Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1487 Death of Hong Tai

"Water, water, water!" Just when Hou Jin's soldiers were intercepted and brutally slaughtered, the "Emperor of the Qing Dynasty" Hong Tai suddenly woke up.

It turned out that the reason why Houjin was in such a miserable situation this time was that after Mrs. Hong heard that she was intercepted by the Ming army, she was so angry that she fainted without even taking a breath.

Fan Wencheng and others, who had lost their backbone, wanted to invite Prince Su Hauge, who was wandering near Yanhe City, to come and take charge of the overall situation, but at the same time they were worried that this guy would take the opportunity to seize power.

After thinking about it, Zhenbai Tuyin and the bachelor Fan Wencheng, who had a yellow flag on their forehead, decided to wait for one more day.

If Mrs. Hong wakes up, of course everything will stop. If Mrs. Hong sleeps forever, then everyone will have to find a way out.

"Water, water!" When Fan Wencheng saw Mrs. Hong waking up, he couldn't help but be overjoyed and quickly ordered to the guards around him.

"Your Majesty, please drink some water!" Fan Wencheng took the water bag from the guard, quickly opened it and said to Mrs. Hong.

"Gudu, Gudu!" Hong Tai took two sips fiercely, looked at the already dark sky, and couldn't help but ask, "How is the situation?"

"Not good!" Fan Wencheng shook his head and said sadly after hearing this.

"On the day when Your Majesty fainted, the Ming army intercepted him in front of him, and the 'shun thieves' chased him behind him. Many soldiers died, it was too horrible to watch!"

"If His Majesty doesn't wake up, I'm afraid. I'm afraid we will all have to answer here!"

When it came to the end, Fan Wencheng almost cried.

"Where's Bai Tuyin? Where's Shang Kexi?" Hong Tai frowned and asked, changing the topic.

"Gushan'erzhen worshiped Tuyin to go to the front to check the situation of the battle. King Zhishun is still at Tianjin Pass in accordance with His Majesty's order!" After hearing this, Fan Wencheng felt a chill in his heart and quickly responded honestly.

A hero is a hero, even if he is sick and sick, he is still a hero.

Mrs. Hong’s question was quite meaningful.

Asking your confidants for help is to ensure that your power is still there.

The second question asked King Zhishun to be happy was to confirm how bad the situation was.

As long as Bai Tuyin is still there, it means that he has not lost his power.

The fact that Shang Kexi is still there means that his core strength has not yet collapsed.

However, he miscalculated.

When Xianghuangqi Gushan Ezhenbaituyin arrived and reported the current situation to him, Hong Tai then learned that the Houjin soldiers who had entered the valley had been fiercely attacked by "shun thieves" and suffered heavy losses.

The reason why someone like Shang Kexi did not change his family was not because he was loyal, but because he simply could not surrender.

The road in the valley is narrow, allowing only a few people to pass. Those in front will not die, but those in the back will have difficulty crossing.

Not to mention whether there is a chance to surrender, even if there is a chance to surrender, according to this kind of terrain, who would dare to surrender?

As a result, Hou Jin entered a situation where he had to fight to the end and fight to the death.

"Where is Hauge? Why hasn't Hauge come over yet?" Hong Tai suddenly asked again.

When Nabai Tuyin and Fan Wencheng heard this, they looked at each other awkwardly, and could only laugh and said: "Prince Su is walking to Hehekou. Below Hehekou is Yanhe City."

"This city along the river is an important checkpoint. There is a guard guarding Qianhu here. He rushed south in a hurry, so he wasted a lot of time!"

"Let's do this!" Mrs. Hong felt thirsty and drank a few more sips of water. "Send an envoy to bring some gold, silver and jewelry to bribe the general!"

"Just say: What you want in life is nothing more than glory, wealth, a farm, a house, and a beautiful concubine. I can not only guarantee that you will have everything you want, but I can also ensure that your descendants will be the same as the country!"

"Okay, I understand, I will do it now!" Fan Wencheng's eyes couldn't help but light up when he heard this, and he suddenly became enlightened.

Yes, since Chongzhen can't make sense, let's find someone who can make sense.

What a person wants is nothing more than children, property, glory and wealth. To the Hou Jin Kingdom, this price is just a drop in the bucket. What is it worth?

Thinking of this, Fan Wencheng quickly picked two smart people to personally select some looted jewelry, gold and silver, packed them in a big bag, and then carried them one by one and hurried towards the Great Cold Mountains.

"Come here, get me some more water!" Unknowingly, Mrs. Hong had already finished the pot of water and couldn't help but order again.

"Hey, Your Majesty, please rest a little. I'll have someone shoot you some birds to replenish your blood first!" Fan Wencheng saw Hong Taizheng struggling to stand up and hurriedly supported him.

"I'm fine, I'm just a little thirsty..." Hong Tai said as he stood up.

Who would have thought that as soon as he stood up, he felt like the world was spinning and he almost fell to the ground.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, don't scare me!" Fan Wencheng and Bai Tuyin were frightened to death and quickly supported him.

"It's okay, I'm just a little dizzy..." Hong Tai hesitated for a moment, and finally said helplessly, "Forget it, let's sit down and rest first!"

"Your Majesty, don't worry, I will find you something to eat right now!" Fan Wencheng saw that Hong Tai's face was pale and he couldn't help but said quickly.

"No, don't worry!" Mrs. Hong waved her hand and said with a weak smile, "I have a folk prescription that is specially designed to treat serious illnesses!"

"Oh? I wonder what your Majesty needs?" Fan Wencheng was stunned when he heard this and couldn't help but ask.

"You don't need anything. If you feel unwell, you only need to starve for a few days and you will be better!" Hong Tai said with a smile.

"I have also passed this recipe on to other Gege brothers. I hope they can live a long and healthy life in the future!"

"Ah, is there such a thing?" Fan Wencheng was dubious after hearing this, but seeing Mrs. Hong being so sure, he gave up and let the soldiers hunt birds.

Afterwards, Fan Wencheng and Bai Tuyin continued to report the current situation to Hong Tai in detail, and Hong Tai began to adjust his deployment to resist the rebel attack.

"Although there are many dangerous places in this valley, there are not many places that can resist 'successful thieves'." After hearing this, Mrs. Hong couldn't help laughing.

"As far as I can see, only Tianjin Pass and Yixiantian can be relied upon."

"I will go east with you in a while and hand over Tianjin Pass to King Zhishun. Bai Tuyin will be responsible for the thin line of the sky."

"We must be able to block it for a moment, and if we can block it for a moment, we will wait until we escape, and then we will argue with that... that 'successful thief'..."

Na Hongtai was talking intermittently, while occasionally stopping to ponder for a moment.

When Fan Wencheng and Bai Tuyin saw Hong Tai's face getting paler and her mind getting more and more trance-like, they couldn't help but worry: "Your Highness, are you okay?"

"It's okay, what can happen to me? Thank you... Mr. Ming Yinhe..." Hong Tai responded somewhat confusedly.

"Your Majesty!" Fan Wencheng and Bai Tuyin couldn't help but look at each other and shouted in shock.

"Boom!" However, as soon as their voices came out, they were swallowed up by a huge sound of artillery.

"'Shun thief', 'Shun thief' is coming!" The two people couldn't help but exclaimed, stood up and glanced at Tianjin Pass to the west. When they looked away again, they saw Hong Tai sitting cross-legged on the ground suddenly He fell to the ground, lifeless.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty!" The screams turned into panic, and a group of people rushed forward and quickly helped Mrs. Hong up.

"It hurts, my head hurts..." Mrs. Hong wailed softly, rolled her eyes, and passed out again.

It turned out that Mrs. Hong had suffered from epistaxis and bleeding in the past few days. Unexpectedly, she vomited blood twice in the morning, which directly led to hemorrhagic shock.

Originally, he had lost too much blood. If he could make up for it in time, he would not have died.

Coincidentally, when you lose too much blood, you will feel thirsty. You must not replenish a lot of water at this time.

One dilutes the blood and affects the ratio of red blood cells, resulting in insufficient oxygen supply to the cells.

Second, it dilutes the electrolytes in the cells, forming hypotonic dehydration.

In addition, he was overweight, had all three health conditions, and stayed up late for days and nights. Various causes of illness broke out at once, causing him to suddenly die on the spot.

How did the college students Fan Wencheng and Gu Shan'e Zhenbai Tuyin know that Mrs. Hong had touched the Yama Hall, and said that he was fainting as before.

The two people quickly arranged for soldiers to take care of Hong Tai, and at the same time blocked Hong Tai's fainting, and continued to arrange defense arrangements.

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