Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1491 Breaking the City

"Grandpa Huang, Grandpa Huang, the 'Shun Thief'... the 'Shun Thief' has arrived at Fuchengmen, please make plans early!" Eunuch Wang Cheng'en rushed into Qianqing Palace in a panic and said.

"What!" Zhu Youjian, who was approving the memorial, was shocked when he heard this, and immediately made an extra mark on the memorial he was approving.

He quickly abandoned the ink pen and memorial, stood up in a hurry and said, "Is this serious?"

"Then what does Ding Kuichu, the governor of Jiliao, do for food? Why did he let the 'shun thieves' out?"

"I don't know!" Wang Chengen was so anxious that he just stamped his feet, but he was helpless.

Originally there were two battalions of Shenshu Camp and Yongwei Camp in the city, but they were later sent to support Zhu Xieyuan of Zuozhu Kingdom. As a result, Roubaozi beat the dog and never returned.

Later, they finally mobilized 20,000 to 30,000 elite soldiers from the two towns of Jiliao. However, a few days ago, they sent Ding Kuichu, the governor of Jiliao, and Wu Guojun, the general soldier of Jizhen, to resist the Eastern invaders. Now, only the governors of Liaodong, Fang Yizao and Shuntian, are left in the city. Governor Chen Zubao's camp had more than 10,000 people.

"By the way, where are Fang Yizao, the governor of Liaodong, and Chen Zubao, the governor of Shuntian? Hurry, announce that they are here to meet you!" Zhu Youjian couldn't help but ordered hurriedly.

People are always like this. Before danger comes, they always like to hesitate and take chances.

However, once the danger comes as promised, they are helpless and like to seek medical treatment indiscriminately for acute illness.

Now, the more than ten thousand troops in the hands of Liaodong Governor Fang Yizao and Shuntian Governor Chen Zubao were like life-saving straws for him, so he naturally had to hold on to them tightly.

Not long after, Fang Yizao and Chen Zubao came one after another and met Zhu Youjian.

Before Zhu Youjian could speak, Fang Yizao took the lead and said: "Your Majesty, the thieves are now fierce, so please make preparations in advance!"

"I don't know how to prepare for this?" Zhu Youjian suddenly felt a little confused when he heard this.

Previously, both the left and the right were urging people to move to the south. Zhu Youjian only thought, could it be any worse than the "Ji Si Change" situation?

As a result, I never expected that in just over a month, the Jianlu were defeated and the "Western invaders" suddenly appeared under the capital city. Now it is too late to regret!

"Those who have arrived now are just the vanguard of the 'Shun Thieves'!" Fang Yizao said quickly, "It will take a day or two before the army arrives."

"Please ask Your Majesty Qiankun to make the decision as soon as possible, otherwise things will change if it is too late!"

"This, this, okay!" The panicked Zhu Youjian nodded quickly and asked, "It's just... I just don't know how to move south?"

"Your Majesty is a rich man, so don't worry about others, just worry about yourself!" Fang Yizao said quickly, "You can move to Tianjin when you are ready."

"He Shishou, the governor of Tianjin, has hundreds of watercrafts in his hands and can set off southward at any time."

"I understand!" Zhu Youjian couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this, and then nodded.

It's three hundred and thirty miles from the capital to Tianjin, and we can arrive there in three to five days. Is it possible that my majestic Ming Dynasty can't defend the capital in three to five days?

Thinking of this, Zhu Youjian couldn't help but order: "Immediately pass on my secret order, and He Shishou will lead his subordinates to bid camp and canal boats to go to Tongzhou in advance to meet him."

It turns out that Tongzhou is only forty miles away from the capital and is the most important water transport terminal in the north.

Once there is a change in the capital, Zhu Youjian can board the ship here and go southward to avoid the rebel army.

Of course, in addition to ensuring everything is foolproof, Zhu Youjian also has a little thought that is not common to outsiders.

For one thing, he wasn't ready to go yet;

Secondly, as the king of a country, if he hears the news and flees, it may not sound good if word spreads.

Especially, if the city is not broken but people run away, the situation will be embarrassing.

Just as everyone was arguing, it was getting late, and Wang Chengen had already ordered the eunuch to turn on the lamp.

Just as he was holding the lamp, Wang Chengen quickly reminded him: "The Queen just sent someone to ask, where will Grandpa Huang sleep tonight?"

"Yangxin Palace!" Zhu Youjian responded unhappily.

What time has it been? Can you stop worrying about trivial things?

It turns out that the Queen and Concubine Na Tian were not getting along very well this week, and there were many incidents of jealousy between the two parties.

This time Empress Zhou sent people to ask questions, mainly to prevent Concubine Tian, ​​and secondarily to concubine Yuan.

Nowadays, the country is in dire straits and there is a risk of overthrow at any time. They are still engaging in intrigues. No wonder Chongzhen is angry.

"Your Majesty?" When Fang Yizao and Chen Zubao heard this, they couldn't help but look at Chongzhen strangely.

"It's okay, just a little trivial matter!" Chongzhen shook his head and said, "Let's continue."

"By the way, Li Banghua, the Secretary of the Ministry of War, once served as the governor of Tianjin and is familiar with military affairs. Let's call him here. Let's hold a candlelight discussion tonight!"

Not long after, Li Banghua, Minister of the Ministry of War, also came over under the guidance of the eunuch. The four monarchs and ministers argued for a long time, and before they knew it, they heard the sound of drums.

Everyone was stunned. At this time, they only heard the eunuch Wang Chengen reminding: "When the Mao hour comes, it will be the morning court as usual!"

"Let's go, dear friends, let's go to the Huangji Palace together to see how the ministers in the court think about it!" Chongzhen couldn't help but stand up and said.

Li Banghua, the Secretary of the Ministry of War, Fang Yizao, the governor of Liaodong, Chen Zubao, the governor of Shuntian, and Fan Jingwen, the military counselor, heard the words and agreed. The four monarchs and ministers came to the Huangji Palace under the protection of the guards.

But when everyone arrived at the Huangji Palace, they couldn't help but be stunned.

It turned out that the huge Huangji Hall was almost empty, with no one coming.

"What the hell is going on!" Chongzhen couldn't help but said angrily, "I'm not dead yet, my capital is still here, my Ming Dynasty is not dead yet, how dare they do this!"

"Your Majesty, please calm down. Your Majesty, please calm down. I think all the ministers must have been frightened and they are late today!" Li Banghua, Fang Yizao and others quickly consoled them after hearing this.

Everyone waited for a long time, and finally waited until Yinshi, which was the time to start the morning meeting, but still no one came.

Chongzhen couldn't help but look ugly. He was about to give the order to withdraw from the court, when he suddenly saw someone rushing in in a panic.

He took a closer look and saw that the visitor was none other than Wen Tiren, Grand Bachelor of Zhongji Palace and Chief Minister of the Cabinet.

"Mr. Wen, why are you so late?" Chongzhen couldn't help but said sarcastically.

"Your Majesty, your Majesty, please leave quickly. The Xizhimen gate has been lost. The 'Shun thieves' are rushing in. They kill everyone they see. They are extremely cruel!" Unexpectedly, Wen Tiren ignored this and said something earth-shattering.

"How is this possible?" Chongzhen, Li Banghua, Fang Yizao, Chen Zubao, Fan Jingwen and others couldn't help but be dumbfounded. The Ming Dynasty's capital city had more than ten thousand elite soldiers, but they couldn't hold it for even a day?

"The 'Shunshun thieves' were cruel and treacherous. They actually brought the heads of Eastern captives to Fuchengmen and Xizhimen. They claimed to have killed 160,000 captives and got 100,000 of their heads. , beheaded his false emperor Hongtai, beheaded five of his famous kings Azige, Jierhalang, Kong Youde, Shang Kexi, and Lama Jinzhou, and countless others including Beile and Gushan."

"Let's go, let's leave now, we'll regret it if it's too late!" Zhu Youjian said with an expression on his face before Wen Tiren could finish his words.

What do you think?

It turned out that after Zhang Shun left Wangpingkou, the cavalry battalions of Fatty Zhang and Li Shukong arrived outside Fucheng Gate of the capital first, and then the two battalions of Li Jiyu and Ashan, who had more horses, also arrived outside Xizhimen.

Zhang Shun knew that there were still elite frontier troops guarding the city in the capital, and he was worried that he would not be able to attack for a long time and would suffer from long nights and many dreams, so he ordered his soldiers to carry the heads of soldiers from the Hou Jin Dynasty who had just been captured and build a view of the capital outside the city to intimidate the defenders.

However, no one expected the shocking effect that Hou Jin's corpse would have on the city's defenders.

The next day, it was dawn.

When the already panic-stricken soldiers saw the piles of Houjin's heads outside the city, the entire garrison on the city suddenly collapsed!

They still remembered how majestic the Hou Jin soldiers were twenty days ago, with their flags like clouds and mountains all over the country. But now they had countless heads taken off and built into this huge Beijing temple. You can imagine the shock in their hearts.

Even such a powerful army was destroyed miserably. How can we soldiers, who are short of pay, food, and incompletely armored, be able to withstand such a wolf-like and tiger-like army of "submissive thieves"?

The answer is obvious, no!

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