"Kill, kill the bright dog!"

Ten miles west of Wangpingkou, at the foot of the Dahan Mountains, in the clear water stream in front of the Thousand People Platform.

A group of Hou Jin soldiers were swarming out and charging towards the Ming army stationed at Thousand People's Terrace.

The Ming army, which was originally in good order, was frightened when it saw this, and its morale was shaken.

It turned out that although the Ming army was the elite of Ji Liao, after many defeats, it had already run out of food and grass, its people were unstable, and its soldiers had no fighting spirit.

"Anyone who dares to retreat will be beheaded; anyone who dares to make a noise will be beheaded; one level of beheading will be rewarded with twenty taels of silver!" At this moment, Ding Kuichu, the governor of Jiliao, shouted loudly.

Among the many Ji Liao governors, Ding Kuichu can only be regarded as quite satisfactory.

However, even if it is quite satisfactory, it is enough to use the terrain around Wangpingkou to fight this kind of defensive battle.

It turns out that the three eastward exits from Hehekou, Tianjin Pass and Qijiazhuang are the Jingxi Road leading to the capital.

These three roads first meet at Yanchi Village, then go eastward along the Sanggan River, which is also the Yongding River in later generations, and finally reach Wangpingkou, and then are divided into three parts, namely: Pangtan Road, Lutan Road and Yuhe Road .

Among them, Lutan Road and Yuhe Road lead to Fucheng Gate of the capital, while Pangtan Road leads to Guang'an Gate of the capital.

Therefore, if Ding Kuichu wants to block the Hou Jin soldiers from advancing eastward, they must block them in the Wangpingkou area.

From Wangpingkou to the west is the famous "Ten Miles and Eight Bridges".

The so-called "Ten Miles and Eight Bridges", as the name suggests, means that there are eight bridges distributed within the ten miles from Dahanling to Wangpingkou, namely Qianrentai Old Bridge, Zhuanghu Small Bridge, Luoyang Bridge, Aoyu Bridge, Fulong Bridge, Jinsuo Bridge, Black Tiger Bridge and Yucheng Bridge.

Among these eight bridges, the first one from west to east is the Thousand-Bedeck Old Bridge.

Thousands of People's Platform, also called Thousands of Soldiers' Platform, is a platform on the north side of Qingshui Stream. It is said that it can station thousands of troops, so it is called Thousands of People's Platform. It is blocking the transportation route from Qingshui Stream to Wangpingkou area for the soldiers of the Later Jin Dynasty. road.

After Ding Kuichu arrived at Wangpingkou, he was worried that the Ming army would be defeated at the first touch and would not be able to complete the mission.

He left Wu Guojun, the commander-in-chief of Jizhen, to lead the troops and deploy defenses at all levels. He led thousands of people to the thousand-person platform and established the first line of defense for the Jin soldiers.

As the first line of resistance against Hou Jin, the Jiliao border army naturally had some combat power.

Sure enough, after listening to Ding Kui Chu En Wei's order, everyone's morale improved a little, and they fired arrows and cannons one after another to resist the attack of Hou Jin soldiers.

Originally, this was all the conventional tactics of the Ming army and was nothing.

But no one expected that in this round, they would actually shoot down seven or eight of Houjin's elite.

After that, in order to offset the firepower advantage of the Ming army, the Jin soldiers always used heavy armor and fine cavalry. They were unstoppable. In the past, not to mention bows, arrows and projectiles, even if they were shot by the Ming army's captive-killing cannon and Weiyuan cannon, the losses were not great.

How could anyone expect that they could kill Hou Jin's soldiers so easily today?

"Is there some fraud in this?" Everyone couldn't help but asked in surprise.

"No noise!" Ding Kuichu couldn't help but scolded when he heard the soldiers whispering to each other.

In fact, when he thought about it carefully, he was quite confused.

It seemed that he had fallen into Hou Jin's trick, so Ding Kuichu carefully warned: "Don't let the eagle fly until you see the rabbit. Don't let the Tatars fool you. Wait until you put the yamaru in before you hit him!"

Not long after, as wave after wave of Houjin soldiers rushed forward, the two sides finally came to blows.

Originally, the Ming army was quite afraid of fighting at night and hand-to-hand with the Hou Jin soldiers. When they saw the Tatars rushing up, they inevitably felt a little embarrassed.

It was only when the two sides fought that they discovered that the menacing Tatar soldiers were just "silver-like pewter spear heads", which looked fierce but were actually soft.

Everyone just chopped with swords and axes, and chopped the Tatars back.

"Hey, this Tatar is wilting!" Someone had already said in surprise.

"Haha, what's wrong? I must have used the weak brigade to drain my strength first, and then sent the heavy armored soldiers to make the final decision and break our army's formation!" A veteran explained to the new soldiers around him.

At first, Ding Kuichu, the governor of Jiliao, thought so too, and kept holding on to the strange soldiers in his hands, for fear that Hou Jin would take advantage of him.

It's just that the group of people never expected that the battle would become smoother and easier.

The officers and soldiers of the Ming army seemed to have taken a powerful pill and were extremely brave; then all the soldiers of the Jin army turned into soft-footed shrimps, falling down with a beating and dying with a chop.

There were even some bold Ming troops who dared to chase into the Qingshui Valley and kill them after defeating the attacking Hou Jin soldiers. They were extremely brave.

At this time, Ding Kuichu was also confused: What's going on? Could it be that this governor is actually a genius and can use troops like a god?

And just when Ding Kuichu was puzzled, the rebel attack on the other side of the valley was actually overwhelming.

"Report, the King of Zhenzhen, Zhang Weishi, is too weak to kill, please take a rest!"

"Report, Zhou Yuji was killed softly, please take a rest!"

"Retribution, God will provide you with a good life, and your highness has the kindness of Emperor Shun. Xu Quan begs your highness not to cause more killings and to take back his life in time!"

It turns out that although the Jin soldiers are not able to endure the hard battle, they are still made of flesh and blood.

Counting from the day of the battle between the two sides on July 21, Hou Jinbing had been sleepless for four days and three nights. Even a tough man could not withstand such torture.

Therefore, when the rebels launched an attack, the Houjin soldiers who were trapped in the valley were already exhausted. How could they resist the rebels who had just rested for the night?

Coupled with the narrow terrain in the valley, the rebels had difficulty pulling in artillery and using artillery to clear the way, the battle of extermination turned into a one-sided massacre.

At first, many of Zhang Shun's generals excitedly rushed in to gain their military exploits, but in the end, the killer really softened.

At first, it was a literal sign of weakness. The rebel soldier, who had just rested for a night, was so tired that he couldn't even lift his arm after hacking for a long time.

However, later on, this "soft hand" basically means "soft heart".

Although it is said that the soldiers of the Duo Ming Army under Zhang Shun surrendered, many of their brothers and sisters died at the hands of the latter during the many years of fighting between the soldiers of the Ming Army.

Therefore, these people have a blood feud with the Hou Jin soldiers, and they should hate them to the bone. However, Zhang Shun never expected that one by one would now plead for the Tatars.

"This" Just when Zhang Shun was hesitating, he saw Xu Quan, who had given the order, ran back covered in blood.

When he saw Zhang Shun, he couldn't help but shudder and said: "Your Highness, Your Highness, please go into the valley and have a look. It's really miserable!"

"You said it's okay to kill a chicken or a duck, even if you massacre the city and plunder the land, but if this continues, I'm afraid that His Highness's lifelong reputation will be in vain."

"Then let me go in and take a look?" Zhang Shun looked at the bloody setting sun and asked tentatively.

In fact, Zhang Shun did not intend to kill them all this time, but the road in the valley was narrow. Unless one party completely defeated the other party, it would be difficult for the losing party to surrender and defeat.

If you surrender, the victorious side will be afraid of its recurrence and will cut off its retreat.

If defeated, the way will be blocked by one's own people, with nowhere to escape.

The current situation between the two sides is just as Zhao She, a famous general during the Warring States Period, said, "The road is long and dangerous, just like two rats fighting in a hole. The brave one will win."

In other words, victory is possible only if one party completely defeats the other.

According to Zhang Shun's impression of the bravery of Hou Jin's soldiers, he thought it would be a hard battle, but he never expected that a hard battle would lead to slaughter, and he felt a little soft-hearted for a while.

"I will lead the way for Your Highness!" Xu Quan was overjoyed when he heard this and jumped up quickly.

"Okay!" Zhang Shun nodded, and then slowly stepped into the valley leading to Tianjin Pass under the protection of everyone.

As soon as Zhang Shun arrived at the mouth of the valley, he immediately smelled a strong smell of blood, which made him want to vomit.

Zhang Shun quickly calmed down and walked in boldly.

But when Zhang Shun stepped into the narrow valley, he was stunned.

There is no valley here, this is clearly a hell on earth.

Bright red and black blood was smeared everywhere, and the lush trees on both sides of the road were painted with a layer of red.

Broken limbs, broken intestines and stomachs, and millet flying everywhere.

There was a piece of intestine hanging on a branch over there, and half of the body was hanging down here, attracting the birds in the mountains to chirp and peck at it.

And on the originally narrow mountain road, there was no place to stay.

There were mutilated bodies everywhere, tattered armors, and bows, arrows, muskets, and swords and guns scattered all over the place.

There were also some soldiers who were not completely dead, rolling in the bushes beside the road, wailing miserably.

Zhang Shun could vaguely see through the gaps in the grass and trees that those people had either their arms or legs broken by the bombing.

Another one was hit in two by a cannonball. He grabbed the lower half in a panic and tried to connect them again.

Looking into the distance, this bloody road stretches all the way to the end of Zhang Shun's gaze.

On the other end, which was blocked by the mountain, the rumbling sound of cannons was still heard.

It's miserable, it's so miserable.

It turns out that although war in this era is cruel, it is still a war with cold weapons as the main means of destruction.

The most common ones are the corpses that were killed by knives, axes or shotguns. Such unfortunate people who were bombarded by artillery are still the exclusive preserve of a very small number of people.

However, fighting in this valley was completely different.

A ten-pound field cannon and a twenty-pound golden cannon can penetrate dozens or hundreds of people with one shot, turning them into ruthless killing machines.

After going back and forth like this, the rebels started killing and killing, and they were all killed.

Seeing such a tragic scene, even the well-informed Zhang Shun couldn't help but feel frightened.

"How about we surrender?" Zhang Shun hesitated and asked.

When Zhang Shun spoke, Xu Quan and others were overjoyed and were about to express their gratitude.

Unexpectedly, someone suddenly shouted: "Your Highness, you must not!"

Zhang Shun and the others couldn't help but change their expressions when they heard this. They quickly looked carefully and saw that the person who objected was none other than Ilgunjuro Ahsan.

"Why not?" Zhang Shun frowned and asked.

"You must know that if you kill a snake, you will be harmed by it!" Na Ashan couldn't help but sneered, "Fu Diyi has a human face but a beast's heart. He is afraid of power but not moral."

"If Your Highness forgives them today, they will be harmed by China in the future!"

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