Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1489 Taking credit

"King Zhishun" Shang Kexi is dead. The Shang Kexi who created the "Gengyin Disaster" in Zhang Shun's previous life and massacred 700,000 soldiers and civilians in Guangzhou. The Shang Kexi who still insisted on being loyal to the Manchus during the "San Francisco Rebellion" Fortunately, he died like this.

His head became the "real Jurchen uncle" Ah Shan's military merit.

A "traitor" who dyed the official robe of a "Jurchen traitor" red with his own blood can be regarded as a worthy death.

It was a happy death, and the Tianzhu soldiers at Tianjin Pass immediately dispersed, all the way towards the "line of sky".

When Bai Tuyin, who was stationed at "One Line of Sky", saw someone coming, he didn't care who it was. He just ordered his soldiers to use bows, arrows and artillery, and he didn't know how many of these "traitors" were shot dead.

Geng Zhongming and Ah Shan took the opportunity to blend in. One fired a musket and the other a heavy armored soldier charged. They immediately beat the exhausted Bai Tuyinbu and couldn't resist it.

Nabai Tuyin saw that he could not resist, and now there were wolves in front of him and tigers in the back, so he had to retreat all the way to Yanhe City.

It didn't matter that Bai Tuyin left, he immediately sold out Hong Tai and Fan Wencheng who were stranded on Huangcaoliang.

How did Geng Zhongming and Ah Shan know that the "Emperor of the Qing Dynasty" Hong Tai had died and was stranded here?

The two men managed to conquer Tianjin Pass and Yixiantian successively. After breathing a sigh of relief, they couldn't help but start to clean up the scattered troops and horses stranded nearby.

In order to save energy, Ashan stayed at Tianjin Pass and rested near Xiantian. Instead, relying on the remaining power of "Uncle Jurchen", he asked Huaishun King Geng Zhongming to handle the finishing touches.

Geng Zhongming knew that he had earned a prince in vain, and he was worried that Zhang Shun would settle the score in the future, and he felt uneasy.

Now that I have the opportunity to earn some credit, I would have gone to hell if I was willing to refuse.

This guy is also a ruthless person, despite his honest and cowardly appearance in front of Kong Youde, Shang Kexi and others, he is actually extremely cruel.

After he took refuge with Sun Yuanhua, he was taken as a confidant.

Just because his subordinate Li Mei was caught traveling overseas secretly, he dared to send his younger brother Geng Zhongyu to capture Huang Long, the commander-in-chief of Dongjiang Town, break his legs, and cut off his ears and nose in the name of asking for pay.

If he hadn't been worried about the seriousness of the matter, Governor Sun Yuanhua couldn't hold back, and at one point he even wanted to kill Chief Military Officer Huang Long.

Later, at the beginning of the Denglai Rebellion, Kong Youde launched the Wuqiao Rebellion, and the governor Sun Yuanhua sent him to pacify people.

As a result, this guy took the opportunity to collude with Kong Youde, and in turn cooperated inside and outside to capture Dengzhou City, took the opportunity to massacre the family members of Dongjiang Commander Huang Long, and captured his benefactor Sun Yuanhua.

At that time, Tianjin's general Sun Yinglong, who was a brother of his, led his navy to persuade them to surrender.

This guy then followed his plan, lured him into the city, killed his people, wiped out his people, and captured his ships.

This person can be said to be unjust to his friends and unfaithful to his ministers, a hawk with a disdain for wolves, a cunning and cunning person, and there are many things that Lu Bu can't do.

He didn't dare to ask Ashan for Shang Kexi's head for the time being, for fear that it would be damaged and he would have no way to compensate, but he could still take it out on those defeated soldiers.

This is gratifying because there are still some old grievances between the two sides over the Huanglong incident, and the generals under his command have been discovered.

He then ordered: "Tell the whole army to kill the remaining Tatars quickly and show no mercy!"

Following Geng Zhongming's order, it was gratifying that all the Tianzhu soldiers who were fleeing under his command were brutally slaughtered.

"Geng Er, Geng Er, you are a traitor of the second minister and a slave of the third surname, you will not die well!" Shang Kexi's confidants Xu Erxian, Ban Zhifu and others could not help but curse before they died.

However, Geng Zhongming was not ashamed of this, but rather proud of it. Hearing this, he smiled and said, "Well done, well done. Swear louder!"

He was so angry that he was a "traitor" and said, "Geng Er, don't be proud of yourself! Anyone can kill such a traitor and traitor. I will wait for you on the road to hell!"

While a group of people were scolding Geng Zhongming, his son Geng Jimao suddenly came over and said: "Father, father, we caught a big fish!"

"On that yellow grass ridge, there is a group of real Tatars, hundreds of them, quite elite. They refused to surrender even to the death, and they drove back our army one after another!"

"Oh?" Hearing this, Geng Zhongming became interested and couldn't help but whisper quickly, "Don't let that thief Ah Shan know about it, lest he steal it."

"Give those dozens of gunners some money and let them fire with all their strength. I don't believe they can't get in!"

"Okay!" Geng Jimao hesitated after hearing this, and finally nodded.

He saw Ah Shan's tyranny, and if there really was a "big fish", he would definitely be snatched away by it.

Instead of doing this, it’s better to just take it all to yourself!

Not long after, with the sound of cannons, Ashan couldn't help but send someone to ask: "What happened? Why did the cannons be used so vividly?"

Geng Zhongming quickly wrote back: "A group of bandits occupied a dangerous area and refused to surrender, which would have hurt the soldiers, so they bombarded them with artillery!"

Na Ashan had previously charged into the battle wearing two layers of armor. Hearing this, he didn't bother to pay attention to him. He just warned him: "Be careful and remember not to ruin the important affairs of His Highness King Shun!"

Geng Zhongming quickly responded and then hurried forward.

By the time Geng Zhongming arrived at Huangcaoliang, Geng Jimao and his men had already opened the passage with artillery and were trying their best to attack upward.

It turns out that there is a section of the Great Wall called the "Seven Towers" on Huangcaoliang. It is located on a mountain and is very dangerous. Even field artillery and golden cannons cannot reach it.

Fortunately, Geng Zhongming also had two flying guns at his disposal, so he was able to name them one by one and defeat them one by one.

If half an hour passed, after Geng Jimao had successively breached three towers under the cover of artillery, the lowering flag was no longer raised on the ridge.

When everyone rushed up to take a look, they saw that the leader was none other than Fan Wencheng, a bachelor of the Internal Secretariat.

When Geng Zhongming saw Fan Wencheng, he couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, and then said with great joy: "Why are you here, sir?"

It turned out that Fan Wencheng was in charge of writing correspondence with foreign countries, recording memorials to various yamen, pleadings for grievances, the emperor's edicts, edicts of civil and military officials, edicts for offering sacrifices to the Confucian Temple, memorials to civil and military officials, etc. He was often with Mrs. Hong.

Since Fan Wencheng is here, Mrs. Hong must not be too far away.

When Fan Wencheng saw it was Geng Zhongming, he couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart. Then he shook his head disheartenedly and thought: The matter is now over and His Majesty is already dead. What can he do?

He pointed his hand at a figure lying on a platform not far away, and sneered at Geng Zhongming: "Your Majesty is here, take it and dye your official robe red!"

"Ah? Your Majesty!" Geng Zhongming was shocked when he heard this.

Years of accumulated power made him kneel down subconsciously.

Seeing this, Fan Wencheng nodded with satisfaction and said: "I didn't expect that Geng Er still had some loyalty in your heart. Unfortunately, His Majesty suddenly fell ill and passed away..."

Speaking of the latter part, Fan Wencheng couldn't hide his sadness and couldn't help but shed painful tears.

"Ah? He's dead!" Geng Zhongming was stunned when he heard this. He couldn't help but hurriedly walked to the front and took a look. He saw a chubby black fat piled there. It was not the "Emperor of the Qing Dynasty" Hong Taiyou. which one?

"Dead? Haha, dead!" Geng Zhongming couldn't help but burst out laughing, "It's fitting that I should accomplish this great feat!"

"The villain succeeds!" Fan Wencheng rolled his eyes and muttered softly.

"That... that gentleman!" Geng Zhongming came over and said after he had laughed enough, "You also know that the road in this valley is narrow and difficult to pass. If there is a sudden change, it will be a big deal!"

"Please sir and all the soldiers, please remove your armor and weapons, and come with me to see His Highness King Shun!"

"This... this is also reasonable!" Fan Wencheng saw that although this guy was arrogant, he still had some courtesy, so he couldn't help but nodded, and then turned to the soldiers.

"Even if we can't trust Geng Er, we can still trust King Shun. Everyone, please take off your armor and put down your weapons!"

After hearing this, everyone took off their heavy armor and abandoned their bows, arrows, swords and guns.

Geng Zhongming saw that everyone was ready to capture him, so he took a rope and presented it to him.

"You... forget it, tie it up!" Fan Wencheng was a little angry, but the situation was stronger than the others, so he had to endure it.

After finally tying them all into a string, they really became "grasshoppers on a rope". Then Geng Zhongming smiled and said: "Okay, let's kill them all!"

"What did you say?" Fan Wencheng couldn't believe his ears.

"I said kill them all, hahaha!" Geng Zhongming said with a proud smile, "You're stupid!"

"Why...why?" Fan Wencheng also said that as a loyal minister of the Hou Jin Dynasty, how could he still hold an official position after joining the "shun thieves"? He never expected that it would be like this.

"Why?" Geng Zhongming couldn't help but chuckled, "Do you think picking up a corpse and capturing a great scholar is more of a credit, or killing the false emperor and his important ministers is more of a credit?"

"You... aren't you afraid of being exposed for deception?" Fan Wencheng suddenly trembled with anger.

"Afraid, why aren't you afraid?" Geng Zhongming said, covering his heart, "It's just fear that makes me want to kill them all. Then no one will know?"

"Bitch thief, you're going to die a good death!" Fan Wencheng had never seen such a shameless person before, and he suddenly spurted out a mouthful of blood.

"Don't want to die a good death? Who doesn't want to die a good death!" Geng Zhongming strode to Tai Hong's body, chopped off his head with a knife, then grabbed his braid and raised it to Fan Wencheng and said.

"You still dare to curse me now, aren't you afraid that in the future King Shun will chase you to the north, and after plowing the court and clearing the caves, I will kill all your family?"

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