Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1490: Drive straight in

"Mrs. Hong is dead, and Fan Wencheng is also dead?" Zhang Shun couldn't help being shocked when he heard this.

"That's right, the last general killed him with his own hands!" Huaishun King Geng Zhongming said with a simple and honest look.

"Originally... I originally thought that he is the king of a country after all, so he should be captured and punished by His Highness. At least... at least he can be left with a whole body."

"I didn't expect... I didn't expect that the monarch and his ministers were so strong that they refused to surrender in a fight to the death. The three hundred Bajala elite soldiers under his command, as well as the emperor and his ministers, all died in the battle, and none of them survived. It was really... it was really heartbreaking. In awe..."

"Oh? It's really touching!" Zhang Shun couldn't help being moved when he heard the words, and sighed for a while.

"Song Xiance, take down the body in a moment and let Ah Shan and the others verify it."

"If it is correct, King Huaishun has made great contributions to the capture and killing of the pseudo-emperor and the pseudo-great scholar of the later Jin Dynasty, and he should be granted the title of King Huai of the Jin Dynasty!"

"Ah? Thank you King Shun for your grace, thank you King Shun for your grace!" Geng Zhongming was originally worried that Zhang Shun would see through his methods, but he didn't become happy until the dust settled.

"Hey, what's there to be thankful for?" Zhang Shun couldn't help but shook his head and said with a smile, "Rewards for merit and punishment for demerits are as they should be!"

"It's just that I haven't ascended the throne yet, so the formal ceremony of being promoted to the throne will have to wait until later."

"'Ah, it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter." Geng Zhongming waved his hands quickly and said, "The general will know, it all depends on King Shun."

"Okay, now that the Tianjin Pass is broken, there is only one dangerous point eastward, Wangpingkou, so please help me break it!" Zhang Shun couldn't help but laugh heartily when he saw that his morale was at its best.

All the soldiers followed Zhang Shun and conquered all the prefectures and counties in Shanxi, defeating Zhu Xieyuan of the Zuozhu Kingdom of the Ming Dynasty, Azige, Prince of the Yingwu County of the Later Jin Dynasty, and Hong Tai, the pseudo-emperor of the Later Jin Dynasty. Now they were only one step away from success. They all immediately rubbed their fists and palms. They all asked for orders.

"I have given the king's order to take the generals Ashan and Li Jiyu as the vanguard, and Zhang Fatzi and Li Shukong as the surprise troops to attack Wang Pingkou fiercely." Zhang Shun couldn't help but order.

"The three battalions of Luo Shangwen and Zhou Yuji, commanded by Li Zicheng, attacked Yanhe City; the three battalions of Dang Shouxu and Zhang Rukui, commanded by Guan Fumin, continued to destroy the remnants of the Hou Jin Dynasty."

It turns out that going north from Tianjin Pass is Yanhe City. This River City is the intersection between Hehekou and Tianjin Pass. From there, you can go north to reach Juyong Pass.

In order to eliminate the threat of the Later Jin Dynasty to the capital, Zhang Shun ordered Li Zicheng to assist Zhang Sanbai and Zhang Feng in annihilating the remaining troops of Prince Hauge of the Later Jin Dynasty.

Going east from Tianjin Pass is Wangpingkou, the only way to the capital.

Zhang Shun was worried that the outcome of the battle was already decided. Chongzhen burned the household registration and tax files, and then led the ministers and soldiers and civilians of the court southward along the Grand Canal, leaving an empty city for himself, so he rushed to the capital city.

The generals took their orders, and Zhang Shun was about to pack up and prepare to set off.

Unexpectedly, Song Xiance suddenly grabbed him and reminded him in a low voice: "Your Highness, there is something wrong with the head that Geng Zhongming presented!"

"Oh? Pretending to be fake?" Zhang Shun couldn't help but said in shock.

"At least the old Taoist priest identified the surrendered Jianlu soldiers and officers. It was Hong Tai and Fan Wencheng." Song Xiance shook his head and said.

"It's just...just this head..."

"What is true cannot be false, what is false cannot be true, and now the army is about to set off. I wonder what you still have doubts about, Mr. Song?" Unexpectedly, Zhang Shun interrupted Song Xiance midway through his words.

What is true or false? In fact, from the moment Geng Zhongming opened his mouth, Zhang Shun knew that this guy was not telling the truth.

But does it matter? It does not matter!

The important thing is that others believe it, and it is enough to be able to scare people.

Not to mention Zhang Shun and Song Xiance's calculations, let's say that after receiving Zhang Shun's order, Ah Shan hurriedly launched an attack on Ding Kui's Chu tribe stationed at Wangpingkou before Li Jiyu arrived.

When Ding Kuichu saw that the color of his opponent's clothes was exactly that of a Tatar, he still rejected him according to the old method.

Unexpectedly, the Tatars who swarmed in this time were wearing double armor and could not be hurt by Yamaru. They quickly came out and killed only Ding Kuichu who was stationed at Qianrentai Bridge and was defeated.

Seeing that he could not resist, Ding Kuichu retreated to Zhuanghu Xiaoqiao again. Ashan arrived again, and Ding Kuichu was defeated again. He retreated to Luoyang Bridge, but Ashan arrived again.

Ding Kuichu couldn't help shouting: "The Tatars are so fierce that everyone is trying to resist them!"

It happened that the breathless Ah Shan heard these words, and he couldn't help but cursed back: "What a Tartar, now I have surrendered to His Highness King Shun, and now I am also the king's master!"

"King Shun's soldiers? What evidence do you have?" Ding Kuichu couldn't help being stunned and asked.

"Give me whatever evidence you want. When I chop you up, I will be the evidence!" After hearing this, Na Ashan became very angry.

It turned out that the news that Geng Zhongming's men had "killed" Hong Tai and Fan Wencheng had just come. He felt that he had simply missed hundreds of millions and was trying to make up for it.

"Chop me off? I'm afraid you don't have this ability. This place is called Shilibaqiao. You just penetrated two bridges, and there are six more behind." Ding Kuichu couldn't help but sneered.

"We won't arrive at Wang Pingkou until these six buildings are finished!"

"Uh..." Ah Shan almost went crazy when he heard this.

It turns out that his heavy armored soldier wearing double armor consumes the most physical strength. If Ding Kuichu were to resist like this, even three or five Ashans would die of exhaustion.

It's just that this guy is also smart. After hearing what Ding Kuichu said, I knew that he must have some calculations.

Ashan couldn't help but sneered: "What are you bringing? King Shun has fierce generals like clouds and counselors like rain."

"As soon as the rebels arrive, hundreds of thousands of troops built by the captives will be wiped out. How much can your little 'Ten Miles and Eight Bridges' resist?"

When Ding Kuichu heard this, his heart trembled, and he thought: Sure enough, as soon as King Shun's soldiers arrived, Donglu must have been defeated long ago, and no one in the world can control them!

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but laugh and said: "As a minister of the Ming Dynasty, I have to serve you. It's a pity that I have never witnessed the grace of King Shun. If we can meet him in this life, I will die without regrets!"

"Oh, then come here and I will take you there!" Ah Shan couldn't help but said sincerely.

"Don't dare, don't dare, I'm afraid you'll take my head and take credit for it!" Ding Kuichu shook his head and saw through Ah Shan's "treacherous plot" at a glance.

"Straight bitch, these people from the Central Plains are so cunning, I have become an honest person!" Na Ashan shook his head and had to give up.

In fact, this is not to say that Fan Wencheng is not as smart as Ding Kuichu. It turns out that Hou Jin has already abandoned the method of calculating merit based on the head, so there are very few traps and killings.

This is not the case with the Ming army. There is no head, so even if you say something fancy, it can't be considered a credit.

Ding Kuichu had been in the army for a long time, so he knew this matter well.

Although the rebel army was not as good as the Ming army, when it came to important figures of the opponent, corpses, armors, flags and other artifacts were still inspected as evidence, so this gave Geng Zhongming room for fraud.

After Zhang Shun heard Ah Shan's report, he originally wanted to refuse, but when he heard that the other party's surname was Ding, he couldn't help but feel moved and nodded in agreement.

By the time Zhang Shun arrived, it was already noon the next day.

When everyone was well protected to prevent others from taking advantage of him, Zhang Shun smiled and said, "I am King Shun. I wonder why Governor Ding saw me?"

"No other reason than to have a glimpse of King Shun's grace!" Ding Kuichu couldn't help but laugh, "My nephew Ding Qirui said several times before that His Highness King Shun is a genius, generous and benevolent, and should be the Lord of China."

"I didn't believe it at first, but now I know I was wrong!"

"In that case, why doesn't Governor Ding give up fighting and surrender to the rebel army?" Zhang Shun couldn't help but smile.

"Eating the emperor's salary is a matter of loyalty to the emperor. Ding cannot resist His Highness now and has derelict in his duty. How dare he make the same mistake again and again and live up to the grace of the Lord?" Ding Kuichu smiled and couldn't help but retreat. After a while, he withdrew one by one. net.

Zhang Shun was stunned for a long time when he saw this, and then he couldn't help but said with great joy: "Send the order to the three armies to advance to the capital city immediately!"

It turned out that Ding Kuichu, the governor of Jiliao, knew his own affairs and knew that he and the tens of thousands of people in the city alone would not be able to withstand the overwhelming rebel army.

Now that he was being made trouble by the Gong Gong princes in the city, he suddenly had the idea of ​​"surrendering".

It's just that since ancient times, ministers cannot escape the word loyalty. He simply played a trick of obedience and obedience.

If you ask me to resist the Tatars, then I will resist the Tatars.

As for the Tatars being blocked in the valley and slaughtered, this is caused by destiny and is beyond my knowledge.

Now that the "Shun Thieves" are destroying the "Donglu", I can't resist it. That's a very reasonable thing, don't you think?

In fact, after repeated losses, there were not many troops stationed in the capital.

Except for Ding Kuichu, the governor of Jiliao, Fang Yizao, the governor of Liaodong, and Wu Guojun, the general soldier of Jizhen, who numbered fifteen thousand, the others were just some rural warriors. How could they resist?

Now Ding Kuichu has led more than 10,000 people from Biaoying and Wu Guojun under his command to get out of Wang Pingkou and not go anywhere else. The huge capital city is already empty.

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