Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1488 Battle of Converts

"Boom, boom, boom!" As the sound of cannons sounded, the looming firelight shone on the stern face of "King Zhishun" Shang Kexi.

Seeing the rebels pouring out of the valley, a thought came to his mind at the same time: The situation is not good!

From then on, the Jin soldiers withdrew into the valley, several miles away from Tianjin Pass.

There are countless Hou Jin soldiers in these miles of valley.

Now that the rebel army has arrived at the gate of Tianjin, one can imagine the fate of these post-Jin soldiers.

He had the intention to "rebellion and surrender to the Qing Dynasty", but when he saw how "cruel" the "submissive thieves" were, he immediately gave up his thoughts.


"Fire the gun!"

"Fire the arrow!"

Now that he decided to resist to the end, Shang Kexi issued orders in an orderly manner.

Because the valley in front of Tianjin Pass was narrow, it was very suitable for firearm strikes. The rebels who rushed up fell down one after another, and the momentum of the attack was choked.

"Phew!" Shang Ke couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief. At least he was able to hold on this time.

"Gudong, Gudong." Not long after, along with a strange sound, simple shield vehicles appeared in the valley.

Shang Kexi couldn't help being stunned when he saw this, and his expression suddenly changed.

It turns out that this shield car is not surprising, but what is surprising is that the style of these shield cars is clearly the style commonly used by Houjin.

"Fire, fire!" Shang Kexi ordered in panic.

"Boom!" As a burst of artillery sounded, seven or eight iron bullets hit the shield car on the opposite side.

However, after these iron bullets penetrated the wooden planks of the shield car, there was no life left.

Sure enough, these shield vehicles were tamped with a thick layer of soil, which buffered the power of the cannonballs.

As the shield car moved forward step by step and closed tightly, seven or eight huge cannons suddenly sounded, and then they hit Tianjin Pass hard.

Not only did the bricks and stones fly away, but several people were shot and killed on the spot, causing panic in the city.

After finally appeasing everyone, Shang Kexi felt something in his heart and couldn't help but smile: "I wonder who is in front of you, could it be an old friend?"

"King Huaishun of Great Qin, you are so polite!" As soon as Shang Kexi finished speaking, a familiar voice came over.

"Hey, who do I think you are? It turns out to be the three-family sex. Ahem, Geng Zhongming, the slave of the three-surname family, I don't know such a shameless person!" Shang Ke couldn't help but sarcastically said with joy.

Seeing that this place was difficult to attack, Geng Zhongming planned to persuade him to surrender.

As a result, when he heard the thief was sarcastic to him, he couldn't help but became angry and said: "What an old bird laughing at Pig Hei, you don't know me, but I know you!"

"But you are Shang Yongxi who sells his father for glory, forgets his ancestors, and regards a thief as his father!"

"What a good second minister. Third minister is a thief. I sold my father-in-law for glory, forgot about my ancestors, and recognized a thief as my father. Aren't you?" Shang Ke cursed back in anger, and then said a little proudly.

"Although I am a second minister now, I am still better than you, a third minister and thief!"

It turns out that Shang Kexi's father Shang Xueliang died at the hands of Hou Jinbing. Later, he, Kong Youde, Geng Zhongming and others were adopted by Mao Wenlong. Therefore, it is not a loss to be scolded as "selling one's father for glory, forgetting one's ancestors in countless canons, and recognizing thieves as one's father."

"Thankfully you were named 'King Zhishun'. I never thought you would be so unwise!" Geng Zhongming couldn't help but sneered after hearing this.

"As the saying goes: good birds choose trees to roost in, and wise ministers choose their masters to serve. Now King Shun has his own destiny, just like Yao and Shun, the world follows him; but Hong Tai, as the king of Di Yi, causes killing outside and eliminates internally. Dissidents are like Jie and Zhou. Now I abandon Jie and Zhou and follow Yao and Shun. I am the greatest virtue in the world. How can I be deceived by your petty loyalty and righteousness?"

"If you know the number of heaven and surrender with courtesy, you still won't lose your status as a prince; if you dare to resist the heavenly soldiers, your body will be shattered and your descendants will be harmed!"

Geng Zhongming's words were sonorous, powerful and resounding. The man who won the battle spoke with toughness!

"Okay, okay, that's great! It's just that you didn't talk like this when you were under His Majesty's command!" Shang Kexi became very angry when he heard this.

"You just have to fight today. If you defeat me at Tianjin Pass, I will twist my head off and use it as a ball for you to kick!"

I remember when this guy took refuge with Mrs. Hong and was submissive to herself and Kong Youde, so she could only follow behind and eat some leftovers.

Unexpectedly, today I am prosperous, but I am showing off my authority in front of myself, looking like a villain who has succeeded!

"Although it's a little bit not round, it can still be played!" Geng Zhongming looked at it and couldn't help but sneered.

It turns out that Shang Kexi has a long face. It would be a bit inconvenient if it were made into a ball for kicking.

The two sides had a certain calculation, so they couldn't help but use artillery and firecrackers first, and then engage in hand-to-hand combat.

After three or five consecutive rounds of fighting, both sides suffered numerous casualties, but Geng Zhongming still failed to capture Tianjin Pass.

"Father, what should we do if the soldiers can't stand on the city?" His son Geng Jimao couldn't help but asked hurriedly.

It turns out that among the "Three Shun Kings", Geng Zhongming is the weakest. Not only is his number of soldiers and horses inferior to others, but his combat effectiveness is also inferior to others.

Although with the support of the rebel artillery, they gained a considerable advantage in long-range firepower, they were beaten back by Shang Kexi as soon as they entered the melee stage.

Just when Geng Zhongming looked troubled, someone suddenly squeezed over and asked, "Geng Zhongming, what are you doing? Are you planning to fight for a year at Tianjin Pass?"

Geng Zhongming looked up and saw that it was the real Manchurian general Irgunjuro Ahsan.

He quickly said obediently: "General, you don't know something. It's great to be stubborn and stubborn to the end. You can't break through in a hurry!"

"Hey, who do I think you are?" Ashan couldn't help but sarcastically said after hearing this, "It turns out it's the wrapped slave. Don't worry, let's see the real Jurchen uncle looking for him!"

You are a second minister, and I am also a second minister. Why do you, the second minister, do better than me?

It turned out that Ah Shan was proud of his courage and thought that he would be able to stand out after joining the rebel army.

It's just that Zhang Shun has many talents under his command. Although he has made many achievements in these battles, compared with Geng Zhongming and Shang Kexi who have already been awarded the title of king, the rewards are definitely far behind.

And he had always looked down on these two thieves, so when he thought about this, he naturally felt a little angry.

Now that he finally got the chance, he couldn't help but want to "smell him".

Geng Zhongming obviously didn't know what face meant. He was originally worried about attacking Tianjin Pass.

When he heard that the "real Jurchen uncle" was going to take action, even though his words were full of flaws, he still couldn't help but be overjoyed.

"Okay, easy to say, easy to say!" Geng Zhongming quickly responded like a yes man.

It was getting late at this time, and it was almost impossible to see anything from Tianjin Pass down.

Na Ashan quickly put on his double armor and brought hundreds of heavily armored elite soldiers ready to charge at any time.

"Uncle, this matter is quite dangerous, why not let your nephew lead the army!" His nephew Chata hesitated and couldn't help but volunteered.

Sehe, Chatta and Molokhun, who voted with Ah Shan, were all Ah Shan's nephews. They were worried that something might happen to Ah Shan, which would affect their and others' status in the rebel army.

"Why are you being cowardly?" Unexpectedly, Ah Shan yelled, "We finally broke away from Houjin. If we don't kill the prince for fun, wouldn't it be a waste of our surrender to His Highness Prince Shun?"

Along with Ah Shan's scolding, the rebel artillery sounded again.

Due to terrain restrictions, these artillery pieces could not be lined up in a row, so Li Shian ordered the two field artillery pieces to be lined up in front, followed by the golden cannon, and finally the Feibiao gun, so that they could all fire together to increase their firepower.

Sure enough, with the bombardment of rebel artillery, chaos began in the city.

Seeing this, Ashan quickly gave the order, hid behind the shield car pushed slowly by the soldiers, and slowly approached Tianjin Pass.

The firing sound of Geng Zhongming's fire gunner behind him was like fried beans, crackling and crackling, and he didn't know how many people were killed or injured.

After finally reaching Tianjin Pass, Ah Shan jumped out quickly, found a ladder and climbed up.

"Boom!" At this moment, a sharp arrow nailed his helmet.

However, since his iron helmet was covered with a layer of cotton, it was not penetrated.

Ah Shan didn't take it seriously at all, and soon he climbed to Tianjin Pass, where he saw a group of "Heavenly Helping Soldiers" waiting there holding long spears.

Ah Shan drew out the sword he was carrying and pounced on it.

"Kill, kill!" I don't know how many spears were stabbed at him. Ah Shan twisted his body to prevent the opponent from getting stuck.

Sure enough, there were three or five spearheads piercing his body, but due to the protection and unloading force of the double-layered armor, none of these spears were able to penetrate his iron armor.

He took the opportunity to close the distance between the two sides, then swung his sword to the left and cut down one person, and swung his right hand to cut down another person. He was suddenly unstoppable.

And just as Ashan was killing people, other heavily armored soldiers also climbed onto the city wall and slashed left and right, causing everyone on the city to fall on their backs.

It didn't matter that Ashan and the others were waiting for such a killing, Na Shang Kexi suddenly felt that something was wrong.

"Where did Geng Er get the heavy armor?" Na Shang Kexi couldn't help but feel strange when he saw this, and quickly ordered, "Bring the hook gun, bring the hook gun up!"

Fortunately, Shang Ke has experience in dealing with heavily armored elite soldiers.

Ordinary bird guns can't penetrate it at all, so you have to use a hook gun.

This hook gun is actually a turtle dove gun, imitated from the Spanish heavy matchlock gun. It can fire lead bullets between one, two, two and one, two and six.

Not to mention double-layer iron armor, even a five-inch-thick shield car can penetrate it at a distance of seventy steps.

"Bang bang bang!" With a huge blast of gunfire, seven or eight of Ah Shan's heavy armored soldiers fell down immediately.

"How dare you, Shuzi!" Ashan's eyes were split open when he saw this, he couldn't help but shouted, and led thirty or fifty heavy armored soldiers to kill the general like a blunderbuss.

If it were an ordinary heavily armored soldier, they would have been disintegrated long ago after taking advantage of this fire blunderbuss.

However, the heavy-armored soldiers under Ah Shan were the "dead soldiers" of Hou Jinzheng, so they were naturally not afraid of this level of damage.

Not long after, everyone rushed into the array of hook-and-gun guns and scattered the fire gunmen, but then went to look for Shang Kexi.

Na Shang Kexi didn't expect that the "Shun Thief" was so brave. He was so frightened that his liver and gallbladder were broken. He hurriedly fled towards Guanxia under the protection of dozens of swordsmen and axemen.

Although Ashan couldn't see where Shang Kexi was, he saw a group of people fleeing towards Tianjin Pass in a bright spot. He couldn't help but ordered: "Quick, stop that group of deserters!"

A dozen heavily armored soldiers had already taken a few steps forward and blocked the exit of Tianjin Pass. Ah Shan took the opportunity to surround them.

Seeing that he couldn't escape, Na Shang Kexi couldn't help but sighed in sorrow: "I am unkind as a general, unjust as a brother, unfilial as a son, and unfaithful as a minister. I should die like this!"

"It's just that I don't think Geng Er, the slave of the third surname, has such abilities. I wonder which hero can tell me to die in front of him?"

"Shang Kexi, do you know grandpa?" Ah Shan smiled when he heard this and couldn't help asking.

"Is the true white flag on the forehead of the mountain true Irgenjueluo Ashan?" Shang Kexi was stunned when he heard this, and couldn't help but laugh at himself, "In this way, I will not die unjustly."

"If I die in the hands of the genuine Manchu, I will be convinced to the death!"

"It's just that even though I'm dead, my loyalty will last forever; even if you kill me, you still won't escape eternal infamy!"

"You are a traitor, and I am also a traitor!" Unexpectedly, Ah Shan sneered when he heard this.

"It's just that I am a living traitor, but you are a dead traitor."

"Just tell me, was this history book written by a living person or a dead person?"

"No, I don't want to be a traitor, I don't want..." Na Shang Kexi was stunned when he heard this, and he suddenly looked crazy and started shouting.

"How about you introduce me to His Highness King Shun? He is so kind and righteous that he will definitely pardon me..."

"It's too late!" Ah Shan smiled coldly, rushed in, cut off his head with a knife, then lifted it up bloody, and whispered slowly to his face.

"There are too many surrendered soldiers and generals under King Shun, and there is no place for you anymore!"

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