attack Hou Jin's army from the front.

The rebels first used artillery and then fire cannons. After disrupting Houjin's defense line, Wukong and Ji Longfeng took the opportunity to kill them first.

One of the two men was in the south and the other in the north. They broke into the Houjin army's formation from two places.

This is Zhang Shun's "double insurance" lineup. Once one attack is blocked, there will be another one that can deal a violent blow to the opponent.

The first one to break in was Wukong. He was seen carrying a big iron rod and appeared in front of Houjin's formation in three steps and two steps at a time. The Houjin soldiers hurriedly shot a hail of arrows at him.

Wukong didn't dodge or close, he just protected his face, letting the arrows and projectiles hit him like raindrops, and rushed forward without stopping.

"Kill!" After finally getting close to the Jin army formation, three or five spearmen jumped out, grabbing their spears and stabbing them.

There is also something special about this spear. If the opponent has no armor or light armor, just one stab can kill the opponent.

If the opponent is wearing heavy armor or double armor, you need to attack with force.

This Wukong is wearing double armor and is invulnerable, so these spearmen naturally need to use their strength.

However, it doesn't matter if these people use their strength, their moves will become old immediately.

I saw Wukong dodge as if he was not wearing armor, and then struck with a stick, knocking one or two spears away and breaking two or three spear shafts.

These people had never encountered such a warrior before, and they were immediately confused.

Just when they were confused, Wukong jumped up and struck down with two sticks, killing them.

"Ghost!" When everyone saw Wukong being so ferocious, they were so frightened that they couldn't help but shout.

"Ghost? What is a ghost!" Wukong sneered, jumped in, and struck and slashed, causing Jin Bing to cry for his father and mother, causing chaos.

"Don't call it a ghost. Even the King of Hell of the Ten Palaces is respectful when he sees me. How dare you use it to belittle Lao Sun!"

"What a man, let me love you in the future!" Just when Wukong was unstoppable, some people could no longer sit still.

It turns out that this person is none other than Wu Bahai, the real man with a white flag and an ox on his forehead.

This Wu Bahai is the leader of the Yantatar tribe. He joined Houjin when Lao Nu started his army. He is famous for his bravery and has made many military exploits.

Just because in the fifth year of Tiancong's reign, he and Mele's Zhenmeng Atuva Varka, together with Heikulun and Eleyosu tribes, surrendered thousands of people, so he was given the name "Batulu" by the Khan Hongtai of the Jin Kingdom. .

As the saying goes "Heroes cherish heroes", when Wu Bahai saw Wukong being so brave, he immediately jumped out with a big sword.

When Wukong saw someone standing in front of him, he didn't even look at him, he waved his hand and hit him with a stick.

"Clang!" There was only a loud noise, and Wu Bahai couldn't help but take several steps back.

"Oh?" Wukong couldn't help but put away the iron rod in his hand, looked him up and down and said, "What a man, he can be as good as my grandson's blow, he is quite capable!"

"Bah!" Wu Bahai spat when he heard the words. He couldn't help but raised the big knife with trembling hands and took a look. He saw that the edge of the knife had already been cut by the opponent with a huge gap. He couldn't help being shocked, "You, you This guy has so much strength!"

After only a moment's delay, Zhang Rujing rushed forward with his "Mao Hulu".

Wukong didn't waste any more time and couldn't help but shouted loudly. Then he hit him with another stick and said, "Take another stick from my old grandson!"

Wu Bahai's heart suddenly burst into tears, and he quickly swung the long knife in his hand, trying to hold up Wukong's iron rod.

Unexpectedly, when the stick was struck down, it would make a big noise, weak force, and be light and weak.

"Not good!" Before Wu Bahai could react, Wukong had already used the force of the counter-shock from the intersection of weapons to drop the iron rods in his hands and push them slightly toward his chest.

Wu Bahai felt a click in his chest, as if he had been hit by a sledgehammer. He flew out, fell into the crowd, and could not get up for a while.

"Dog thief, don't have martial ethics." Wu Bahai struggled twice, and a mouthful of blood suddenly came out. He raised his trembling finger and pointed at Wukong.

However, before he could finish his words, he died without even taking a breath.

Wukong never expected that someone would lie to others because he was so strong, and he was aggrieved.

He had already used himself as the tip of the cone and led the cone-shaped formation composed of Zhang Rujing's camp to cut into the rear golden formation.

And just when Wukong was unstoppable, Ji Longfeng also led Ah Shan's men and horses in a cone-shaped formation to attack Jin Zhongjun from the north.

This Ji Longfeng is not as good as Wukong, but she is good at shooting.

I saw him riding a tall horse and charging through the Ashanjiang barracks with heavy armor and heavy cavalry as the main force.

"Kill!" Ji Longfeng shouted violently, leading more than a hundred riders to slam into the rear golden formation.

I saw that his spear was like a dragon, Han Xing was like a blood flower, and a blood flower was like a human life.

His marksmanship is completely different from Wang Jinyi's. Wang Jinyi's marksmanship is elegant and beautiful, while his marksmanship is precise and cruel.

Every time he fired his gun, Wang Jinyi always shook out five or seven gun flowers to confuse the enemy's sight.

But he is different, his gun always goes straight, without any unnecessary movements.

If you don't come out, you're done. If you come out, you'll hurt someone.

This Ji Longfeng had just charged in, and the golden soldiers behind them were turned upside down.

He and his elite cavalry suddenly tightened their reins and turned around and ran away.

The Hou Jin soldiers in front of them didn't understand what was going on, and they never thought that as soon as he left, Ah Shan led the heavy armored infantry to rush up.

The cavalry rushes after the infantry, and the infantry rushes after the cavalry. This is the tactic of Ji Longfeng and Ashan.

If Zhang Fengyi's white soldiers are like awls, then Zhang Rujing's camp led by Wukong is like a chisel, while Ji Longfeng and Ashan's troops are like drills.

The former relies on well-trained elite soldiers to defeat Wukong, while the latter relies on Wukong's personal strength. However, Ji Longfeng and Ashanying's troops cannot compare to the white-armed soldiers in terms of elites, and they cannot compare to Wukong in terms of personal martial arts skills. They can only rely on the relationship between the soldiers. cooperation.

Not to mention, if they just take turns on foot and cavalry, the advancement speed of Ji Longfeng, Ah Shan and others is no less than that of Zhang Fengyi and Wukong.

"Ah Shan, you traitor, do you deserve the trust of Irgenjueluo and the two Khans!" Just when Ji Longfeng and Ah Shan were fighting vigorously, a familiar voice suddenly rang out.

"Oh? Tulush?" Ashan took a closer look and saw that it was Jala'e Zhentulush who was also born in the Irgun Jialo clan.

Since both of them came from the Irgenjoro family, Ashan became friendly with them during the later Jin Dynasty.

Seeing this person, Ah Shan couldn't help but smile and said: "It turns out that it's an old friend in person. Ah Shan is really rude. You and I were so good to each other before, so you should know what I'm thinking."

"This Houjin was born out of injustice and caused many killings. He will surely die in disgrace."

"If you are determined, why don't you surrender early? I guarantee that you and I will share our wealth!"

"Each one is his own master, no more gossiping!" Unexpectedly, Naturush shook his head when he heard this and directly ordered, "Whoever shoots Ah Shan's master for me will be rewarded with a thousand taels!"

"Straight bitch!" Seeing a hail of arrows coming, Ashan cursed secretly and quickly raised his shield to block it.

He felt the shield in his hand vibrate several times, and cracked in half like a friendship between the two of them.

"Ah Shan, I'm here to help you!" Just when Ah Shan was almost dead, Ji Longfeng suddenly heard a loud shout, and led his men's fine cavalry to rush into the Houjin formation where they were shooting arrows.

The two sides fought for a while, and soon Ji Longfeng pulled out with a head.

The owner of the head is none other than Ah Shan’s old friend Turush.

Ah Shan glanced at his old friend with a complicated expression, and couldn't help but loudly ordered: "It's our turn, kill!"

And while Zhang Fengyi, Wukong and Ji Longfeng were fighting hard from two sides, Tai Hong's face, which was standing high on the observation deck, was already ashen.

It's over, it's all over, a thought came to his mind like a devil.

This Hong Taidu himself was very resourceful and brave. However, no matter how resourceful and brave he was, he could not stop the current decline.

Only when all the calculations and arrangements are carried out with real swords and guns can we know who will lose and who will win!

When Zhang Fengyi's 7,000 white-armed soldiers appeared behind him, he did not panic because he trusted his Xianghuang Banner and Neizhijia Lazhangjing.

When the rebel artillery fiercely bombarded the Chinese army, he did not panic because he believed that the soldiers hiding behind the hill would not be harmed.

When Wukong and Ji Longfeng launched a fierce attack, he still did not panic, because he believed that his Chinese army formation could withstand such an impact.

However, he was wrong!

When he led his troops into the pass and failed again and again in battles with Zhang Shun, the confidence of his soldiers was shaken again and again.

When Zhang Fengyi's 7,000 white-armed soldiers advanced into the north of the Chinese army with an unstoppable attitude, the shadow of failure had actually enveloped the hearts of these 30,000 to 40,000 people.

Effort often takes years to accumulate, and failure only occurs in a moment.

Just when Zhang Fengyi, Wukong and Ji Longfeng continued to attack the Houjin Army's formation, killing the originally impregnable formation with holes in it, the defeat occurred.

Hou Jin's most elite 35,000 troops only fought hard for one day before falling into a state of collapse.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, hurry up, leave quickly, the army can't hold it anymore!" The old servant Fan Wencheng panicked and pulled Mrs. Hong to get off the observation tower.

"If you want to leave, you go, I won't leave, I want to stay here!" "Emperor of the Qing Dynasty" Hong Tai looked at the beautiful mountains and rivers in the pass, and then looked at the rolling red sun in the west that was about to fall into the Western Mountains, and couldn't help but Stubborn way.

"Even if I die, I will die in this beautiful place and don't go back to the bitter cold Liaodong!"

Tears flowed down unsatisfactorily. What a magnificent mountain and river. From today on, it no longer belongs to me.

I am not willing to accept it, I am not willing to accept it!

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